
  • 网络wet;Tidal wetlands
  1. 为保证安全,可在电源或水泵附近的潮湿地中埋人一根1m以上的铁棍作为地线。

    To ensure safety , power or water in the wet land in the vicinity of people buried more than a1 m and an iron bar as a ground wire .

  2. 他的脚步在潮湿的地上几乎没有声音。

    In the soggy ground his footsteps made the smallest sounds .

  3. 他这样想着,四肢无力地倒在潮湿的地上。

    Thus he thought , and crumpled up and sank down upon the wet earth .

  4. 白薯地的冷气,潮湿泥炭地的咯吱声、咕咕声,铁铲切进活薯根的短促声响

    The cold smell of potato mold , the squelch and slap Of soggy peat , the curt cuts of an edge

  5. 潮湿地方比如地窑里常见的蜈蚣。

    Long-legged centipede common in damp places as e.g. cellars .

  6. 一个植物大属,生长于潮湿林地沼泽地和沟渠或水边;莎草。

    Large genus of plants found in damp woodlands and bogs and ditches or at water margins : sedges .

  7. 人的行为也许是建立在坚硬的岩石表面或潮湿的沼泽地之中的,但在某一点之后,我不关心他是基于什么建立的。

    Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes , but after a certain point I don 't care what it 's founded on .

  8. 利奥沿着潮湿的街道缓缓地朝家走去。

    Leo wended his way home through the wet streets .

  9. 她朝肮脏的旧镜子和潮湿的地板含糊地挥了挥手。

    She waved vaguely at the dirty old mirror and the damp floor .

  10. 为了防止潮湿而铺在地上的防水布料。

    A piece of waterproofed cloth spread on the ground ( as under a tent ) to protect from moisture .