
qiáng zhě
  • powerhouse
强者 [qiáng zhě]
  • [powerhouse] 具有非凡的体力或智力的人

强者[qiáng zhě]
  1. 今天,作为嵌入式操作系统的Linux已是不曾止步的强者。

    Today , Linux as an embedded operating system is a powerhouse and hasn 't stopped yet .

  2. 身体被命运抛弃,心灵却唱出强者的歌。

    The body by the destiny abandonment , the mind is actually sung powerhouse 's song .

  3. 上帝总是帮助强者。

    God is always on the side of the strongest battalions .

  4. 强者不该欺压弱者。

    The strong should not tyrannize the weak .

  5. 强者支配弱者。

    The stronger man dominates the weaker .

  6. 不害人的人与弱者一次又一次被强者抢先。

    Time and time again the inoffensive and the weak have been walked over by the strong .

  7. 老师在孩子们的心中永远是强者。

    Teacher is powerful in a child 's eyes forever .

  8. 虽然有5名候选者,实际上这是两名强者的对抗

    Although there are five candidates , realistically it is a two-horse race .

  9. 强者自救,圣者渡人。

    A strong man can save himself . A great man can save another .

  10. 强者常常支配弱者。

    The strong usually dominate over the weak .

  11. 只有强者才能勇敢直面困难时刻,做出艰难抉择,你正是这样一位强者。

    It takes a strong person to deal with tough times and difficult choices , but you are a strong person .

  12. 对于任何服务器上的软件,他们将按每个核心来计价,摆出与市场强者microsoft针锋相对的姿态。

    That they will charge on a per core level for their software on any server , thereby taking an exact opposite stance as the strongly marketed Microsoft one .

  13. td-scdma如取得成功,将奠定中国在全球电信标准制定方面的强者地位,并为中国企业在海外销售基于该标准的设备铺平道路。

    Success for TD-SCDMA would establish China as a power to be reckoned with in global telecoms standard-setting and pave the way for Chinese companies to sell equipment based on the standard overseas .

  14. 如何继承以往经验,利用EAI技术真正使联通成为行业信息化应用的强者,是其信息化建设所关注的重点。

    How to inherit from past experience , the use of EAI technology , the industry really make Unicom , strong application of information technology , is building its information technology focus .

  15. 这个月早些时候,在纽约,这位25岁的《Wolves》女歌手,身着一件简单黑T,口袋上写着“强者生存”。

    Earlier this month in New York , the Wolves star , 25 , was rocking a simple black T-shirt that had the phrase " only the strong survive " written on the pocket .

  16. 结果自我管理能力强者血糖控制显著好于自我管理能力差者,并发症发生率显著低于自我管理能力差者(均P0.01);

    The results showed that the blood glucose controlling in those with greater self management ability was superior to that in those with worse self management ability , so was the occurrence of complications ( both P 0.01 ) .

  17. 结论自主神经功能与AMS相关,平原自主神经活性较高、交感神经占优势且对应激反应过强者AMS症状较重,检测心率变异性可在一定程度上预测AMS。

    Conclusion The autonomic nerve function is correlated with AMS . The higher autonomic nerve activity at plain , sympathetic dominance and over-reactivity of autonomic nerve to stress may lead to more serious symptom of AMS . HRV can predict AMS to some degree .

  18. 只有铲除了弱者,强者才能取得胜利。

    The strong can only triumph if the weak are exterminated .

  19. 真正的强者应该保护弱者。

    The ones that are truly strong must protect the weak !

  20. 强者能够抗争命运的风暴。

    A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate .

  21. 天神总是站在大军一边(上天总是帮助强者)。

    Providence is always on the side of the Big Battalions .

  22. 强者生存;弱者灭亡。

    The strong survived , the weak went to the ground .

  23. 知识和耐心,是击败强者的唯一方法。——《斯巴达克斯》

    Knowledge and patience . The only counter to greater skill .

  24. 而强者碰到它,则可以破网而过。

    But the bigger one can break through and get away .

  25. 弱者等待机会,强者创造机会。

    Weak men wait for opportunities ; strong men make them .

  26. 弱者将被淘汰,而强者将更加强大。

    Weak players will disappear , and stronger companies emerge stronger .

  27. 一切终将结束,我们会以强者姿态归来。

    we will endure and come back stronger than ever before .

  28. 天公总是佑强者。

    Providence is always on the side of the strongest battalions .

  29. 越来越多的强者通过伤害弱者来取乐。

    More and more strong hurt the weak for mere amusement .

  30. 上帝总是站在强者一边。

    God is always on the side of the big battalion .