
  1. 他们沿河边闲逛,一路谈笑风生。

    They dawdled along by the river , laughing and talking .

  2. 对对情侣手牵手沿河边散步。

    Couples walked hand in hand along the front .

  3. 天亮之前,我们沿河边散步。

    We had a stroll by the river before Dawn .

  4. 你过去经常沿河边散步吗?

    Did you use to walk along the river ?

  5. 为安全起见,沿河边设了篱笆。

    A fence runs along the river for safety .

  6. 乙:我想我们可以到河边去,沿河边走走,再吃晚餐。

    B : I thought we 'd go to the river , hike around and have supper .

  7. 沿河边小径回旅社的路上,我们遇到另一对猩猩,它们征用了一条船。

    On the river path back to the lodge , we encountered another pair of orangutans that had commandeered a boat .

  8. 介绍了沿河边敷设截污管道和河道内敷设截污管道的两种主要方式,以及溢流设施和玻璃钢接头的形式和具体施工。

    There are2 main methods introduced in the paper , laying pollution interception pipeline along the rivers and into the channels .

  9. 沿河边滩分布地区,地质环境质量较差,不适宜工程建设;

    In the area distributed along the river side , the geology environmental quality is relatively poor , the land is not suitable for the construction ;

  10. 一个女人,裹着飘动的披肩,沿河边的栏杆慢慢走着,脚步有些踉跄。

    A woman in a fluttering shawl was creeping slowly by the railings , staggering as she went . The old man was plodding wearily along the band of the river .