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  • Poems;chinese poem
  1. 以唐诗宋词为代表的古诗词作品是我国文学宝库中的珍品。

    The ancient Chinese poetry represented by Tang poems and Song ci is a literary treasure of China and the whole of mankind .

  2. 此外,我也请了一位在北京出生的华人女子给我补习,教我如何通过唐诗宋词学华语。

    I engaged a Beijing-born Chinese lady to teach me the language using the poems of the Tang and Song periods as my entry .

  3. 虽然选修课《唐诗宋词选读》的开展意义非凡但是它的教学现状却令人堪忧。

    Although " poetry anthology " development significance but its teaching situation is worrying .

  4. 本文拟举唐诗宋词为代表说明它的语言艺术。

    In this article , the linguistic art of the poems of the Tong-Song period is illustrated .

  5. 时代与学生的新变要求唐诗宋词教学必须突破传统教学模式,与信息技术整合。

    The changing of times and students ideas call for a breakthrough of the traditional teaching model of poetry .

  6. 实际教学中学生兴趣不足、教师害怕上《唐诗宋词选读》、教学方式落后。

    Actual students interested in teaching , teachers lack of fear " poetry anthology ", backward way of teaching .

  7. 论信息技术与高校唐诗宋词教学整合的优势与劣势

    On the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Integration of IT and the Teaching of Tang and Song 's Poems in Universities

  8. 这些问题的出现严重影响了《唐诗宋词选读》的教学效果,阻碍了语文课程目标的实现。

    These problems seriously affect the " Tang and Song Poetry " teaching effect , hindering the goals of language courses .

  9. 教材中的唐诗宋词除了具有人文价值、文学价值、审美价值外,还具有教学价值。

    The Tang and Song Poetry has its teaching and learning value besides the humanity value , Literary value and appreciation value .

  10. 通过上述四个方面的有效教学措施,促进《唐诗宋词选读》教学目标得到顺利的实现。

    Through the above four aspects of effective teaching measures to promote the " Tang and Song Poetry " teaching objectives are achieved smoothly .

  11. 沿着唐诗宋词,我们书写新年美好的篇章;沿着丝绸之路,我们追求市场经济的辉煌。

    Along the tang song lyrics , we write a wonderful year passages , Along the silk road , we pursue the market economy of brilliance .

  12. 三者很好的结合在一起,那么《唐诗宋词选读》的教学内容才会是全面的,这样的上课流程也才会是流畅的。

    Only when the three are very good together as " poetry " in the teaching content is comprehensive , such class flow will be fluent in .

  13. 然而,与对唐诗宋词翻译的研究相比,国内外对元曲翻译的研究较少。

    However , compared with the study on the translation of the Tang poetry and the Song lyrics , the study of the translation of Yuanqu poems is less .

  14. 小说在明代大量产生和发展,并迅速成为能和唐诗宋词媲美的明代文学体裁。

    The novel in the production of large Numbers of Ming dynasty and development , and can quickly become tang poetry as the song and Ming dynasty literature genre .

  15. 为什么我们逼着孩子背唐诗宋词,他们不愿意背,在玩‘宫廷游戏’时却能够主动地学习?

    Why do we force these kids to memorize Tang and Song poetry , and they refuse to , yet are willing to learn when playing online palace games ?

  16. 中西诗学传统之差异:《论批评》与《人间词话》的比较分析传统华校生抱怨年轻人不懂唐诗宋词,传统英校生则怪他们不懂莎士比亚。

    The Chinese-educated complain that young people know nothing about poetry from the ancient Tang and Song dynasty while the English-educated gripe about them not knowing the works of Shakespeare .

  17. 唐诗宋词中有不少的“红楼”诗词,这些诗词中的“红楼”意象内涵丰富,尤其“红楼”意象中鲜明而浓郁的悲情美与《红楼梦》凄迷的悲情意境有密切联系。

    In the poetry of Tang and Song dynasties ever appeared so many poems of " Red Mansions ", in which the " Red Mansions " image have relative abundant connotations .

  18. 认识高中语文教材中唐诗宋词的教材价值的独特性并处理好其内部的种种关系,是搞好诗词教学的关键。

    The key of teaching and learning Tang and Song Poetry lies in knowing the unique value of Tang and Song Poetry in Senior Chinese for China and properly dealing with its various inner relationships .

  19. 第二章通过对对话教学理论的溯源及对对话教学内涵和特点的分析,研究了在《唐诗宋词选读》教学中实施对话教学的意义和价值。

    The second chapter is based on the origin of dialogue instruction theory to analyse the dialogue teaching content and characteristics , and research teaching dialogue teaching significance and value in the " poetry anthology " .

  20. 尽管翻译界对唐诗宋词翻译有一定的成果,但目前为止鲜有人对唐宋诗词的颜色意象及其翻译作以研究。

    Although in translation field , there are some research achievements about the translation of Tang-Song poetry , up till now , few people have undertaken scientific research on color images in Tang-Song poetry and their translation .

  21. 根据《唐诗宋词选读》的教学现状,可以采用一些教学策略加以完善,如:培养学生审美能力的教学策略、注重诵读的策略、模仿创作的教学策略等。

    According to " poetry " in the teaching situation , can use some teaching strategies to improve , such as : to cultivate students ' aesthetic ability teaching strategies , attention to reading strategies , imitate writing teaching strategies .

  22. 这是选修课第一次进入高中语文。选修课《唐诗宋词选读》进入高中语文具有深远的意义。

    This is an elective course first entered high school chinese . " Poetry is poetry readings " Su teaches printing plate one elective course teaching material . " Poetry anthology " into the high school language has a profound meaning .

  23. 元曲是中华民族的文化瑰宝,与唐诗宋词明清小说鼎足并举,是我国文学史上一座重要的里程碑。

    The Yuanqu peoms are great treasure of Chinese culture , which are as important as the Tang poetry , the Song lyrics , and the novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties . They form an important landmark in Chinese literary history .

  24. 唐诗宋词是中国文学艺术造诣的巅峰。苏教版《唐诗宋词选读》是高中语文课程的重要组成部分,在语文教学中占据着重要的作用,具有特殊的意义。

    Tang and Song poetry is the pinnacle of Chinese art and literature . " Tang and Song Poetry " ( Jiangsu teaching version ) is an important part of language courses in language teaching of high school . it occupies an important role , with special significance .

  25. 本文认为,《唐诗宋词选读》的教学应重点关注教学过程的四个要素,即教材、教师、学生、教学环境,并从中找到结合点,针对性地开展《唐诗宋词选读》的教学。

    This paper argues that , " Tang and Song Poetry " in the teaching process should focus on teaching the four elements , namely , teaching materials , teachers , students , teaching environment , and to find points of integration , to carry out targeted in the teaching .

  26. 但是东西方语言和文化上的差异,会给唐诗宋词的翻译、尤其是在隐喻的表达和意象的传递方面带来困难。

    But in translating the Tang Poetry and the Song Ci , the differences in languages and cultures between the East and the West will throw a translator into great difficulties , especially in the aspects of how to express the original metaphors and how to convey the original images .

  27. 她很喜欢中国古典文学,诸如唐诗、宋词等都涉猎过。

    She is very fond of Chinese classical literature and has spent some time reading Tang and Song poetry , etc.

  28. 从远古时期的劳动号子到唐诗、宋词、元曲、明清的民歌以及戏曲、说唱艺术,各种民族音乐体系都离不开声乐。

    Chinese drama , art of speaking and singing and all kinds of folk music don 't part from vocality .

  29. 唐诗、宋词的翻译实际上也是&种跨文化交流。

    Actually , the translating of the Tang Poetry and the Song Ci is also a kind of cross-cultural communication .

  30. 18世纪英国诗与我国唐诗、宋词相似性漫议

    On the similarities between the poems of the Tang Song Dynasties in China and those of England in the 18th century