
  1. GM(1,3)模型在交通系统公路客运量预测中的应用

    Application of GM ( 1,3 ) in Highway Passenger Capacity Forecast of Transportation System

  2. BP神经网络和GM(1,1)灰色模型在公路客运量预测中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network and GM ( 1,1 ) Gray Model in Road Passenger Traffic Estimation

  3. 实例证明了组合模型的预测精度高于单独的GM(1,1)模型,可以用于公路客运量预测。

    Practical instance proves the estimation precision of combined model is higher than individual GM ( 1,1 ), and can be used in road passenger traffic estimation .

  4. 针对公路客运量预测的问题,基于常用预测方法的研究,提出BP神经网络组合预测模型。

    Aiming at the forecast problem of the highway passenger quantity , and based on the research of common estimate method , a BP neural network combination forecast model was put forward .

  5. 残差修正DGM模型在公路客运量预测中的应用

    The Application of Error Remnant DGM Model on Highway Passenger Transport Volume Forecast

  6. 对交通用地面积的变化影响最大的GDP,其次是社会消费品零售总额,最后是公路客运量。第三,土地利用变化对生态安全的影响研究。

    GDP is the greatest impact of the changes in traffic land , followed by retail sales of consumer goods , and finally the amount of highway passenger . Third , the impacts on the ecological security by the land use changes are researched .

  7. 一种顾及多因素影响的公路客运量预测模型

    A Forecast Model Giving Consideration to Multi-factor Influence on Highway Passenger Capacity

  8. 2003~2005年我国公路客运量预测分析

    Prediction for Highway Passenger Transportation Volume from 2003 to 2005 in China

  9. 基于主成分回归的公路客运量预测模型研究

    Highway Passenger Transport Volume Forecast Models Based on Regression of Principle Component Analysis

  10. 我国公路客运量近期预测研究

    Short-Period Forecasting of Highway Passenger Transportation Volume in China

  11. 基于灰色系统模型的公路客运量预测研究

    Prediction Research on the Quantity of Passenger Transport in Highway Based on Gray System Model

  12. 摘要科学有效地预测公路客运量对于公路客运的管理和决策具有重要意义。

    Effective and scientific traffic volume forecast is important for decision and management for highway passenger transport .

  13. 随着贵州省经济持续增长,全社会客运量和公路客运量也均呈持续平稳增长势头。

    As the economy grows in Guizhou , ground passenger traffic and other traffic also showed steady growth .

  14. 实验结果表明,该方法对公路客运量的预测很有效。

    The experiment result shows that this method is very valid for the forecast of highway passenger quantity .

  15. 运用灰色系统理论,对未来几年内的公路客运量建立了灰色预测模型。

    The model of quantity of passenger transport in following years is created by the theory of gray system .

  16. 扩大国内旅游市场的开发,加大国内旅游的规模,增加旅游业的投资,提高国内旅游业的服务质量及旅游环境,可以大大增加公路客运量和铁路客运量;

    Developing internal tourism and improving the Chinese tourists abroad can increase the passenger traffic volume of highway and railway transport .

  17. 交通系统公路客运量预测不仅具有模糊性和动态性等特点,而且受多个因素影响。

    The forecast of passenger capacity is not only obscure and dynamic in transportation system , but also influenced by several factors .

  18. 河南省公路客运量的距离衰减规律明显,客流量随距离衰减较快,说明区域间短途流所占比重较大。

    Spatial attenuating tendency of highway Passenger Traffic in Henan province is very obvious . Passenger Traffic with the distance reduces very quickly .

  19. 科学准确地预测公路客运量,超前掌握公路客运量发展的趋势、特点、规律和数量,是制定公路客运发展和站场配置规划的基础。

    Scientifically and accurately predicting passenger volume , mastering the development trend 、 characteristic 、 raw and quantity is the base of constituting passenger development and coach station collocation plan .

  20. 公路客运量发展预测是公路客运枢纽站项目可行性研究中的主要内容,是确定一个项目建设规模的基础条件。

    The development prediction of highway passenger capacity is the main content in feasibility study of highway passenger transport hinge station project , it is also a fundamental qualification to determine the scale of one construct project .

  21. 实例分析表明,双线性动态预测模型能很好地反映公路客运量的发展特性,具有较高的预测精度和实用价值。

    The analysis of the practical example clearly shows that the double-linear dynamic forecast model can reflects the development characters of the highway passenger capacity very well . It has the higher forecast accuracy and practical value .

  22. 最后,在公路客运量预测的基础上,结合陕西省公路运输发展的远景规划和发展纲要,从实际出发,提出了如何应对在此种客运量发展趋势状况的5种措施。

    Finally , basis on the forecast of highway passenger quantity , combined with the development of Shaanxi province highway transportation planning and development outline vision , and puts forward how to deal with the proposed in traffic development trend of five species of situation .

  23. 以过去10年我国公路客运量时间序列数据为依据,采用回归分析法和弹性系数法,对2003~2005年我国公路客运量进行了预测分析。

    According to the time-order data of Chinese highway passenger transportation volume of last ten years , this paper makes prediction studies of the highway passenger transportation volume of 2003 ~ 2005 year in China , using the methods of the regression analysis and the elasticity coefficient .

  24. 运用此模型,对我国公路客运周转量的弹性系数进行了应用研究。

    With this model , the elasticity factor of the rotation volume of passenger transportation will be developed .

  25. 公路旅游客运量的预测是公路旅游运输客运发展和管理的基础,也是地区未来旅游发展趋势的预测。

    The prediction of the road capacity of tourist transport is the basis for the development and management of road transportation and tourism , which indicates the developmental trend of regional tourism .

  26. 公路枢纽项目客运量预测方法初探

    Discussion of Passenger Capactity Prediction Method of Highway Hinge Project

  27. 广州市公路客运线路客运量的预测

    A Prediction of Passenger Volumes of the Highway Transit Lines in Guangzhou

  28. 公路旅游运输客运量预测

    The prediction of the road capacity of tourist transport

  29. 本文研究了利用重力模型预测2005年和2010年广州市公路客运线路客运量的方法,并给出了主要线路的预测和分析结果。

    Based on the gravity model , this paper proposes an approach to the prediction of passenger volumes of highway transit lines in 2005 and 2010 years in Guangzhou . The prediction results and analysis are also presented .