
mó yá shí kè
  • inscriptions on precipices
摩崖石刻[mó yá shí kè]
  1. 摩崖石刻是利用天然石壁以刻文纪事,具有重要的史料价值。

    Inscriptions on precipices means the ancients carved characters in the cliff to record events , which have very important historical material value .

  2. 石门摩崖石刻文化价值再认识

    Shimen Rock Inscription : a Re-study of Its Cultural Value

  3. 嗯。你看那边那幅摩崖石刻。

    Yes . Look , the rock inscription .

  4. 铁山、岗山摩崖石刻物探体积法在鞍山式铁矿资源总量预测中的应用

    Method of geophysical volume for the total iron resource prognosis of Anshan type in Liaoning

  5. 铁山、岗山摩崖石刻铁基粉末冶金刹车材料加压烧结冷却水流量研究

    The Research of Cooling Water Flow for Pressure Sintering of Iron-based Powder Metallurgy Brake Materials

  6. 这给以石门摩崖石刻为依据的各方面研究带来了极大困难。

    This stone to cliff carving as the basis of all aspects of research with great difficulty .

  7. 万佛沟的塔龛是中国现存最早,规模最大的摩崖石刻塔龛。

    These stone Buddhist rock niches at Wanfo Valley are the earliest and largest in scale in China .

  8. 山上还有三仙观、七宝楼、灵峰古苑、摩崖石刻等景观。

    There are mountains Sanxian concept , Qibao House , Ling-Feng Ku Court , Cliff and other landscape stone .

  9. 其次,汉代中后期歌功颂德与当地摩崖石刻发展的关联性十分密切。

    Second , the han dynasty with local middle eulogy cliff carving the relevance of development is very close .

  10. 摩崖石刻分布广、规模大、题材丰富,在中国乃至世界都具一定影响。

    The widely spread and large scale of the Cliffside carvings in that area had significant influence throughout the world .

  11. 都江堰能够长期保持生机活力的原因,可以从都江堰历史上留下的大量摩崖石刻及碑铭中去探寻。

    The reason why it keeps vital force chronically can be seeked from a lot of stone carving and inscriptions leaved behind in the history of Dujiang Weirs .

  12. 闽安的文物古迹可以分为古民居、军事遗址、宗教建筑、古墓葬、桥梁建筑、摩崖石刻六大类别。

    Min ' an ancient cultural can be divided into six categories : ancient dwellings , military sites , religious buildings , ancient tombs , bridges , carved stone .

  13. 最后,介绍石门十三品的具体规格位置,将石门及周围的摩崖石刻被水淹没的历史原因和抢救过程做了详细介绍。

    Finally , the author introduced the " shimen ten expanded " specifications of position , will shek mun and around the cliff carving under water historical reasons and rescue process were introduced .

  14. 将早期石门摩崖石刻的形成与当时时代背景和政治经济因素横向联系,形成对著名石刻的立体性新认识。

    Will the early formation of cliff carving stone and at that time and political and economic background factors lateral ties , the formation of a famous stone carvings of solid new understanding .

  15. 第二部分在了解了褒斜道及石门的客观形象意义之后,注重彰显早期著名摩崖石刻作品的人文精神意义。

    The second part by understanding the praise of the objective and ramps shimen after image meaning , pay attention to reveal the early cliff carving works will be famous the humane spirit of significance .

  16. 池州齐山是安徽省南部风景名胜区,素有与九华之胜,并擅江南的美誉,其摩崖石刻是省级文物保护单位。

    Qi Mountain of Chizhou is a scenic area in southern Anhui Province , which , together with Jiuhua Mountain , is know as famous scenic spots south to the Yangtze Rive . Its cliff inscription is a provincial conservation unit of cultural relics .

  17. 就其人文美说,包括艺术美和社会美,主要通过寺观、祠墓、别墅、园林、摩崖石刻、碑碣题记以及地方习俗、传说故事来体现。

    As to the humane beauty , they convey a certain kind of art and social aesthetics , which reflects essentially by means of temples , tombs , cottages , parks , gardens , peak carving , tombstone inscription , local customs and legends and so on .

  18. 齐山摩崖石刻因多为历史上政治或文化名人所题,书法精美、富有气势,较为系统地反映了较为广阔的皖南地区社会图景和不同时代士人心态,具有较深厚的文化内涵。

    Most of Qi Mountain cliff inscriptions are written by political or cultural celebrities in history , the calligraphy is very beautiful and of great momentum , which systematically reflects the social features of a wider southern Anhui province and the psychology of the Scholars in different times .