
  • 网络seed coating agent;seed coating formulations;seed dressing agent
  1. 种衣剂对油菜经济性状及病虫为害程度影响的试验初报

    Test Report for Seed Dressing Agent Effect Upon Economical Characteristic of Colza and Disease and Insect Damage Degree

  2. 辣椒种衣剂包衣防疫病机理的研究

    Study of Mechanisms on Seed Dressing Agent in The Control of Capsicum Blight

  3. 玉米复合型种衣剂TB的创制及防效

    Development and Effect of Maize Complex Seed - coating TB

  4. FA复合种衣剂的研制与性状测定

    Researches Development and Property Determination of A Complex FA Seed - Coating

  5. 试验中在油菜种衣剂中添加不同浓度的油菜素内酯,并用于包膜三个油菜品种种子,经室内试验筛选得到较适油菜素内酯浓度的种衣剂配方(CoatⅡ)。

    Rape coating agents with different concentration brassinolide were used for seed film coating in three rape varieties .

  6. 虾类中五氯苯酚残留的气相色谱分析HPLC测定辛硫磷·五氯硝基苯悬浮种衣剂

    Determination of the Pentachlorophenol Residue in Shrimps by Gas Chromatography HPLC analysis of a phoxim and quintozene SE for seed coating

  7. 风化煤FA复合种衣剂对玉米发芽及幼苗生长的影响

    Effects of A Complex Seed-coating with Fulvic Acid from Weathering Coal on the Growth of Maize Seedling and Germination

  8. 甲霜灵(Metalaxyl)种衣剂防治辣椒苗期疫病效果的初步研究

    Study of the Metalaxyl Seed Coating on Controling the Capsicum Seeding Blight

  9. B1型水稻种衣剂经加速贮藏后其有效成分之一的多菌灵分解率为6.75%。

    The decomposition rate of Carbendazim in the A B1 soakable rice seed coating was6.75 % after accelerating storage .

  10. 不同施肥条件下WSC种衣剂对旱原小麦生长及产量的影响

    Effects of Wsc Seed Coating Agent in Different Fertilization Conditions Upon Wheat Growth and

  11. 节水抗旱种衣剂处理后的冬小麦叶中ABA的含量明显提高,在越冬期表现的尤为明显,说明包衣能提高冬小麦的防寒御寒能力。

    ABA contents in the leaves of winter wheat with seed coating increase significantly , especially during the course of winter . Shows seed coating can enhance drought-precaution and drought-resistance of winter wheat .

  12. 第二个试验:种衣剂包衣处理后苗床盖土厚度(1cm、2cm和3cm)对棉种出苗的影响;

    The second test : The effect of different thickness of soil on seedling emergence percentage of cotton seed dealt with seed coating agents ;

  13. 采用华农牌20%BN种衣剂18号和生物型水稻种衣剂ZSB-R对汕优63、武育粳3号种子进行处理,其主要作用和效果是:1.提高发芽率1.5~2.7个百分点;

    Adopting Hua-Nong brand 20 % BN seed coat agent and bion rice seed coat agent ZSB-R to make a treatment with Shan-You 63 , Wu Yu-Jing 3 , its main effects are the following : 1 . to improve the germination percentage 1 . 5-2 . 7 points ;

  14. 种衣剂拌种比不拌种的小麦穗粒数增加7.7~13.9粒,千粒重提高3~7g,每公顷增产达15.3%~44.9%;

    Seed dressing has increased 7.7-13.9 of wheat ear grain numbers , 3-7 gram grain weight , 15.3 % - 44.9 % per mu in yield .

  15. 玉米幼苗三叶一心期,对照处理的玉米幼苗叶片中过氧化物酶(POD)活性最低,但随着生育进程,各处理的变化趋势不同,但总的来看种衣剂处理在一定程度上提高了POD活性。

    In three leaves and one half leaf period , the treatment of comparison had the lowest activity of peroxidase ( POD ), and different treatments had different changing trends with growing development . However , seed coating agents enhanced the POD activity of maize seedling .

  16. Sandell试剂&一种糖类物质还原性测定的新型试剂正交试验法筛选新型种衣剂配方试验

    Sandell Reagent & A New Reagent That is Used to Mensurate of Reductibility of Sugar ; Orthogonal Screening of New Seed Coating Formula

  17. 以钾肥施用量150kgHM2防治效果最好,质量分数为25%适乐时悬浮种衣剂与钾肥150kgHM2结合施用对玉米茎腐病防效达8740%。

    The best control effect reached when the application amount of potash fertilizer was 150 kg / hm ~ 2 . The control effect of combining 2.5 % celest seed coating with potash fertilizer 150 kg / hm ~ 2 was 87.4 % .

  18. 本文利用电子显微镜和酶细胞化学技术就三唑酮种衣剂包衣处理对小麦幼苗内酸性磷酸酶(APase)分布的影响进行了研究。

    Effect of seed coating treatment with triadimefon on the distribution of Acid Phosphatase ( APase ) in wheat seedlings was investigated using the techniques of electron microscopy and cytochemistry .

  19. 结果表明:GTG种衣剂生产的包衣丸化种子裂解度、裂解时间、强度、均匀度等外观质量综合指标优于常规种衣剂;

    The results showed that comparing with conventional coating materials , the seeds pelleted with GTG were superior in appearance and physical characters such as splitting degree and time , strength , and uniformity , etc.

  20. 本文采用高效液相色谱法,以甲醇:水(50:50)作为流动相,采用ODS-C18色谱柱,成功地测定了克·福种衣剂中有效成分含量。

    Using HPLC reversed phase column ( ODS-C18 ), methanol : water ( 50:50 ) as mobile phase , the contents of two active ingredients of Seed-coating of Kefu were determined successfully .

  21. 结果表明,A-B2号种衣剂包衣水稻种子可提高种子的田间出苗率、成秧率,能增强秧苗素质;

    The result indicated that the seeds coated with A B2 seed coating showed faster field emergence , higher seedling stand percent and better seedling growth than the others .

  22. A-B1号新型水稻种衣剂研究初报

    Preliminary Studies on A New Rice Seed coating Chemicals A B1

  23. 环保型水稻种衣剂的研制与应用效果研究

    Preparation and Application of an Environmentally Friendly Rice Seed Coating Agent

  24. 种衣剂对小麦壮苗和产量的影响

    Effects of Seed Coating on Sound Seedling and Yield of Wheat

  25. 种衣剂对白术田间发病率的影响

    Effects of Atractylodes macrocephala Seeds Coated with SCF on Field Diseases

  26. 采用5%烯唑醇超微粉体种衣剂处理大麦种子,研究该种衣剂对大麦主要病害的防治效果及对大麦生长发育的影响。

    Barley seeds were coated by 5 % Diniconazole ultramicro powder .

  27. 几种新型种衣剂对小麦生长及产量的影响

    Effects of several Seed Coatings on Growing and Yield for Wheat

  28. 棉花种衣剂田间筛选研究初报

    Study on screening cotton seed lint dose in the cotton fields

  29. 种衣剂24号包衣棉种贮藏安全性试验研究

    Storing Security Test of Cotton Seeds Coated with SCF No. 24

  30. 浸种型水稻种衣剂在晚稻上的应用

    Application of Soaking Suitable Seed Coating Agent HL-2 to Late Rice