
  1. 她可以看到点点月光在水[湖]面上闪烁。

    She could see moonlight playing on the water [ lake ] .

  2. 水从湖是破坏了殿。

    Water from a lake is destroying the temple .

  3. 到现在,我们已经发现了世界上最高的山峰,最深的峡谷,水下湖,水下瀑布,

    Already we 've found the world 's highest mountains , the world 's deepest valleys , underwater lakes , underwater waterfalls

  4. 湖泊水环境中湖流及其风效应研究

    Study on the flow speed with wind effect in a lake aquatic environment

  5. 总磷、总氮、透明度年均值超湖库特定项目V类水标准,洪泽湖处于中-富营养化状态。

    The Lake of Hongze was on the state of middle - eutrophication .

  6. 清淤调水,保证洞庭湖调蓄能力;

    To guaranteed the ability of adjusting the water by purifying sediments ;

  7. 发现于在外海岩礁上的岸边水浅的潟湖到中等深度的各种不同的礁石栖地了;

    Found in various reef habitats in shallow coastal lagoons to moderate depths on outer reefs ;

  8. 沿系舟山北麓断裂,具体分析了水峪剖面、湖村剖面上各期崩积楔共21个样品的粒度及粒度参数。

    The total of21 grain samples come from two sections distributed along the northern Xizhoushan Fault .

  9. 根据河流连续体原理,用湖泊出口河道的最小生态需水作为湖泊出湖最小生态需水。

    Based on principle of river continuum , minimum ecological water requirements in the lake outlet are that required in downstream riverbed .

  10. 整个事情是由于大量的硫磺散落或漂浮在水上面,使湖的表面有着独特的色调。

    The whole thing sits over vast deposits of sulfur that break off and float to the top , giving the surface its distinctive hue .

  11. 在湖池周围多栽植或引导野生滨水湿生植物、湖池中人为栽植水生植物。

    More wild shore water hygrophytes should be transplanted around the lake pond , and the aquatic plant should be artificially transplanted in the lake pond .

  12. 流域地形决定了滇池是全流域水流及其承载的各种污染物的最终受纳水体。流域水系特征加之水资源的匮乏造成了高污染水入湖。

    The basin terrain leads to the Dianchi lake being the receiving water body of the whole basin water containing the pollutants , which leads to serious polluted water into the lake .

  13. 降水、地表水、地下水和土壤水等四水是四湖地区涝渍地形成的直接动力,而湖泊在四湖地区涝渍生态环境的演变中起着特殊重要的调控和指示作用。

    The different tapes water was the direct driver for the succession , and the lakes in the area played the regulating and indication role in the ecological succession course of the waterlogging land .

  14. 目前水环境问题日益严峻,长江流域的水环境问题主要是指水污染问题、湖库富营养化问题、水土流失问题等。

    Currently the water environmental problems is become serious day by day . The main water environmental problem in Yangtze river valley is water pollution , soil and water loss and so on .