
xù mù
  • prelude;prologue;warm-up
序幕 [xù mù]
  • (1) [prologue;prelude]

  • (2) 戏剧第一幕之前的一场戏,用来介绍人物的历史、剧情发生的起因或暗示全剧的主题

  • (3) 比喻某件事情的开始阶段

序幕[xù mù]
  1. 伴随着中国加入WTO,一场全球化的商战已经拉开了序幕。

    The prologue of the commercial war has been opened up as China has entered the WTO .

  2. 1905年Carrell和Guthrie首次进行心脏移植动物实验,移植后心脏成功跳动了90分钟,从此拉开了心脏移植研究的序幕。

    Carrell and Guthrie performed the first animal experiment of heart transplantation in 1905 . The heart beated successfully about 90 minutes after transplantation , and then opened the investigative prologue in heart transplantation .

  3. 讨论拉开了同莫斯科对话的序幕。

    The discussions were the beginnings of a dialogue with Moscow .

  4. 就在选举拉开序幕前,君主政体的问题使政局变得复杂起来。

    The issue of the monarchy is complicating politics in the run-up to the elections

  5. 这3场系列赛将为5月份的摩纳哥大奖赛拉开序幕。

    The three-race series will be a curtain-raiser to the Monaco Grand Prix in May

  6. 她那咄咄逼人的尖锐语调拉开了导致她垮台的事件的序幕。

    Her sharp , aggressive tone set in motion the events that led to her downfall .

  7. 上午10点,一位风笛独奏家揭开了阿伯丁高地运动会的序幕,下午1点主要比赛项目开始。

    A solo piper opens Aberdeen Highland Games at 10am and the main events start at 1pm .

  8. 人类基因组计划(HumangenomeProject)的实施揭开了各种生物基因组解析的序幕[1~3]。

    The implementation of the Human Genome Project preludes the analyzing of biologic genomes .

  9. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)揭开了2012年预算案的序幕。

    President Barack Obama has kicked off the 2012 budget .

  10. 随着中国加入WTO,国际品牌加入中国市场竞争,一场品牌竞争的国际赛事正拉开序幕。

    After entering WTO , international brands enter our national market that brings about an international match of competition of brand .

  11. 周五上午,摩根大通(JPMorgan)和富国银行(WellsFargo)揭开了银行板块公布业绩的序幕,但两者的业绩都不是那么出色。

    JPMorgan and Wells Fargo kicked off bank earnings season Friday morning reporting some less-than-stellar results .

  12. 由此,中国的3G时代,即将拉开序幕,3G业务的竞争也要真正展开。

    Thereout , Chinese 3G era is on the way right now , and 3G business applications competition will also really start .

  13. 随着新一轮年度谈判即将于本周在青岛的中国钢铁原材料国际研讨会(chinainternationalsteelandrawmaterialsconference)上拉开序幕,基准定价机制可能会进一步受到与现货市场挂钩的合同的挑战。

    With annual negotiations about to begin at the China International Steel and raw materials conference in Qingdao this week , the benchmark is likely to suffer further in favour of contracts linked to the spot market .

  14. 随着3G时代的到来,全业务竞争序幕的拉开,移动城域传送网正面临多方面的挑战。

    With the coming of the 3G era , the prelude of Full-service competition is opened , and mobile metro transmission network is facing all-round challenges .

  15. 埃及普通市民占领开罗解放广场(tahrirsquare)之时,拉开了穆巴拉克政权倒台的序幕。

    When ordinary citizens occupied Tahrir square , it was the beginning of the end for the Mubarak regime in Egypt .

  16. 这种趋势将开启“Marketplaces2.0”时代到来的序幕。

    This dynamic will give way to the birth of the " marketplaces 2.0 " era .

  17. 通过Johnson先生揭开切断包括MRSA和艰难梭状芽胞杆菌在内的医院内获得性感染的序幕,而裸露胳膊的制度是众多措施中的一种。

    The bare-arms rule is one of a number of measures to be unveiled by Mr Johnson to cut hospital-acquired infections such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile .

  18. Halliday的现代汉语语法范畴揭开了阶和范畴语法理论研究的序幕,其主要目的是说明语言是什么,语言如何工作。

    In 1956 , Halliday published the paper Grammatical Categories in Modern Chinese , which started the studies of the theory of Scale and Category Linguistics .

  19. 2008年末,开心网的实践拉开了中国SNS社交网站植入式广告的序幕,从此互联网行业开始了对这种新型网络广告的探索。

    Late 2008 , Happy net practice started the implantable advertising of Chinese SNS , since then the Internet industry began to explore the new Internet advertising .

  20. Ritter(1991)发表在《金融杂志》上的《IPO股票的长期表现》一文拉开了IPO股票长期弱势研究的序幕。

    The paper The long-run performance of initial public offerings by Ritter ( 1991 ) published on Journal of Finance served as the prelude of study on it .

  21. 1969年,美国贝尔实验室的Miller首次提出集成光学的概念,从此揭开了光子器件集成化研究的序幕。

    The concept of " Integrated Optics " was proposed by Miller in Bell Laboratories , which raised the curtain on the age of the study of the integration of photonic devices .

  22. 本周一,在旧金山座无虚席的会场上,史蒂夫乔伊斯以一个主题发言拉开了本次苹果全球开发者大会的序幕。会上,他公布了最新的iPhone产品-iPhone4。

    Steve Jobs opened up the World Wide Developers Conference on Monday with a keynote address to a packed house in San Francisco , where he unveiled Apple 's newest iPhone , the iPhone 4 .

  23. 10年之后,他们当初设计的时装价位让私人藏家望而却步,时装拍卖商凯丽?泰勒(KerryTaylor)说。本月,她的时装与纺织品拍卖会拉开了今冬国际时装拍卖会的序幕。

    They will be unaffordable for individuals in 10 years ' time , says fashion auctioneer Kerry Taylor , whose fashion and textiles sale kicked off the international fashion auction season this month .

  24. 1880年人们在朱诺(Juneau)发现了黄金,从而揭开了淘金热的序幕。

    In 1880 , Gold was found in Juneau , and then the Gold Rush took place .

  25. “10年之后,他们当初设计的时装价位让私人藏家望而却步”,时装拍卖商凯丽?泰勒(KerryTaylor)说。本月,她的时装与纺织品拍卖会拉开了今冬国际时装拍卖会的序幕。

    They will be " unaffordable for individuals in 10 years " time , " says fashion auctioneer Kerry Taylor , whose fashion and textiles sale kicked off the international fashion auction season this month .

  26. 约翰•肯尼迪(JohnKennedy)在1962年将贸易适应援助(TAA)写入了法律,成为拉开全球贸易谈判序幕的一部分,目的在于“保证在引入竞争之后,不能要求一些人首当其冲承受由于竞争导致的利益受损。”

    John Kennedy signed TAA into law in 1962 as part of the inauguration of global trade negotiations so that " those injured by that competition should not be required to bear the full brunt of the impact . "

  27. 10年之后,ScottRussell在英国科学促进协会年会上报道这一现象,从此揭开了人类对自然界中大量存在的非线性系统研究的序幕。

    After 10 years , Scott Russell reported this phenomenon in the meetings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science . Since then , a large number of nonlinear systems existing in natural world have been studied .

  28. 今天,大多数人认为,爱德蒙•柏克(EdmundBurke)的《法国革命论》只不过是指责法国大革命已将一位国王和一位王后送上断头台并掀起“恐怖时期”的序幕。

    Today , most people assume that when Edmund Burke wrote his Reflections on the Revolution in France he was denouncing a revolution that had already executed a King and Queen , and launched the Terror .

  29. 1968年,美国会计学者戴维·F·林诺维斯(DavidFLinowes)发表了一篇题为社会经济会计的论文,首先提出了社会责任会计的概念,并揭开了研究的序幕。

    David F Linowes , an American scholar , published an article named ' Socio-Economic Accounting ' in 1968 and introduced the concept of social responsibility accounting for the first time . It was the prelude of the research of social responsibility accounting .

  30. “这一成果令人兴奋,”并未参与该研究的加利福尼亚大学欧文分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine)神经生物学家克雷格·斯塔克(CraigStark)说,“它是一个初步的研究,在我看来这在某种程度上只是拉开序幕。”

    Mars , Incorporated " An exciting result , " said Craig Stark , a neurobiologist at the University of California , Irvine , who was not involved in the research . " It 's an initial study , and I sort of view this as the opening salvo . "