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  • 网络Tourneau;Don;Donald Ashley;Tang Dragon
  1. 唐龙在美国有35家店铺,手表销售经验超过100年,并在纽约拥有全球最大的手表商店&唐龙旗舰店TimeMachine。

    With 35 shops in the US , Tourneau has more than one hundred years ' experience in selling watches and boasts the biggest watch shop in the world : the Tourneau flagship Time Machine store in New York .

  2. 2006年3月,宜进利与美国最大的手表零售商唐龙(tourneau)成立了一个合资企业。

    In March 2006 , peace mark signed a joint venture with tourneau , the biggest watch retailer in the US .

  3. 作为回报,宜进利为唐龙提供了一个熟悉市场的本土管理团队。由于中国每个城市都需要一张单独的营业执照,因此,这个团队对唐龙来说至关重要。

    In return , Peace Mark offers a local management team with knowledge of the market , vital as each city in China requires separate business licences .

  4. 和其它零售伙伴一样,宜进利已经建立了一个网络,其中包括为客户建立的单一品牌专卖店,此外还有店中店、珠宝店,以及它和唐龙的合资企业。

    Like other retail partners , Peace Mark has built up a network of mono-brand boutiques for its clients , shop-in-shops and jewellery stores , as well as the Tourneau venture .