- species difference

CONCLUSION Ucn has a potent positive inotropic effect on rat isolated ( atrium ) with characteristics of species difference and histology difference .
The results suggest that hepatic subcellular fractions are useful as in vitro models for species difference study .
NGF could enhance the attachment , Survival and neurite outgrowth , however , there appeared species differences .
Significant species differences were observed in the pharmacokinetic parameters among rats , rabbits and dogs , while no significant differences were found among the three dosages of 12,18 and 24 mg / kg after iv administration to rats .
This result consists with results in vivo . In comparison with effect of V 2O 5 on rat embryo cultured , indicated rat is more sensitive than mouse to developmental toxicity of vanadium .
The ovarian mesenteries is defined as the peritoneum connecting the ovary with the broad ligment . It has obvious difference in structure varying in species , hi the majority of rodents , the ovarian mesenteries develops extensively into a capsule enclosing the ovary , which called ovary bursa .
Study on the Mechanism and Species Differences of Roxithromycin Metabolism
Species-related Stability Difference of Simvastatin in Human , Cynomolgus Monkey and Rat Plasma
Strain difference in radioprotection of recombinant human interleukin-1
Asarone exsited difference between rabbit and mouse .
Conclusion : Race difference has significantly effects on experimental hyperlipidemia models in animals .
CONCLUSION : The insignificant species differences in metabolic profile of etheofazine can be anticipated .
The Study of Species Difference in the Architecture of Atrioventricular Junction in Different Species of Animals
Species Differences in Subacute Toxicity of Pyrrole Aldehyde N ~ 4 - ( 4-methoxyphenyl ) Semicarbazone
This suggested that the number of passages of somatic cells had a remarkable effect on the development of co-cultured embryos .
There existed a few neuro-insular complexes in the pancreas of some adult mammals , and there was a difference among species .
The degree of EMP-induced injury to 3 kinds of animal eyes is very different . EMR injury to eye is species different ;
AIM : To study the biotransformation and its species differences of etheofazine , a new anticancer drug , in hepatic subcellular fractions .
As we know that the difference of complement regulating proteins in different species was the main cause of acute rejection after xenotransplantation .
Predicting of drug metabolism in humans based on animal experiments is complicated by species differences in the catalytic properties of these enzymes .
Because of species difference between human and animal , there are great pressure for monitoring clinical trial and toxicity of new drugs after go on sale .
In order to explore its structure and speciality of species , the ovary bursa of guinea pig was studied by using dissecting microscopy and scanning electron microscopy .
The distribution of vasopressin ( VP ) immunoreactive fibers in the median eminence of the tree shrew , rat and guinea pig was examined by immunocytochemical PAP technique .
These studies indicate that some drugs and poisons have a certain impact on the growth and development of necrophagous flies , and this impact has differences among species .
It was also found that the phase II pathway in either rat liver microsomes or human liver microsomes are the major pathway for fibrates despite the species difference in term of elimination velocity .
Constructed phylogenesis tree indicated that this gene exhibited large difference among different species , but was genetically most related to that of human and horse . This indicated that this ceruloplasmin gene was affected to a certain extent by the pressure of artificial selection . 6 .
The plasma protein binding of AKF-PD was low , and there was no significant difference between rat plasma and human plasma . 5 .
Preliminary observations showed that the toxicity and pharmacological activity of MB_3 , MA_2 and MA_1 decreased significantly compared with the parent drug XT . Species difference of biotransformation of XT between rat and mouse was also observed .
Electrophorogram of both MDH isozyme and EST isozyme accurately reflects species-genera specificities .
Conclusion : The genetic background of KM , NIH and ICR mice , similar to that of most of laboratory mice , is limited and the diversity of genetic background of different strains of laboratory mice is far fewer than the interspecies diversities of other animals .