
  • 网络air quality index;aqi
  1. 据上周中国环境监测部门发布的信息,郑州是中国10大污染最严重的城市之一,周一该市空气质量指数(AQI)达到了158的不健康水平。

    China 's environmental ministry announced last week that Zhengzhou was among the country 's top 10 most-polluted cities . Its AQI on Monday was an unhealthy 158 .

  2. 周五的平均空气质量指数比除夕高出50%,而除夕也是春节期间烟花燃放的高峰期。

    The average AQI on Friday was 50 percent higher than that recorded on the Spring Festival eve , which often sees the most fierce firework displays of the holiday season .

  3. 美国大使馆网站显示,本周,北京的空气质量指数(AQI)的监测值显示污染水平为不健康。

    This week , the Air Quality Index for Beijing registered unhealthy levels of pollution , according to the website .

  4. 该产品将在空气质量指数(AQI)连续两天超过设定水平时作出赔付。

    The scheme pays out when the air quality index , or AQI , exceeds set levels for two days in a row .

  5. 但是,它不像美国使用的空气质量指数那样严格。

    But it is less stringent than air-quality indexes in the United States .

  6. 美国政府认为高于200的空气质量指数是“非常不健康”的。

    The U.S. government deems a level of more than 200 " very unhealthy . "

  7. 空气质量指数采用从0到500的数值来评估空气污染水平。

    The air quality index assesses the level of air pollution with a grading system from 0 to 500 .

  8. 新德里的1600多万人口还得亲身体验空气质量指数从220飙升至450的过程。

    The city of over 16 million people will see its air pollution index jump to 450 from 220 currently .

  9. 在某一时段,辽宁六所城市空气质量指数均超过500上限值。

    At one point , the air-quality index ( AQI ) in six cities in the Liaoning Province exceeded the maximum of 500 .

  10. 根据印度新颁布的空气质量指数来看,超过401就已经会增加民众患呼吸道疾病以及严重感染其他疾病的危险了。

    A reading above 401 could put the healthy at risk for respiratory problems and seriously affect those already ill , the new index explains .

  11. 周日发布的监控数据显示,北京大部分地区的空气质量指数均达到了极值500。

    Monitoring data released on Sunday showed that air quality indexes in most regions of Beijing had hit 500 , the indexes ' highest level .

  12. 周一中午,美国大使馆测得的空气质量指数为445,完全属于“有害”水平。

    At noon on Monday , the air quality index measured by the United States Embassy reached 445 , well into the " hazardous " level .

  13. 但春天意味着平安保险较有把握:微风和明媚的天空往往使空气质量指数保持在比较舒适的范围内。

    But Ping An is on safer ground in the springtime , when breezes and bright skies tend to keep the AQI within more comfortable limits .

  14. 两地政府已同意从本年第四季度开始,向公众每日发布珠三角区域空气质量指数。

    The two governments have agreed to make arrangements for reporting daily to the public the PRD regional air quality index from the fourth quarter this year .

  15. 和美国在其他四个中国城市的外交机构一样,美国驻沈阳总领事馆也发布了自己的空气质量指数。

    The United States Consulate in Shenyang also issues its own index of air quality there , as do American diplomatic posts in four additional Chinese cities .

  16. 他说自己同住在城市里的大多数人一样,一直在监测空气质量指数,对于公众对雾霾天气的关注表示理解并做出保证。

    He says like most people in the city , he is consistently checking the air quality index , and says public concern about the problem is both understandable and warranted .

  17. 周日上午,北京市中心监测站的空气质量指数达到六级,即严重污染最高级。

    On Sunday morning , the air quality index ( AQI ) at monitoring stations in the city 's downtown areas was at Level 6 , the highest level indicating hazardous pollution .

  18. 环境监测中心报道,就周日一整天,上海的空气质量指数由于受到中国北方的污染物投放已经高于100了。

    The air quality index ( AQI ) in Shanghai was above 100 all day Sunday due to pollutants blown into the city from northern China , the environmental monitoring center said .

  19. 当政府认为空气质量指数会在三日以上都超过200,就会发布红色预警信号。

    A red alert is triggered when the government believes air quality will surpass a level of 200 on an air quality index that measures various pollutants for at least three days .

  20. 监测数字显示,周日,首都北京大部分地区的空气质量指数均达到500,即污染程度的最高上限,北京的雾霾天气已持续三天。

    Monitoring data showed the Air Quality Index in most parts of the capital reached 500 , the maximum pollution level , on Sunday , the third consecutive day of severe smog .

  21. 这些照片中的天空清澈湛蓝,拍摄时间没有披露:破纪录的重度雾霾从11月下旬就开始出现,其严重程度超出了空气质量指数的测量范围。

    It did not say when the photographs of clear blue skies were taken : days of heavy smog that were off the charts started in late November , producing levels beyond the measure of the air-quality index .

  22. 周六,在最后一轮烟花燃放过后,北京的浓雾天气持续,周五晚上的烟花使空气质量指数达到500,为6级重试污染。

    Heavy smog persisted in Beijing on Saturday after a final round of holiday fireworks revelry brought the air quality index ( AQI ) to 500 , reaching Level 6 , or severely polluted , on Friday evening .

  23. 如果空气质量指数持续一周高于300(被视为长时间接触有危险的水平),保单持有人将得到一次免费的肺部检查,而污染导致需要住院接受治疗的保单持有人将得到1500元人民币(合240美元)。

    A week of the index being over 300 , a level deemed hazardous at prolonged exposure , yields the policy holder a free lung check while those who need hospitalisation because of it would receive Rmb1500 ( $ 240 ) .

  24. 中国政府不仅紧跟美国大使馆的脚步开始定期公布空气质量指数,还公开表态必须扭转空气质量不断恶化的趋势,哪怕暂时来说拿出解决方案还遥遥无期。

    China 's government has not only followed the U.S. Embassy 's lead to issue frequent measures of air quality for the public , but it openly talks about the need to reverse the ugly trend of air quality , even if solutions remain far off .

  25. VISUALBASIC在城市空气质量污染指数计算中的应用

    Application of Visual Basic in the calculation of urban air quality pollution

  26. 方法采用仪器法现场测定正、负离子浓度与CO2含量,并用单极系数和安培空气质量评价指数进行卫生学评价。

    Methods Concentrations of anode , negative air ions and CO_2 content were measured by special instruments and assessed with single grade coefficient and " ampere " air quality evaluation index .

  27. 空气综合质量指数(AQI),甲板上的数据远小于1,三、四等客舱略大于1,五等客舱则远大于1。

    Air quality comprehensive index on the deck was far less than 1 , cabins No. 3 and 4 greater than 1 and cabin No. 5 was far greater than 1 .

  28. 一种城市热环境质量评价方法&空气焓变质量指数

    An Evaluation Method for the Quality of Urban Hot Environment - Air Total Heat Change Quality Index

  29. 基于Г型分布的空气质量评价普适指数公式

    A universal exponential formula of air quality assessment based on Г distribution

  30. 你可以查一下当地的空气质量,空气质量指数在200以上的时候你应该待在有空调的室内环境中,如果你需要在两地之间旅行的话,最好开车。

    You cancheck the air quality of your destination here , AQI over 200 means you should think about staying inside in an air conditioned environment , or taking a car if you need to travel between locations .