
  1. CIS战略设计是一个有机的整体,作为塑造企业形象的重要工具,已为国内外企业在树立企业形象、打造企业品牌时广泛采用,许多企业也因此走上了脱离困境或快速发展的道路。

    CIS - Corporation Identity System design , which is an integrated system by itself and also an important instrument in designing the image of business companies , has been widely applied , within or outside the country , to increase the publicity of finished products .

  2. 建立质量信誉树立企业形象

    Establishing Quality honesty to set up enterprise s reputation

  3. 树立企业形象的有效切入点及方式

    Effective Entry and Methods for Establishing Enterprise Image

  4. 概言之,企业简介在树立企业形象、拓展市场、打造知名品牌方面有着极其重要的作用。

    In general , company introductory materials are crucial to establishing a good image , expand markets and build brands .

  5. 因此,对于企业来说,门户网站就起到了非常重要的树立企业形象、打造企业声望的作用。

    Consequently , the website plays an important role of publicizing the image and building up the reputation of one company .

  6. 愿我们的每一个作品都能成为您树立企业形象、拓展市场空间的最佳传媒。

    I wish that we could each work you can become a corporate image and expand market space in the best media .

  7. 众所周知,户外广告起着占领和开拓市场、树立企业形象、美化亮化城市等作用。

    As we all know , It also plays an important role in taking up and developing new markets , establishing a corporate image and embellishing the city .

  8. 互联网不仅仅是企业与其客户及商业伙伴沟通的渠道,更是企业建立其信誉、树立企业形象和打造企业品牌的平台。

    Internet not only offers the channel for communication between enterprises and their customers and business partners , but also builds up a platform for establishing their reputation and brand .

  9. 对于一个航运企业而言,如何在竞争激烈的市场中取得更多的市场份额、树立企业形象、不断增强企业自身综合实力,是该企业能否取得长足发展的关键所在。

    For a shipping enterprise , it is very important to get more market share in the competitive market , establish a corporate image . and constantly enhance its overall strength .

  10. 本文作者从建筑企业自身的特点出发,对如何以安全生产为宗旨、提高工程质量为信誉,树立企业形象等进行了全面论述。

    Author discusses that we will take safety production as tenet , increasing the engineering quality as reputation , and set up the enterprise image from the building enterprise characteristic sin this paper .

  11. 品牌形象广告是广告的一种形式,但它又有不同于其他广告的特殊性,即它处于经济环境中,对树立企业形象及品牌有很大影响。

    Brand image advertising is one form of advertising , but it has their particularity , that is it is in the economic environment , and has a great influence on creating the image of enterprise and brand .

  12. 近年来,伴随着电子商务这股浪潮,越来越多的企业也相继建立了自己的系统,用以树立企业形象、发布企业信息,宣传企业产品等商务活动。

    In recent years , along with this wave of e-commerce , more and more enterprises have also established their own Web site , to establish a corporate image , publishing business information , promotional corporate merchandise and other business activities .

  13. 通过研究分析企业形象的重要性,说明了树立企业形象、维护企业声誉、使企业走向成功的有效途径之一是施以相应的公关策略。

    By means of researching and analyzing the importance of enterprise image , this paper indicates that setting up enterprise image , protecting its reputation and one of the effective way of making it success are to apply corresponding public relations strategy .

  14. 理论上,企业日常性捐赠是一种持久性投资,通过树立企业形象、获得消费者忠诚、增加企业社会资本、改善企业竞争环境,实现提升企业财务绩效的目的。

    Theoretically , corporate daily donation is a persistent investment , through setting up the enterprise image , getting the loyalty of customer , increasing enterprise social capital , improving the enterprise competition environment , to achieve the purpose of promoting enterprise financial performance .

  15. 尤其是网络技术的发展,使互联网给全球经济带来了巨大的飞跃,越来越多的企业建立了自己的网站,用以树立企业形象、发布企业信息等商务活动。

    Especially the development of network technology , make the Internet to the global economy has brought great leap , more and more enterprises set up their own web site , to set up the business enterprise image , release enterprise information business activities .

  16. 品牌以及品牌文化的形成、塑造和传播对于一个企业来说是至关重要的,它是企业参与市场竞争、建立品牌忠诚度、树立企业形象的重要保证,而广告与品牌文化的传播密不可分。

    Brand and brand culture , shaping and dissemination of a business is critical , it is the enterprises to participate in market competition , build brand loyalty , and establish an important guarantee for corporate image , and brand advertising and the dissemination of culture are inseparable .

  17. 推行ISO14001可提高企业的市场竞争力,树立企业良好形象,获得良好的环境效益、社会效益和经济效益。

    Implementing ISO14001 can enhance enterprise 's competence in the market , establish enterprise 's good image and obtain good environmental social and economic benefit .

  18. 伴随着消费者生活水平和消费观念的转变,越来越多的中国企业注意到引入企业形象识别系统(CIS)战略,树立良好企业形象的重要性。

    With the change of living standard and consumption concept of consumers , more and more Chinese enterprise note that it is important to introduce the strategy of Corporate Identity System ( CIS ) and to establish the good corporate image .

  19. 文章结合CI的相关理论和实际案例,从企业理念、企业行为和企业视觉形象三方面出发,阐述了CI策划在树立优良企业形象中的具体运用和现实意义。

    This dissertation , combined with uses correlative theories and actual cases of CI , starts from the three aspects , expands separately the uses and real meaning that Mind Identity system , Behaviour Identity system and Visual Identity system for the establishment of Corporate Identity .

  20. 浅析树立企业诚信形象

    Simple analysis about setting up honesty image of enterprises

  21. 加强企业信用伦理道德建设,树立企业良好形象;

    Credit strengthen ethics , establish a good image ;

  22. 初议工程公司的技术管理加强技术管理提高产品质量树立企业新形象

    Strengthening Technical Management to Improve Product Quality and Build up the New Image of Enterprise

  23. 在跨文化商务交往中,一封礼貌的英文商务信函,不仅可以树立良好企业形象而且还能营造和谐商务人际关系。

    A polite English business letter not only stands for good corporate image but also is an important means to build and maintain harmonious business relationship across cultural business communication .

  24. 服装展示设计是近年来新兴的一种辅助服装销售的商业促销活动,有助于树立企业品牌形象、拓展服装市场。

    Costume design is a kind of auxiliary sales business promotion activities emerging in recent years , which can be helped to establish a corporate image and to expand market .

  25. 改变农村信用社企业文化的关键在于加强思想政治教育,改变管理方法,树立崭新企业形象等。

    The key to the change of rural credit cooperative 's enterprise culture lies in enhancing political and ideological education , changing managerial methods and setting brand-new images of enterprises .

  26. 本文剖析了现代商业展示设计和企业品牌形象二者之间的关系,从艺术设计的角度阐述了如何在现代商业展示设计中树立企业品牌形象。

    This essay attempts to analyze the relations between commercial display designs and the brand image of enterprises and to illustrate how to build up the brand image of enterprises in commercial display designs .

  27. 营销策略则是为了实现各种各样的企业目标,包括保持并扩大市场占有率、树立企业良好形象、提高品牌知名度、保有并不断取得忠诚顾客等,而采取的各种行动。

    Marketing strategy , extending from the above definition , is the activity by which a company reaches its various targets such as market expansion , excellent public image , brand enhance and good customer relations .

  28. 在此基础上提出高速公路经营企业文化建设的思路:因地制宜选择独特的体验主题并在高速公路上实现物化,进行品牌文化建设树立企业良好形象。

    Based on the highway management of the construction of enterprise culture idea : choose the unique experience conditions on the highway and subject to realize , setting up enterprise culture construction of good brand image .

  29. 基于此,本文提出推行差异化管理准则、规范科学的管理制度、创建顺畅的员工援助系统、塑造积极上进的企业文化和树立良好企业形象五个提高组织认同度的建议。

    Therefore , this article gives five suggestions , including guidelines for the implementation of differential management , standardized and scientific management system , create smooth employee Assistance System , shape positive corporate culture , establish a good corporate image .

  30. 构建企业文化,必须加强企业的道德建设,制定新的道德规范和标准,从而树立企业新形象,提高企业生产力,增强企业综合竞争力,使企业稳步发展。

    In order to build up enterprise culture , we must strengthen ethical construction of enterprise , establish new ethic standard and ethic normal , then we can build up enterprise 's new image , improve productivity , build up synthetic competition strength , and make enterprise develop steadily .