
  • 网络intertidal organism
  1. 潮间带生物多样性与生境的相关性调查

    Survey on correlation of community diversity with habitat in intertidal zone

  2. 大亚湾核电站附近水域岩相潮间带生物群落

    Rocky intertidal community around nuclear power station in Daya Bay

  3. 琼州海峡岸礁潮间带生物

    Organism in intertidal zone of fringing reef at Qiongzhou Straits

  4. 大亚湾潮间带生物种类组成、数量分布及生物多样性研究

    Study on species composition , quantity distribution and biodiversity of intertidal benthos in Daya Bay

  5. 塘沽潮间带生物资源修复的探讨

    Discussions on Bioremediation for Tanggu Intertidal Zone

  6. 退潮得海蚀平台可让人们赤止戏水观看潮间带生物,各种奇岩怪石要好好发挥想像力。

    During the ebb , one can step on the abrasion platform to see the strand plants and all the different rocks and stones .

  7. 分析了广东省大亚湾潮间带生物的种类组成、数量分布和生物多样性等特点。

    The characteristics of species composition , quantity distribution and biodiversity of intertidal benthos in Daya Bay of South China Sea were analyzed in this paper .

  8. 舟山群岛夏季潮间带生物种类数量的平面分布与盐度、海岸开敞程度有关,垂直分布与潮汐有关;

    The horizontal distribution of species quantity in the summer in the inter-tidal zone of Zhoushan Archipelago is related to the salinity and the opening degree of shore , and the vertical distri-bution is related to the tide .

  9. 本调查共设置40个站位,其中26个为水质、浮游生物和底栖生物调查站位,6个为渔排附着生物调查站位,8个为潮间带生物调查站位。

    There were 40 sampling stations established in the investigating areas , including 26 stations for the investigation on water quality , plankton and benthos , six for fouling organisms on fish cages , and eight for those in the intertidal zone .

  10. 台州大陈岛岩礁相潮间带底栖生物调查

    Investigation on Benthic Organisms in Rocky Intertidal Zone of Dachen Island , Taizhou

  11. 南通市大型海洋排污海区潮间带底栖生物研究

    Intertidal Macrobenthos in Large Marine Sewage Waters in Nantong

  12. 福建海岛潮间带底栖生物群落生态的研究

    The study on the ecology of the benthic community in intertidal zone , Fujian islands

  13. 青岛湾有机质污染潮间带底栖生物研究Ⅱ.小型底栖动物生态特点

    Study on marine benthos in an organically polluted intertidal beach of Qingdao Bay ii . the pollution ecology of meiobenthos

  14. 泉州湾岩相潮间带底栖生物生态研究Ⅰ.物种多样性与分布特征

    An ecological study on the benthos of the rocky intertidal zone in Quanzhou Bay . ⅰ . Species diversity and its distribution

  15. 大陈岛潮间带底栖生物平均生物量为446.80g/m2,平均栖息密度达340.50ind/m2;

    The average biomass of macrobenthos in the intertidal zone of Dachen Island was 446.80 g · m-2 , and the average inhabit density was 340.50 ind · m-2 ;

  16. 青岛潮间带底栖微藻生物量研究

    Study on biomass of microphytobenthos in intertidal zone of Qingdao

  17. 青岛太平湾砂质潮间带小型底栖生物丰度和生物量的研究

    Study on the Abundance and Biomass of Meiofauna in the Sandy Beach of Taiping Bay , Qingdao

  18. 福清核电站邻近潮间带大型底栖生物数量分布与群落结构

    The quantitative distribution and community structure of the macrobenthos in the intertidal zone near the Fuqing nuclear power plant

  19. 烟台不同海域潮间带Pb污染的生物监测研究

    Bio-monitoring of Pb Pollution in the Intertidal Zone off Yantai Sea

  20. 经鉴定,六横岛泥沙滩潮间带共有底栖生物27种,其中软体动物占40.8%,多毛类和甲壳类各占29.6%。

    By bioassay , there are 27 species of benthons at silt beacher of tide areas in Liuheng Island , among which molluscs amount to 40 . 8 % , polychaetes and crustaceans 29.6 % respectively .

  21. 嵊泗列岛潮间带群落生态学研究Ⅲ.岩相潮间带底栖生物的种类分布

    Community ecology of intertidal zone of Shengsi Islands ⅲ . species distribution of benthos in rocky intertidal zone