
  1. 她喜爱独自旅行。

    She enjoys her own company when she is travelling .

  2. 她喜爱各种运动,尤其是游泳。

    She loves all sports , especially swimming .

  3. 她喜爱政治生活。

    She enjoyed political life .

  4. “我简直认为她喜爱动物胜过喜爱人。”“没错儿。”比尔说道。

    ' I almost think she prefers animals to people . ' ' Quite right too , ' said Bill .

  5. 她喜爱这个昵称——“铁娘子”。

    She delighted in the nickname , the ' iron lady ' .

  6. 她的衣服多是仿照她喜爱的时装自己缝制的。

    She makes most of her own clothes , copying any fashion which takes her fancy .

  7. 她喜爱她的小狗,那小狗也诚然可爱。

    She loves her puppy , and the puppy really is adorable .

  8. 她喜爱跳舞和招待客人。

    She likes to dance and entertain .

  9. 据妈妈维多利亚说,哈珀可是Gaga的忠实粉丝,在家里也经常唱她喜爱的Gaga的歌。

    According to Victoria , Harper is a massive fan of Gaga , and often sings along to her favourite songs at home .

  10. 但是现在“Seowoo”和她喜爱的物品的合照则显示她已经对蓝色产生了浓厚的偏好。

    But pictures of Seowoo 's possessions now show how she now has a preference for blue items as well .

  11. 她喜爱他画的画。

    She was in love with the paintings he had painted .

  12. 她喜爱在百货公司看洋装和衣服。

    She enjoys at the dresses and clothes in the stores .

  13. 不浪费则不匮乏是她喜爱的格言。

    Waste not , want not is her favourite maxim .

  14. 和着她喜爱的歌曲旋转,欢笑,跳舞。

    Spinning , laughing , dancing to her favorite song .

  15. 据称此事与她喜爱跳舞密切相关。

    It supposedly tied up with her interest in dance .

  16. 她喜爱动禅陀罗尼、喜爱运动,特别是打网球和跑步。

    She enjoys playing sports very much , especially tennis and running .

  17. 她喜爱网球运动、周游世界以及中国绘画。

    She plays tennis , likes traveling around the world and Chinese painting .

  18. 闲暇之于她喜爱于音乐杂耍剧的制作与指导。

    In her free time she enjoys producing and directing musical variety shows .

  19. 她喜爱你总和她在一起。

    She likes you to be always with her .

  20. 她喜爱烹饪和阅读,但不喜欢运动。

    She enjoys cooking and reading , but she doesn 't like sports .

  21. 她喜爱在她自己家的附近工作。

    She liked to work around her own home .

  22. 她喜爱吃半生不熟的牛排。

    She likes to have her beefsteak rare .

  23. 她喜爱书,经常去图书馆。

    She loves books and frequents the library .

  24. 她喜爱自助旅行自由的感觉。

    She loves the freedom of independent travel .

  25. 她喜爱她的狗乔纳森,也喜欢游览世界各地并拍摄照片。

    She loves her dog Jonathan , and to travel the world taking photographs .

  26. 她喜爱炫耀她所有的裘皮衣物。

    She loves to parade all her furs .

  27. 波利给她喜爱的马装上马鞍和笼头。

    Polly saddled and bridled her favourite horse .

  28. 她喜爱装扮贵妇人。

    She loves to play the grand lady .

  29. 她喜爱观察鸟的习性。

    She likes observing the behaviour of birds .

  30. 她喜爱的食物是煎蛋卷。

    Her preference in foods is omelets .