- 网络Hydrate stability zone;Hydrate Stabilit Y Zone

Net program is proposed to compute the thickness of the gas hydrate stability zone and potential volume of gas hydrate in the region .
Assuming that the thermal gradient in the sediments of the southern South China Sea ranges from 59 to 90 (℃· km ~ ( - 1 )), we obtain the function of the thickness of the gas hydrate stability zone ( GHSZ ) versus the water depth .
The study of the hydrate stability zone ( HSZ ) is of great significance in that it is beneficial to the research of the deposition and the distribution features of marine gas hydrate ore , and also to the resource assessment of the marine gas hydrate .
Factors affecting natural gas hydrate stability zone in the South China Sea
Character analysis of the marine gas hydrate stability zone
Discussion of the Calculation Methods and Selection of Parameters of the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone
Submarine temperature , pressure , gas compositions , geothermal gradient and syngenetic water salinity control the depth of hydrate zone basement .
Statistical tests show that the heat flow values in the area are not in good agreement with the thickness of GHSZ , because the correlation coefficient is0.12 .
Due to the difficulty to exactly determine in site controlling factors about gas hydrate stability zone calculation and others , BSRs are approximately corresponding to the BGHS .
The authors simply evaluate several methods and the selection of parameters for the calculation of the gas hydrate stability zone . The results show that we must consider pore-water pressure , water-column pressure and atmospheric pressure when we select the pressure formula .
Gas hydrate stability zone is influenced by the sea temperature and sediment geothermal gradient , pressure , sediment elements , and fluid salinity . Geothermal gradient value is an important parameter to determine the thickness of hydrate stability zone .
Grain size of sediments from eight drill holes of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 204 are analyzed to understand the relationship between the variation in grain-size of sediments and the occurrence of gas hydrates on the Hydrate Ridge , the East Pacific .
In the middle and southern parts , gas hydrate appears at the sea depth over 500 meters , and the responding thickness of stable zones ranges 25 to 115 meters and 90 to 365 meters , respectively .
Mostly , gas hydrates are concentrated in the sediments of continental slopes and trench areas .
The formation and dissociation of methane hydrate in subsea sediments were experimentally studied in porous media under simulated hydrate stability zone conditions for subsea hydrate resources .