
  • 网络Core Capital Adequacy Ratio;core tier one ratio
  1. 现行的核心资本充足率、平均加权净资产收益率、净利润增长率等会计分析指标一直是衡量商业银行绩效的标准,公司管理层也将这些指标作为其经营的首要目标及激励基准。

    Current core capital adequacy ratio , average net assets yield and net profit growth weighted index have been measuring the performance of commercial bank standard as the primary goal of its operation and incentive benchmarks .

  2. 截至第一季度末,光大银行的核心资本充足率为8.11%,高于2011年水平,但不到中国银监会要求各银行在未来几年达到的8.5%这一门槛。

    Everbright 's core capital adequacy ratio was 8.11 per cent at the end of the first quarter , up from 2011 but below the 8.5 per cent threshold that the Chinese banking regulator wants banks to achieve in coming years .

  3. 按照新的规定,银行必须持有的核心资本充足率底线为7%。

    Under the new rules , banks would have to hold reserves seven percent of their risk-weighted assets .

  4. 去年末,六大银行的平均核心资本充足率略高于10%。

    At the end of last year , the six largest lenders had average core capital of a little more than 10 per cent .

  5. 假设在低谷时期,投资者满意的最低核心资本充足率是4%,那么拿美国银行来说,在顶峰时期,它们需要大约10%的核心资本充足率那就需要筹集约2000亿美元。

    Assuming investors are happy with a floor core capital ratio of 4 per cent in the trough , US banks , for example , would need a core capital ratio of about 10 per cent at the peak that would require raising about $ 200bn .

  6. 汇丰的核心一级资本充足率达到10%以上,远远超过《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)的规定,因此该行可以在其竞争对手收缩之际继续放贷。

    Basel III core tier one capital is comfortable at more than 10 per cent , so HSBC can keep lending while rivals cut back .

  7. 现代商业银行的资产负债管理的核心内容是银行资本充足率的管理。

    The core of the modern commercial banks ' asset liability ratio management is their supervision via capital adequacy ratio .

  8. 从巴塞尔协议的演变过程可以看出,银行监管的核心思想是通过资本充足率约束控制的杠杆作用,要求银行提高透明度和信息披露标准,发挥市场和利益相关者的监督作用。

    The Basel agreement from the evolution process of can see , banking supervision is the core ideas through capital adequacy ratio of restricted control leverage , require Banks to increase transparency and disclosure standards , and bring the market and stakeholder supervisory effect .