
kòng bái dài
  • blank tape
空白带[kòng bái dài]
  1. 目前识别水合物的主要依据是BSR和其上具有高速特征的空白带。

    Bottom simulating reflector ( BSR ) and amplitude blanking zone with high velocity above BSR are the indicators of hydrate .

  2. 当BSR不存在,或由于水合物饱和度较高导致空白带特征不明显时,水合物的识别是未解决的问题。

    It is difficult to recognize hydrate when BSR isn 't in existence or amplitude blanking is not obvious because of high hydrate concentration .

  3. 带一些音乐带和一些空白带

    Some music tapes and some blank tapes

  4. 因此在天然气水合物研究中,对似海底反射以及空白带形成机理进行研究是非常必要的。

    Therefore the research on the cause of BSR and blanking zone is very necessary in gas hydrate research .

  5. 我们有空白录像带吗?

    Do we have a blank video ?

  6. 我们有空白录像带吗?

    Have we got any blank videos ?

  7. 我想买些空白录音带,它们在这里比在唱片行便宜。

    I want to buy some blank tapes . They 're cheaper here than at store .

  8. 我想把这电视节目录下来,但是找不到空白的录像带。

    I want to record this television programme , but I can 't find any blank videos .

  9. [qh]女:当然,我能问问是什么事么?[qh]男:你告诉她又出问题了,我们拿到的不是空白纸,而是带信头的信纸。

    Can I ask what it 's about ? [ qh ] Man : You tell her there 's been a mix-up yet again . Instead of plain paper , we 've got headed paper .