
  • 网络invisible symbol
  1. 空符的建立及审美价值

    Building of Invisible Symbol & Aesthetic Value

  2. 当被告知输出不超过n个字节时,snprintf保证会创建一个长度不超过n-1的字符串,字符串最后是一个空结束符。

    When told to print no more than n bytes , snprintf guarantees that it creates a string of length no more than n-1 , with a null terminator at the end of the string .

  3. 还是有效的,但不是以空终止符结尾,而是它向文件写入需要的字节数。

    Writeis also available , but rather than terminating on a null character , it writes the requested number of bytes to the file .

  4. 选择为空数据保留分隔符的行为。

    Select the behavior of preserving delimiter for empty data .

  5. 字符“。”匹配除空字符和换行符之外的任一单个字符。

    The dot character " . " matches any single character except null character and newline character .