
  • 网络north bay;North Bend;OTH
  1. 7010地区-加拿大安大略省北湾。

    District 7010 ? North bay , ontario , canada .

  2. 目的通过熏蒸器杀虫实验,研究在北湾蚊虫高密度地区室内快速杀灭蚊虫的方法。

    Objective To research on the efficacy of the fumigate instrument in high mosquito environment of Beiwan .

  3. 结论在北湾地区,蚊虫密度很高的条件下,驱避剂虽然不能完全防止蚊虫的叮咬,但可极大地减少蚊虫的刺叮骚扰;

    Conclusion The mosquito repellents could not perfectly prevent the stings of mosquito , but they could extremely reduce the stings .

  4. 任何工程在北湾海岛开始之前,必须执行保护措施,且必须持续到承包商离开此地区为止。

    The protection measures must be implemented before any construction work starts on the northern shore and must continue until the contractor has left the area .

  5. 自湾北到湾外碱度随盐度增大而增大,与盐度呈密切正相关。

    The correlation between alkalinity and salinity is positive .

  6. 其后,海堤又经多次修筑,形成了一道北起庙湾,南至吕四的巨大抗潮屏障。

    Having been rescontructed many times afterwards , it became a huge defence against tides , running from Miaowan in the north to Lusi in the south .

  7. 北临芬兰湾,西侧为波罗的海,南面是拉脱维亚(边界长达343公里),东侧就是俄罗斯联邦(边界长达338,6公里)。

    It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland , to the west by the Baltic Sea , to the south by Latvia ( 343 km ) , and to the east by the Russian Federation ( 338,6 km ) .

  8. 青岛北船重工海西湾造修船基地海域折射波地震勘探研究

    Research of Shallow Sea Refraction Shooting in Qingdao Haixi Bayon

  9. 北黄海和胶州湾海水中溶解游离氨基酸的分布与组成研究

    Study on the Distribution and Composition of Dissolved Free Amino Acids in the North Yellow Sea and Jiaozhou Bay

  10. 相比之下,北黄海、胶州湾和南海珠江口及其邻近海区表层沉积物中黑碳浓度较低,分别占沉积物中总有机碳浓度的6%、8%和5%。

    In comparison , BC in the surface sediments of the North Yellow Sea , Jiaozhou Bay and the South China Sea was less abundant and accounted for an average of 6 % , 8 % and 5 % of the sedimentary organic carbon pool , respectively .