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xù cí
  • prologue
序词 [xù cí]
  • [prologue] 演说、表演或非戏剧的文学作品的序言或导言

  1. 广州方言异序词的百年演变

    Changes of Reverse-Words in Cantonese Dialect during the Latest 100 Years

  2. 同素异序词成因质疑古汉语同素逆序借代词刍议

    On the Same Morpheme Contrary Order Metonymy Words of Ancient Chinese

  3. 悲今悼昔的伤时与节序词。

    The ci which describes the season and festival mourning the past ;

  4. 现代汉语同素异序词研究

    The Study on Modern Chinese Inverse Morphemes Word Pairs

  5. 同素异序词是汉语词汇中一种特殊的类型。

    Word with same morpheme but opposite in order is a kind of special type in Chinese vocabulary .

  6. 同素反序词的深入探讨为对外汉语词汇教学呈现出重要的作用。

    Reverse order with the prime word in-depth to explore the teaching of Foreign Language vocabulary showing an important role .

  7. 汉语和日语都使用汉字,这是反序词形成的一大前提。

    There are Chinese characters both in Chinese and Japanese which provide the major premise for the forming of Fanxu Words .

  8. 他的隐逸词表现隐居林泉的雅士情怀,节序词凸显及时行乐思想和生命有限意识。

    His reclusive lyrics reflect feelings of seclusion landscape ascot , prologue highlights sense of carpe diem and thinking of limited life .

  9. 同素反序词及其在对外汉语教学中的应用非满秩的射影同素变换

    Words Formed with the Same Morphemes in the Opposite Order and the Application of Such Words in the Teaching of Chinese to Foreigners

  10. 当然,词内部也存在少数同素异序词,这些词内部语素顺序的变化大多会带来词性、词义、使用场合等方面的改变。

    Change of the order of their inner morphemes will accordingly bring about changes in their part of speech , meaning and context of usage .

  11. 两宋社会多姿多彩的民俗节日促成了节序词的繁荣,其中重阳词就是最重要的节序词之一。

    The diversified folk festivals in Northern and Southern Song Dynasties brought about the prosperity of Festival Odes , among which the Double-Ninth Ci is the most significant one .

  12. 汉语是非形态语言,词素与汉字相对应是构成同素反序词的基础和特点。

    Chinese is a non morphological language , the correspondence of morphemes to Chinese characters is the foundation and feature of forming words with the same morphemes in the opposite order .

  13. 最后通过对同素异序同义词频率和用法上的分析,从中寻找这些词语在使用过程中发展演变的一些规律。

    With the analysis of the words ' frequency and usage finally , we summarize some regular things in the course of the development of these words .

  14. 同素异序同义词是指构词语素相同,语素位置互逆,词语的概念意义相同或者相近(主要依据《现代汉语词典》中对词语的释义)的成对出现的双音节合成词。

    " Tong_su_yi_xu synonymic words " is to say those two double-syllable composite words which have the same or the similar meaning ( according to the meanings in " Modern Chinese Dictionary " ) and the same morphemes but different order .