
  • 网络order theory;The Pecking Order
  1. Myers的优序理论是目前流行的用于解释公司融资偏好的理论之一。

    Myers ' Pecking Order Theory is a popular doctrine explaining corporate financing preferences .

  2. 本文的理论基础是MM理论、融资优序理论、权衡理论、信号传递理论、控制权理论,这几大理论渗透了公司治理的几大领域。

    This paper is based on the theory of MM theory , pecking order theory , tra Signal transmission theory , the theory of control right , this theories have penetrated into several major areas of corporate governance .

  3. 形式概念分析,也叫做Galois格,它以数学中的序理论特别是格理论为理论基础。

    Formal Concept Analysis , also called the Galois Lattices , is based on Pecking Order Hypothesis , especially Case Theory .

  4. 第三部分是债务融资与公司业绩关系的理论溯源,包括MM理论、修正的MM理论、米勒模型、代理成本理论、融资优序理论和信号效应。

    The third part is the source of theories about the relationship between debt financing and firm performance , including the MM theory 、 the modified MM theory 、 Miller model 、 agency cost theory 、 Pecking Order Theory and signal effect .

  5. 利用上下解的单调迭代方法及半序理论讨论了Banach空间积-微分方程终值问题解的存在性。

    In this paper , by using the monotone iterative technique with Upper and Lower and Partial Order methods , we study the existence and uniqueness solutions of terminal value problems for integro-differential equations in Banach spaces .

  6. 本文利用半序理论,不使用紧型条件,在弱序列完备的Banach空间中讨论了Volterra非线性积分方程的拟解对。

    In this paper , the partial ordering theory is used to discuss the coupled quasi & solutions of the Volterra nonlinear integral equations in the weakly sequentially complete Banach space without using the compact type condition .

  7. 本文主要是运用信息有限性和融资优序理论,根据融资方式中的财政融资、内部融资、债权融资和股票融资分析了F水务公司的融资策略,并且分析了各自的风险,提出风险防范措施。

    This paper mainly uses information limited and pecking order theory , according to the financing mode of financing , internal financing , debt financing and stock financing analysis of F Water Service Company financing strategy , and analyzed their risk , put forward risk prevention measures .

  8. 利用新的比较定理和半序理论,研究Banach空间二阶非线性积分-微分方程终值问题最小解和最大解的存在性,获得了新的结果。

    By using of the new comparison principle and the order theory , the author investigates the existence of maximal and minimal solutions of terminal value problems for second order nonlinear integro-differential equation in Banach space , obtains the new results .

  9. 在不假定非线性项非负的情况下,利用半序理论讨论了Hammerstein型积分方程非零解的存在性,并将所得结果应用于常微分方程两点边值问题。

    In the case of not requiring the nonlinear terms non-positive , the existence of nontrivial solutions for the Hammerstein Integral Equations by using the partial ordering theory was discussed and some applications to ordinary differential equations with two-point bounded values .

  10. 不同的学序理论反映了不同的书法史认知观念。

    Different theories of practice order reflect different cognition of calligraphy history .

  11. 用随机序理论证明最优再保

    The prove of optimal reinsurance theorem by risk ordering theory

  12. 在长期的书法传授中,古人形成了书法的学序理论。

    In the long procedure of teaching , the theory of practice order founded .

  13. 优序理论的静态成本分析

    A Static Analysis of the Pecking Order Theory

  14. 中国上市公司存在股权融资偏好现象,这种融资顺序安排与西方财务学理论的融资优序理论相悖。

    The phenomenon of equity financing preference is prevalent among the listed companies in China .

  15. 公司偏好股权融资的现象已经不能用传统的融资优序理论来解释。

    The phenomenon that China corporations prefer equity financing can hardly be unpuzzled by traditional pecking order theory .

  16. 该研究结论也证实了管理者过度自信假说可用来解释融资优序理论。

    This conclusion also confirms that managers ' overconfidence hypotheses can explain the pecking-order financing theory again . 3 .

  17. 从因果序理论出发,研究了运用因果关系来定性地分析系统的方法。

    On the basis of causal ordering theory , this paper makes a study of analyzing approach on certain system qualitatively .

  18. 融资优序理论探讨在投资者和经理存在信息不对称时企业融资方式的选择;

    The pecking order theory of financing study the choice of corporate financing mode when asymmetry information exists between the investors and the manager ;

  19. 戴维·玻姆研究过两大重要的理论:量子势因果解释和隐序理论。

    David Bohm researched two important theories . They were the cause and effect explanation of quantum potential and the theory of implicate order .

  20. 本研究以资本结构理论、代理成本理论、融资优序理论和现代公司控制理论为基础。

    This paper is based on the theory of capital structure , agency theory , pecking order theory , single theory , and so on .

  21. 因此中国民营企业的融资次序选择和融资模式与西方的融资优序理论所阐述的有所不同。

    Therefore , the Chinese private enterprises ' financing mode has some differences with what the western " pecking order theory of financing " says .

  22. 由此可见,随机微分方程比较定理和随机序理论在某些问题的解决中有着异曲同工之妙,本文旨在结合了两者的理论基础,研究伊藤过程的随机序性质。

    Thus , there are some similarity in comparison theorem of stochastic differential equations and stochastic ordering theory to solve some issues with the same purpose .

  23. 学序理论可以视为古代的书法教学法,它对于我们建构和完善现代书法教学法很有借鉴价值。

    The theory of practice order , regarded as the " ancient calligraphy pedagogy ", provides essential reference value for us to construct and improve the modern calligraphy pedagogy .

  24. 本文研究发现过度自信管理者选择的融资策略不仅遵循融资优序理论,而且更倾向于内源融资,通过支付更少股利的方式以储备更多的内部资金。

    This study shows that not only overconfident managers follow the pecking-order financing theory , but also they are inclined to internal financing and reserve more internal capital through paying less dividend .

  25. 论文第一部分是对资本结构理论的简要综述,主要介绍了权衡理论和融资优序理论的基本内容和相关实证研究。

    Section one covers a brief literature review of the capital structure debates . It mainly introduced the contents of tradeoff theory and the pecking order theory , including their relative empirical analyses .

  26. 通过比较分析现在流行的企业资本结构理论中的权衡理论和新优序理论的缺陷,认为资本结构的契约理论是一种比较适合于解释中小企业融资行为的理论。

    The paper analyzes the defects of popular capital structure theory on trade-off and pecking order . The contracting theory is viewed as a suitable one to explain the finance action of SMEs .

  27. 西方的融资优序理论的中心思想是:偏好内部融资,如果需要外部融资,则偏好债券融资。

    The main idea of the western " pecking order theory of financing " is that : prefer to the internal financing , if exterior financing is needed , the bond financing is preferred .

  28. 主要回顾了四种代表性理论:代理成本理论、融资优序理论、控制理论和交易费用经济学理论。

    Four kinds of representative theory are mentioned , that is the theory of agency cost , the pecking order theory of financing , the theory of control and the theory of transaction-cost economics .

  29. 本文试图分析民营企业目前的融资模式选择,并用民营企业的融资模式选择来检验融资优序理论的现实可行性。

    This article want to try to analyze the present private enterprises ' financial mode selection , and use their financial mode selection to test the applicability of " pecking order theory of financing " .

  30. 粗糙集利用等价关系对数据表进行分类,而概念格是基于这一数据表,结合序理论,尤其是完备格理论,进行概念分层分析。

    Rough set theory use the equivalence relation to classify data tables while concept lattice is based on some data tables with ordering theory , in particular the complete lattice theory to discuss concept layers .