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  • 网络Repression;self repression;Self-Censorship
  1. 这种自我压抑是很常见的心理防御机制。

    This kind constrains is the very common psychology defense mechanism .

  2. 自我压抑;特别是对食物和饮料不纵容食欲。

    Self-restraining ; not indulging an appetite especially for food or drink .

  3. 因为对美丽理想的追求是通过自我压抑来实现的。

    For the ideal of beauty is administered as a form of self-oppression .

  4. 他们认定中国妇女所以遭受民族压迫、社会压迫和自我压抑,究其根基是由传统家庭伦理关系所致。

    They thought that the chinese women were suffering from national oppression , social oppression and self-depression , the basic cause was due to the traditional family ethics relationship .

  5. 诗歌是阮籍自我压抑中的独吟,在内容与艺术上都深受其人生的影响,具有很强的曲饰性。

    As lonely chant in his self-depression , Ruan Ji 's poems are deeply influenced both in content and in form by his life , thereby have a strong style of concealment .

  6. 但她在政治书写中以“贞贞”方式、“陆萍”方式将自我予以压抑与消解的情境却无疑又是一种令人悲痛欲绝的误区。

    In her political writings , with " Zhenzhen " mode and " Luping " mode , she gave herself much pressure , which is a terribly sad mistake area .

  7. 他谦卑、恭顺,满怀自我贬斥与压抑。

    He was humble and meek , filled with self-disparagement and abasement .

  8. 在现实环境和自我意识的压抑下,产生超我&自我的心理冲突和道德焦虑,并在《咏怀》诗中通过自卑与自责的方式凸现出来。

    Inhibited by his self-consciousness and that times ' environments , Ruan Ji had a psychological conflict between ' transcending oneself and oneself ' and an ethical anxiety .

  9. “魔女”形象表现了作者早期追求原始生命力、回归自我、反抗压抑的情欲;

    Evil spirit woman 's image show that the author seeks original life-force in early stage , and the recurrence is selfhood , and the oppressive feeling of opposing is about to .

  10. 然而,当她偶然听到朋友们议论她年龄如此大还不结婚时,她感觉到内心很虚空。这是因为,她的真自我长期处于被压抑的状态,致使她失去了面对现实的能力。

    However , when she overheard friends ' gossiping on her not getting married at such an old age , she felt " hollow " inside because her repressed " inner self " has deprived her of the ability to face the reality .

  11. 首先,宗教信仰可能导致对自我的态度失调,导致信仰者的软弱感,产生自我压抑,增加群体内的敌意。

    First of all , the religious belief may be likely to cause dissonance of self-cognition , causing believers ' weakness , producing self-repression and increasing hostility within the group .

  12. 自我欺骗者终日在幻想与自欺中度过荒谬的人生;爱的追随者在自我压抑中用一系列荒唐的举动验证了世界的荒谬;宗教信仰者挣扎在信仰与欲望冲突的荒谬之间。

    The self-deceiver spends his absurd life all day in self-made illusions and fear . The love pursuer testifies the absurdity of the world through a series of ridiculous behaviors . And the religious believers struggle between the absurdity of their religious belief and the uncontrollable desires .