
  • 网络The Door of Happiness;The door to happiness
  1. 当幸福之门关闭的时候,另一扇门会为你打开。但是我们常常会很久注意那扇关闭的门,而看不到为我们打开的门。

    When the door of happiness closes , another opens , but oftentimes we look so long at the closed door that we don 't see the one which has been opened for us .

  2. 当一个幸福之门关闭时,另一扇门却为你打开,不过我们经常只会太久的光瞪着已关闭的那一扇门,而忽略了早已为我们打开的大门。

    When the door of happiness closes , another opens ; But often times we look so long at the Closed Door that we don 't see the one , Which has been opened for us .

  3. 爱情是打开幸福之门的万能钥匙。(奥利佛·文德尔·荷默斯)

    Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness . ( Oliver Wendell Holmes )

  4. 爱是开启幸福之门的一把关键的钥匙。

    Love is the master key which opens the gates of happiness .

  5. 奥利佛·文德尔·荷默斯爱情是打开幸福之门的万能钥匙。

    Oliver Wendell Holmes Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness .

  6. 理想是开启幸福之门的力量,理想是奋斗的源泉。

    The ideal is to open the gate of happiness power , ideal is worth fighting for .

  7. 虽然金钱不是开启幸福之门的唯一钥匙,但是,如果您有足够的金钱的话,则可以定做一把钥匙。

    Though the only key to the door of happiness is not money , but if you have enough money then you can order a key .

  8. 人们都说钱不是打开幸福之门的钥匙,但我总觉得如果你特有钱的话,雇人给你打造一把钥匙肯定不成问题。

    People say that money is not the key to happiness , but I always figured if you have enough money , you can have a key made .

  9. 我想母亲对我的苛刻严格的教育只是没有让我偏离她预设的进入大学之门的轨道,但是并没有给我一把打开幸福之门的钥匙。

    The stern education of my mother only drove me into expected track of entering college , but it didn 't give me a key to open the door of happiness .

  10. 驾驶舱内的温度在零度以下,然而这一神圣的顿悟却使舱内暖意融融。我意识到,至少对我而言,这就是开启已经丢失很久的幸福之门的钥匙。

    The warmth that came into the subzero cockpit with this divine realization made me know that here , at least for me , was the key to a happiness which had been missing before .

  11. 一扇通往幸福的门关闭了,另一扇幸福之门打开了,可有多少次啊,我们徘徊在那扇关闭的门前,却忽略了那扇早已为我们开启的新的幸福之门。

    When the door of happiness closes , another opens , but how many times we look so long at the closed door that we don 't see the one which has been opened for us .