
zhǐ shì
  • indicate;instruct;directive;order;ordinance;prescribe;brief;point out;coach
指示 [zhǐ shì]
  • (1) [ponit out]∶指明,显示

  • 璧有瑕,请指示王。--《史记.廉颇蔺相如列传》

  • 指示灯

  • (2) [instruct]∶上对下指导、命令

  • (3) [instructs]∶上对下指导、命令的内容

指示[zhǐ shì]
  1. 以上意见妥否,请指示。

    Please indicate whether you consider the above views sound or not .

  2. 陀螺罗盘的罗牌应当指示出安装它的运动体所处的方向。

    The card on a gyrocompass should indicate the heading of the vehicle in which it is installed .

  3. 这些指示不单令人迷惑,而且肯定会误导人。

    The instructions were not just confusing , they were positively misleading .

  4. 那封信指示他立即向总部汇报。

    The letter instructed him to report to headquarters immediately .

  5. 利率可由中央银行指示控制。

    Interest rates can be controlled by order of the central bank .

  6. 我接到指示讲话要简短。

    I 'm under instructions to keep my speech short .

  7. 她严格指示不得打扰她。

    She left strict instructions that she was not to be disturbed .

  8. 指示灯未熄灭之前乘客不许抽烟。

    Passengers must not smoke until the signs have been switched off .

  9. 这项工作是依照她的指示办的。

    The work was done according to her instructions .

  10. 工作是按指示进行的。

    The work was carried out as per instructions .

  11. 这些指示我他妈的一点也看不懂。

    These instructions make fuck all sense to me .

  12. 法官指示陪审团作出无罪裁决。

    The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty .

  13. 特伦特队长给了他的下属详细的指示。

    Captain Trent gave his men a full briefing .

  14. 我尽量弄明白他草草写在一片纸上的指示。

    I tried to read his directions , scrawled on a piece of paper .

  15. 他们是在按照上级的指示办事。

    They were acting on instructions from above .

  16. 她给了我清晰而准确的指示。

    She gave me clear and precise directions .

  17. 她依照指示于10点钟到达。

    She arrived at 10 o'clock as instructed .

  18. 我是严格遵照你的指示办的。

    I followed your instructions to the letter .

  19. 按照标牌的指示到市中心。

    Follow the signs for the city centre .

  20. 简单的指示他都难以照办。

    He has trouble following simple instructions .

  21. 这个指示牌一定要摘下来。

    The sign must be taken down .

  22. 我给过你明确的指示。

    I gave you specific instructions .

  23. 顺着箭头指示方向走。

    Follow the arrows .

  24. 那家人已经指示律师起诉汤姆森,要求赔偿。

    The family has instructed solicitors to sue Thomson for compensation

  25. 遵照总统的指示,他被释放了。

    He was released on the orders of the President .

  26. 我按照指示接洽了一位苏联国际旅行社官员。

    I approached an Intourist official , as per instructions .

  27. 他们得到指示要特别关注贫困问题。

    They have been directed to give special attention to the problem of poverty

  28. 他用一截粉笔将她的指示写在黑板上。

    With a stick of chalk he wrote her order on a blackboard .

  29. 我好像记得给过你非常明确的指示。

    I seem to remember giving you very precise instructions

  30. 他指示马蒂尔达的遗体必须葬在家族墓穴里。

    He ordered that Matilda 's body should be buried in the family vault .