
kōnɡ xīn qiánɡ
  • cavity (or hollow) wall
空心墙 [kōng xīn qiáng]
  • [cavity wall] 中间有空气层隔热的双层普通砖石砌体墙

  1. 房屋隔热可以利用空心墙来减少热能损耗,降幅高达60%。

    Insulate your home . Cavity wall insulation can cut heat loss through the wall by up to 60 percent .

  2. 承重空心墙结构建筑物的控爆拆除

    Destruction of a building of hollow bearing wall structure by controlled blasting

  3. 这是一堵空心墙。

    This is a false wall .

  4. 在两种组合屏障的对比中,无论是振动位移的衰减还是振动加速度的衰减,混凝土橡胶组合隔振屏障的隔振效果都要优于混凝土空心墙隔振。

    In the comparison of the two combinatorial isolation barriers , the isolation effect of the concrete-rubber isolation wall is better than the concrete hollow wall , no matter in the attenuation of vibration displacement or in the attenuation of vibration acceleration .

  5. 某车站空心剪力墙的试验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Hollow Shear Wall of the Station Building

  6. 轴向压力作用下空心剪力墙的稳定性分析

    The stability analysis of hollow shear wall with axial compression

  7. 柱间是两砖厚的轻质空心节间墙。

    Between the columns were light , hollow panel walls of double brick .

  8. 带翼缘钢筋混凝土空心剪力墙抗震性能试验研究

    An experimental study on the aseismic behavior of RC hollow shear wall with flange

  9. 不同形式钢筋混凝土空心剪力墙非线性有限元分析

    Nonlinear Finite Element Ultimate Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Hollow Shear Wall with Different Forms

  10. 主要分为三部分:(1)钢筋混凝土空心剪力墙片的静力试验研究。

    First , it studies the static experimental study on hollow shear walls of reinforced concrete .

  11. 不同形式空心剪力墙的抗震性能试验研究

    An experimental study on the aseismic behavior of different form R · C hollow shear wall

  12. 简介了一幢十层钢筋混凝土空心剪力墙结构1/2.8比例模型房屋的拟动力试验和拟静力试验概况;

    Pseudo-dynamic and pseudo-static aseismic test for 1 / 2.8 scale model of reinforced concrete hollow shear wall structure are briefly introduced .

  13. 钢筋混凝土空心剪力墙刚度退化试验研究及框&剪结构中应用方法分析

    The Stiffness Degeneration 's Experimental Study and Application Method 's Analysis in Frame-Shear Wall Structure on Hollow Shear Wall of Reinforced Concrete

  14. 提出了多层带缝空心剪力墙结构的第一阶段设计方法和相应构造措施。

    At last , this paper presented the design method of this structure based on the aseismic style and put forward the construction .

  15. 不同形式的钢筋混凝土空心剪力墙是在墙体改革和建筑节能的大环境下提出的一种节能性的延性剪力墙结构体系。

    The different forms of hollow shear-walls are appeared under the condition that the walls are being reformed and how to avoid the energy being wasted .

  16. 通过12片不同类型混凝土空心砌块墙片,在反复水平荷载作用下的试验与分析,探讨了非配筋砌体抗剪承载力及破坏特征;

    The aseismatic abilities and failure state of various type of miniature hollow brick and concrete construction under alternate level load were discussed and the effects of number and place of core column were analysed .

  17. 研究表明,这种空心剪力墙即具有普通剪力墙整体性好、抗震能力强的优点,又提高了延性、减轻了自重,具有良好的节能作用。

    Research : hollow shear have not only the same behavior with normal shear wall , such as good integrity and strong earthquake resistant capability but also greater , less weight and energy efficiency action .

  18. 论文根据钢筋混凝土弹性理论、非线性理论和极限理论,运用有限单元法分析了不同形式的钢筋混凝土空心剪力墙在水平单向加载下的受力变形。

    On the basis of the traditional elasticity theory , nonlinear theory and ultimate theory , this paper analyzes the whole process of reinforced concrete hollow walls with different forms in the loading test of distributing static loads .

  19. 在上述基础上,本文分析了在低周反复水平荷载下连锁式混凝土空心砌块墙的抗剪承载力影响因素和受力机理,提出了连锁式混凝土小型空心砌块墙的抗剪承载力计算公式。

    Based on the above researches , the influence factors and mechanical behavior of the CCBM walls ' shear capability under the horizontal and the vertical loads are analyzed , the formula of shear capability of the CCBM walls is presented .

  20. 通过对长细比不同的八个轴心受压钢筋混凝土空心剪力墙试件的试验研究,探讨了空心剪力墙在受到轴向压力作用下,试件的破坏机理、变形特征及截面钢筋的应变情况。

    Based on the test of eight reinforced concrete hollow shear walls of various slenderness ratio under the action of axial compressive force , The failure mechanism , the deformation feature and the strain of steel bar under the axial loading are discussed .

  21. 带缝空心RC剪力墙结构动力特性试验研究及仿真分析

    Experiment and simulation analysis on dynamic property of RC silt hollow shear wall structure

  22. 带缝空心RC剪力墙结构变形与耗能性能研究

    Study on deformation and energy dissipation property of reinforced concrete hollow shear wall structure with slits

  23. 整体式与带缝分体式空心RC剪力墙抗震性能试验研究

    Experimental study on seismic behavior of integral hollow RC shear walls and slit hollow RC shear walls

  24. 混凝土空心砌块空腔墙结构的地震反应分析

    Non-linear time-history analysis of multilayer concrete block structure with cavity wall

  25. 小型空心砌块填充墙的裂缝分析及防治措施

    Crack Analysis and Prevention Method of Small-sized Hollow Concrete Block Wall

  26. 空心砖空腔墙抗震性能

    The Aseismatic Behavior of Cavity Wall Made of Hollow Bricks

  27. 配筋混凝土空心小砌块墙温度裂缝研究

    Research of the Temperature-Cracks of Small Concrete Hollow Block Reinforced Masonry Wall

  28. 浅谈建筑混凝土小型空心砌块双层墙体系的应用

    Building Concrete Small Hollow Block Wall System and the Application of Double

  29. 焦渣空心砌块填充墙砌体施工方法探讨

    Discussion on construction method of cinder follow block filling wall

  30. 混凝土空心砌块填充墙施工应注意的问题

    Construction Problems of Infill Wall with Concrete Hollow Block