
huǒ chē sī jī
  • engine driver;locomotive engineer
  1. 在英国,enginedriver指火车司机。

    In Britain , an engine driver is a person who drives a railway engine .

  2. 从Groovy到Ruby:火车司机的备选

    From Groovy to Ruby : Alternatives for train drivers

  3. v.加速进行火车司机启动更多的动力,使火车加速进行。

    accelerate The engineer accelerates a train by turning on more power .

  4. 德国铁路司机工会组织GDL的火车司机和售票员正在继续他们的罢工。

    Train drivers and conductors in the GDL trade union are continuing their strike .

  5. 火车司机vt.策划汤姆是个优秀的机械工程师。

    Tom is a good mechanical engineer .

  6. 该运营系统名为精密机车调度系统(PTC),当火车司机将火车开得过快或闯红灯时,该调度系统会让火车自动减速甚至停下来。

    This system , Positive Train Control ( PTC ), is intended to stop or slow a train automatically if a driver goes too fast or passes a red signal .

  7. 大桥站内,正在为SY1450机车加水的火车司机。

    Inside Daqiao Station , engine driver was getting water for SY1450 .

  8. 德国国有铁路运营商德国联邦铁路(DeutscheBahn)昨日在最后时刻获得法庭颁令,阻止火车司机举行全国性罢工。一场可能使德国铁路系统陷入瘫痪的罢工威胁因此而减弱。

    The threat of a crippling rail strike in Germany receded yesterday after Deutsche Bahn ( DB ), the state-owned operator , secured a last-minute court order preventing nationwide stoppages .

  9. 德国联邦铁路突如其来的法律行动,距离持反抗态度的GDL火车司机工会计划发动德国15年来首次无限期铁路罢工的时间只有不到24小时。

    DB 's legal coup came less than 24 hours before the GDL , a rebel engine drivers ' union , was due to launch Germany 's first open-ended rail strike for 15 years .

  10. 但是林肯强迫着火车司机闯过了路障。

    But Lincoln forced the engine driver to run the roadblock .

  11. 火车司机用增加动力的办法使火车加速。

    The engineer accelerates a train by turning on more power .

  12. 迈克尔是位火车司机。

    Michael is an engine - driver ( train engineer ) .

  13. 计算机被用来给火车司机提供信息。

    Computers are used to give information to the train drivers .

  14. 职业紧张对火车司机心理健康的影响

    Effect of Occupational Stress on Mental Health of Locomotive Drivers

  15. 火车司机投票表决采取罢工行动。

    The train drivers have voted to take strike action .

  16. 因为火车司机罢工,所以没有火车了。

    There are no trains because the train drivers are on strike .

  17. 火车司机生活质量及心理健康状况调查

    Surrey on QOL , psychological health situation in train drivers

  18. 火车司机在抵达平交道之前鸣汽笛。

    The driver whistled before reaching the level crossing .

  19. 火车司机还有许多乘客都盯着我这个方向。

    The train driver and several passengers were all staring in my direction .

  20. 他站在那儿,边哭边看着火车司机。

    Then he stood there , crying and looking up at the engine-driver .

  21. 他父亲同意他做火车司机。

    His father agreed to him becoming an engine-driver .

  22. 火车司机伤势严重。

    The train 's driver is in serious condition .

  23. 他希望当一名火车司机。

    He 'd like to be a locomotive driver .

  24. 火车司机望向远方。

    The engine driver saw somewhere in the distant .

  25. 火车司机职业紧张因素分析

    Factor analysis for job stress of locomotive engineers

  26. 但对琼斯或其他火车司机而言,这不是什么舒心的事。

    But that is of little comfort to Mr Jones or the other train drivers .

  27. 报导乾脆地将意外的错怪在火车司机的身上。

    The report puts the blame for the accident squarely on the driver of the train .

  28. 要成为一名优秀的火车司机,你得向那些行家多学习。

    In order to become a good engine driver , you have to learn from the experts .

  29. 成为冒险家排名第二,教师紧随其后。而成为明星、宇航员和火车司机的梦想也很普遍。

    Being an adventurer was the second most popular choice , followed by working as a teacher .

  30. 对不起我要走了,还有些事要告诉火车司机。

    If you 'll excuse me , I need to have a little word with the driver .