首页 / 词典 / good


jié jì
  • remember;miss;worry about
结记 [jié jì]
  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [miss]∶挂念

  • 你走吧!这里有大娘照顾,不用结记

  • (3) [remember]∶记住

  • 以后出去结记着关门

  1. 你结记着夜里给孩子喂点儿水。

    Remember to give the baby some water at night .

  2. 他写了封信回家,免得父母结记。

    He wrote a letter home lest his parents worry .

  3. 窦房结电图描记方法的探讨

    A Study of the Sinus Node Electrogram

  4. 小儿窦房结电图的描记与窦房传导时间的测量

    Sinus node electrogram and the measurement of sinoatrial conduction time in

  5. 五步教学法教学模式是对古典诗词教学实践的理性概括,它包括诵与译、问与思、说与辩、评与结、读与记五个步骤。

    Practically , five-step teaching patterns in classical poetry includes chanting and interpreting , asking and thinking , speaking and debating , commenting and summarizing , reading and memorizing .