
  • Capricorn;the Goat;Scorpio;Capricornus
  1. 摩羯座的老板有那么一点像爸爸。

    Capricorn bosses can be just a bit like dad .

  2. 我们可以把AP看作是与白羊座,巨蟹座,天秤座,摩羯座,有重要关系的点。

    Think of the AP as a0 degree cardinal cross involving Aries , Cancer , Libra and Capricorn .

  3. Capricorn是摩羯座。

    So there is Capricorn , that 's the goat .

  4. 天秤-摩羯:摩羯座人很难接受你的不积极。

    It 's difficult for the Goat to accept your inactivity .

  5. 最近摩羯座的你在工作上给重要的人物留下了深刻的印象。

    You have impressed important faces in your career recently Capricorn .

  6. 我妈妈和我太太都是摩羯座的。

    My mother is a Capricorn and so is my wife .

  7. 摩羯座的安全感,蟹子的忠诚与信任恰好能形成完美的配合。

    Security from you and loyalty and trust from the Crab .

  8. 摩羯:你守旧,不愿冒险。

    CAPRICORN : You are conservative and afraid of taking risks .

  9. 摩羯座:本周摩羯一定要注意健康问题。

    You must take care of health problems that have been lingering .

  10. 摩羯座的决心常常使得他们成为佼佼者。

    Their strong minds often take Capricorns to the top .

  11. 天蝎、摩羯携手相聚十一月生日会,魅力与理性的绽放。

    Scorpio and Capricorn get together on our birthday party .

  12. 稳步迈向目标对摩羯们最有效。

    Working steadily towards a target works best for Capricorns .

  13. 对你来说,摩羯座过于野心勃勃,循规蹈矩。

    The goat is too ambitious and organized for you .

  14. 天蝎和摩羯的组合通常是有激情,婚姻也是成功的。

    The connection is usually passionate and marriages are successful .

  15. 这是摩羯座的派对之时。

    ( Yay , me !) It 's party city for Capricorns .

  16. 摩羯座是第二有钱的星座,占富人群体的9.6%。

    Capricorn was the second richest sign , with 9.6 per cent .

  17. 摩羯座喜欢传统地对待节日,这也是他们的传统。

    Capricorn enjoys a traditional approach to the holidays , their traditions .

  18. 摩羯座的人被认为严肃勤奋。

    Capricorns are supposed to be serious and hard working .

  19. 摩羯座:爱情会很容易。

    You will find it easy to attract love .

  20. 摩羯:这周你很可能被人穷追不舍。

    Someone is more likely to be after what you have this week .

  21. 天蝎更具创造性,摩羯更加有耐心。

    The Scorpio is more inventive , while the Capricorn is more patient .

  22. 水瓶-摩羯:你们不太合适。

    AQUARIUS & CAPRICORN : This is not good .

  23. 摩羯座的宠物以长寿和忠诚&尤其是对长者的忠诚,而闻名。

    Capricorn pets are noted for their longevity and loyalty especially to elders .

  24. 我非常为你感到高兴,摩羯座。

    I am very encouraged by this aspect for you , dear Capricorn .

  25. 摩羯座:魔羯,你很负责。

    Capricorn : You 're very responsible , Capricorn .

  26. 我做我想做到的,摩羯宫人。

    I do what I want , capricorn .

  27. 摩羯:摩羯座比较传统,但谁说传统的人就不能享受快乐呢?

    Capricorns can be conventional , but who said conventional couldn 't be fun ?

  28. 只有不爱你的摩羯才会做这种事。

    If Capricorn doesn 't love you any more , he will betray you .

  29. 白羊座,巨蟹座,天秤座,摩羯座。

    Aries , Cancer , Libra and Capricorn .

  30. 很多摩羯人害怕一旦停止工作就会遭遇贫困。

    Many Capricorns fear that poverty will set in the moment they stop toiling .