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huǒ lú
  • stovepipe;stove;(heating)stove
火炉 [huǒ lú]
  • [(heating)stove] 炉子

火炉[huǒ lú]
  1. 报看完,想不出能找点什么事做,只好一人坐在火炉旁生气。

    Emptiness after the paper , I sIt'sullenly in front of the stove .

  2. 在威伯出生后的最初数天里,他被允许住在厨房火炉旁的盒子里。

    For the first few days of his life , Wilbur was allowed to live in a box near the stove in the kitchen .

  3. 从火炉迸出的火星点燃了地毯。

    A spark from the fire had set light to a rug .

  4. 打开窗户。这儿热得像火炉!

    Open a window , it 's like an oven in here !

  5. 他坐在火炉前打盹儿。

    He sat nodding in front of the fire .

  6. 房间里生着小火炉驱寒。

    A small fire was burning to take the chill off the room .

  7. 一块燃烧着的煤块从火炉里掉出来把地毯烧了。

    A hot coal fell out of the fire and burnt the carpet .

  8. 这里热得像火炉!

    It 's like a furnace in here !

  9. 晚上,我们聚在火炉边聊天。

    In the evenings , we gathered around the fireplace and talked

  10. 火炉两边的凹室里是书架。

    In the alcoves on either side of the fire were bookshelves .

  11. 除了有个男人坐在火炉边,房间里空荡荡的。

    The room was empty apart from one man seated beside the fire

  12. 我们怎么能走路呢?外面跟火炉似的。

    How can we walk ? It 's a furnace out there .

  13. 我已在火炉里放好木柴,作好了生火准备,你只要把它点燃就行了。

    I 've laid the fire in the hearth , all you have to do is to put a match to it .

  14. 一块煤从火炉上掉了下来,烧着了地毯。

    A coal fell from the fire and burned the carpet .

  15. 他奶奶在火炉边给他讲故事。

    His grandmother spun him a yarn at the fire .

  16. 股热风从火炉里吹出来。

    A blast of hot air came from the furnace .

  17. 我看见他们坐在火炉旁聊天呢。

    I saw them sitting round the fire , chewing the rag .

  18. 她晚上只要在火炉旁坐下来,谁也别想劝她离开。

    Once she 's installed herself in front of the fire for the evening you won 't get her to move .

  19. 许多人死于吸入烟雾或用木柴或煤火炉做饭。

    Many people die as a result of breathing smoke or from cooking over wood - powered or coal-powered stoves .

  20. 祖母坐在火炉旁打瞌睡

    Grandmother sat nodding by the fire .

  21. 在一个寒冷的冬日,布朗先生来到一家小客栈,发现火炉旁边已经没有空位了。

    Mr. Brown came to an inn on a very cold day , and could get no room near the fire .

  22. 从前,有个人拥有一幢大房子,里面有个大火炉。可他家人口很少——只有他和他的妻子。

    Once upon a time a man had a big house , and in the house there was a big oven1 , but this man 's family was small -- only himself and his wife .

  23. 冶金退火炉PLC控制系统

    The PLC control system in a metallurgical annealing furnace

  24. 模糊免疫PID在燃气退火炉温度控制系统中的应用

    The Application of Fuzzy Immune PID Control Strategy in Temperature Controlling System of Gas-heated Annealing Furnace

  25. Air(初三适用)31m空气循环淬火炉计算机温度控制系统

    The computer temperature control system of 31 m air - circling quenching furnace

  26. TCN型可控气氛网带淬火炉的应用

    Application of Controlled Atmosphere Mesh-belt Quenching Furnace of TCN Type

  27. 60m×7.5m蓄热式退火炉的系统优化

    System Optimizing of 60m × 7.5m Regenerative Anneal Furnace

  28. 文中推导淬火炉的热传递函数,介绍了具有一定带宽的继电器特性控制方法和STD总线单片机系统的具体结构。

    Transmit fuction of heat was derived in this paper , A method of controlling characteristic with some band width and the structure of the STD BUS microcontroller was presented .

  29. EBNER公司出产的冷轧板卷退火炉

    Annealing furnaces of cold finished sheet in coils produced by Ebner

  30. 重点分析了热处理明火炉燃烧控制策略,采用模糊PID控制策略、改进型双交叉限幅控制策略及专家控制策略,对煤气、空气流量及炉压进行调节。

    The burning control strategy of direct-fired furnace is put on more emphasis , taking the fuzzy PID control strategy , Second generation cross-limit control theory and expert control strategy to modulate gas flow , air flow and the pressure of the furnace .