
  1. 身为女性并不意味着不便;这只是人类一种特定的存在形式。

    To be female is not a disability ; it is just a particular way of being human .

  2. 方法采用WESTERNBLOTTING方法,检测人类13种小细胞肺癌、9种非小细胞肺癌细胞株Rb蛋白的表达。

    Methods The detection of the expression of Rb protein in 13 human small cell lung cancer and 9 non-small cell lung cancer cell lines had been done by Western blotting method .

  3. 目的:H5N1在东南亚广泛流行和不断向人类跨种属传播使得世界卫生组织相信,该病毒最有可能成为下一次人类大流感的流行株。

    Objective : The outbreak and wide spread of H5N1 influenza virus in Southeastern Asia and continuing interspecies transmission into humans make World Health Organization ( WHO ) believe that this virus became the most likely candidate for the next human pandemic influenza .

  4. 猴子是对人类一种有组织性的讽刺。

    The monkey is an organized sarcasm upon the human race .

  5. 狂欢是人类一种普遍性的精神文化和民俗文化现象。

    Carnival is a general phenomenon of spirit culture and folkways culture .

  6. 艺术是人类一种独特的多层面的建构智慧。

    Art is a kind of unique Multi-layer construction wisdom of human .

  7. 人类三种基本精神的和谐发展

    Harmonious Development of Three Kinds of Basic Human Spirits

  8. 摘要悲剧意识是人类一种普遍的心态。

    The tragic consciousness is universal among the people .

  9. 人类/种本身就有趋向平衡&生存的本能。

    Human beings / species have the innate inclination towards balance , the instinct for survival .

  10. 乡村和城市作为人类两种生存空间,有着不同的历史文化内涵和文化价值。

    Country and city are two kinds of living environment with different historical and cultural value .

  11. 他所宣扬的是人类一种美好生活的理想模式,并寄托了自己的生命理想和对湘西世界的一份深爱。

    In his works , he expresses his ideal for life and love for the Western Hunan .

  12. 学习是人类一种普遍的认识活动,它与人类的生存和发展密切相关。

    Learning is a common cognitive activity of man , which is closely related to the survival and development of human beings .

  13. 正是基于上述时代和社会背景,关怀学派道德教育思想在对传统理论的批判和继承中脱颖而出,并成为人类一种新的道德价值追求。

    It is on these bases that caring school 's ideas of moral education arise and become a human moral value pursuit .

  14. 我们人类有种根深蒂固的习惯,惯于把名称变为实物,因此,唯名主义者才主张说,实体是一个虚假的概念。

    Nominalists accordingly adopt the opinion that substance is a spurious idea due to our inveterate human trick of turning names into things .

  15. 会计活动作为人类一种重要的经济管理活动,涉及到各种利益关系。

    Accounting activities , an important economic management activity , are concerned with the issue of various relations in terms of interests and profits .

  16. 色彩的爱好是人类一种最本能、最普遍的美感,它对观看者的影响便是最为直接的。

    The hobby of color is a kind of most instinct and the most universal sense of beauty , it is most direct influence of watcher .

  17. 类比推理是人类一种重要的认知能力,目前它在学习、问题解决与科学发现中都起着重要的作用。

    Analogical reasoning is one of the core abilities in human cognitive development , which focuses on learning , problem solving , creativity and artificial intelligence now .

  18. 教学是人类一种特殊的认识活动,是以学生为主体的学和教师起主导作用的教组成的双边统一活动。

    Teaching and Learning are the special cognitive activities of human beings , and they are the two way integrated activities , which combine the student-centered learning with the teacher-centered teaching .

  19. 水,是生物系统的基本组成部分,是人类一种必不可少的经济资源,还为人类的社会活动提供了其所必须的物质基础。

    Water is a basic component of the biosphere , the human an integral part of an economic resource , must rely on the material basis of all human social activities .

  20. 文艺既是人类一种特殊的精神活动,又属于社会的、历史的现象,科学的评价标准,应当着眼于这两者的统一。

    Literature and art is not only a human 's special spiritual activity , but a social and historical phenomenon , and scientific appraisal standard should be a unification of both .

  21. 乡土文化精神是人类一种重要的精神,上数几代我们可能都是农民,都有一种乡土的情怀和精神,这种乡土的情怀和精神是要满足的。

    Regional culture spirit is an important kind of spirit , for many generations , we may have been the peasants , all of us have a feeling of the soil and spirit , this kind of spirit should meet by something .

  22. 情绪和语言是人类两种重要的心理活动,情绪影响着我们日常生活中的方方面面,而语言是我们相互交流思想,保存、学习和分享人类的科学文化知识的重要手段。

    Emotion and Language are two important mental activities . The emotion affect every aspect of our daily lives , and the language is the important way by which we communicate , save , learning , and Shared human knowledge of science and culture .

  23. 创造力是人类的一种特性。

    Creativity is a human trait .

  24. 机器人革命势必会使人类直面一种古老的恐惧——拥有和人类同等的智力和能力,但却没有道德准则的人造物。

    The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear — man-made creations as smart and capable as we are but without a moral compass .

  25. 动机心理学的研究表明人类存在两种相对独立的动机系统:外显动机(explicitmotives)和内隐动机(implicitmotives)。

    Research from motivation psychology showed that there are two independent motivational systems in human : explicit and implicit motives .

  26. 目的:人高致病性禽流行性感冒,简称人禽流感(human-avianinfluenza)是由禽甲型流感病毒中某些亚型毒株突破种属感染人而引起人类的一种急性呼吸道传染病。

    Objective : Human Avian Influenza caused by highly pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus A ( H5N1 ) is a human acute respiratory infectious disease leading a high mortality rate .

  27. 一项新的研究显示,人类抵抗一种古老病毒的武器也许使人类更容易受到HIV-1病毒的侵犯,这种病毒是艾滋病的罪魁祸首。

    A new study reveals that a molecular weapon once used by humans to fend off infection by an ancient virus might now be making them more susceptible to HIV-1 , the virus that causes AIDS .

  28. 人类任何一种生产力都生产着一定的价值。

    Any human productive forces can produce some kinds of values .

  29. 明争暗斗,是地球人类的一种严重心理疾病。

    Infighting , is earth humanity 's a serious mental illness .

  30. 违实思维是人类的一种普遍的思维活动。

    Counterfactual thinking is a pervasive cognitive activity of human beings .