
  • 网络Crater Lake National Park;Crater Lake NP
  1. 火山湖国家公园是唯一的国家公园在俄勒冈州。

    Crater Lake National Park is the only National Park in Oregon .

  2. 我第一次游览火山口湖国家公园的时候,我就想拍下一张图片,可以日后回顾,温习此次难忘之旅。

    Here on my first time visit to Crater Lake National Park , I wanted to leave with an image that I could look back on and remember the experience .

  3. 这些碎片也在地球表面形成了陨坑,其中有一个一直保留到今天的陨坑就是俄勒冈的“火山湖”(国家公园)。

    The falling pieces of moon created craters upon earth 's surface , one of which remains today known as " Crater Lake " in Oregon .