
  • 网络ring;ringtones;ringtone;Ring Tone
  1. 这些手机可待机70小时,通话时长达2小时50分钟,并提供15种铃音。

    They offer 70 hours ' standby time , 2hr 50min talk time , and 15 ring tones .

  2. 可以换掉手机的铃音吗?

    Could you please change the ring tone of your cell phone ?

  3. “越狱”这种说法最早出现于2007年7月,第一代iPhone上市的第一个月。最初的越狱只是为了添加个性铃音,后来这一做法迅速被普及,成为破解苹果手机程序、安装各类未授权游戏和应用程序的主要手段。

    The concept of jailbreaking dates back to July 2007 , when it was applied the phone with games and other applications not licensed by Apple Inc.

  4. 铃音内容参考:欢迎您致电温岭市金悦流水线设备制造有限公司!

    Welcome to telephone wenling jinyu pipelining equipment manufacture company limited . automationbusiness .

  5. 彩铃业务,即ColoringRingBackTone业务(简称CRBT),也叫个性化回铃音业务,是由业务用户为可能呼叫自己移动电话的主叫用户设定的一种个性化服务。

    Crbt , which means coloring ring back tone service or personalized ring back tone service , is a personalized service that called subscriber can set for calling subscriber .

  6. 基于H.248/Megaco协议的多媒体回铃音业务的研究

    Research on Multimedia Ring Back Tone Service Based on H.248/Megaco Protocol

  7. 技术领域的新词有ringtone(手机铃音)和spyware(安装在电脑上用于监视用户活动的间谍软件);科学领域的新词则包括biodiesel(生物柴油)和avianinfluenza(禽流感)。

    The technology world contributed ringtones ( changeable incoming cellphone call signals ) and spyware ( software installed in a computer to surreptiously track a user 's activities ) while biodiesel and avian influenza came from the world of science .

  8. 可为闹铃设置你中意的铃音及铃音音量;

    Choose your favorite tone and sound volume for alarms ;

  9. 每个音乐铃音的最大音调数是35个音调。

    The maximum number of notes in a musical tone is35 notes .

  10. 你的铃音简直要把我逼疯了!

    A : Your ring tone drives me nuts !

  11. 彩铃专项分析系统铃音推荐模块的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Color Ring Recommendation Module of CRBT Professional Analysis System

  12. 你能把铃音开小声点吗

    Could you turn that phone down a bit ?

  13. 我没有很想你,只是把你来电调成唯一的铃音;

    I do not want you , just tune into your phone ring only ;

  14. 多媒体回铃音业务研究

    Study on Multimedia Ring Back Tone Service

  15. 可编程校用铃音控制器

    Programmable Controller for School Bell

  16. 我的妻子想知道你能否把我的打嗝声设为悦耳的铃音?

    My wife wants to know if you can replace my burps with an assortment of nice ringtones ?

  17. 这种安全套的一个主要缺陷是,较差的声音质量,就好比第一代手机所发出的铃音一般。

    The condom 's main limitation is primitive sound quality , similar to tones produced by first-generation mobile phones .

  18. 总之,彩铃业务改变了传统的枯燥乏味的回铃音环境,给用户带来一个赏心悦耳的七彩铃音世界。

    In general , CRBT changes the boring ring back environment , and takes a beautiful tone world for users .

  19. 有人拿了我的手机显然开了个玩笑把短信铃音个性化了

    Well , somebody got hold of the phone and apparently as a joke , personalised their text alert noise .

  20. 这时隔壁想起电话的铃音,依儿的感觉也随之跳跃了一下。

    Then the phone ring tones reminiscent next door , according to the child feeling also will be a jump to .

  21. 如果婴儿被交给错误的母亲,标签能够检测到错误匹配并发出警报铃音。

    If the mother is given the wrong child , the RFID tag detects the mismatch and activates an audible alarm .

  22. 本文介绍了个性化回铃音业务在移动通信网中实现的两种技术方案,并对方案进行了探讨。

    The article introduces two schemes to realize coloring ring back tone operation in mobile telecommunication network , and discusses the schemes .

  23. 个性化回铃音业务作为一种新型的语音增值业务,由于其创新的业务视角,目前已经得到了广泛的开展和应用。

    As one new value-add voice service , customized ring back tone service develops more and more widely , with its innovative view .

  24. 眼下,手机商店成了伊拉克唯一生意兴隆的商店,店里出售各种手机铃音光盘,价格在每张2美元左右。

    Cell phone shops , the only crowded stores these days , sell special CDs with ringtones at about US $ 2 apiece .

  25. 本文对目前各通信网络中的个性化回铃音业务解决方案进行了对比和分析,对于其发展进行了探讨和展望。

    In the paper , the schemes for CRBT service applied on each type communication network are analyzed and compared , and the future of CRBT is discussed .

  26. 通过自定义铃音和振动等不同的提醒模式,这样在重要的场合例如会议期间就不会打扰您了。

    You can select the Profiles in which Remind Me will be active , so when you are having an important meeting it won 't be a problem .

  27. 第一个闹钟比较柔和,在你够得着的范围内,设置在你真正想起床的5分钟之前,温柔的铃音会慢慢将你唤醒。

    The first one is gentle , within reach and set for five minutes before you really need it . This soothing sound will slowly wake you up .

  28. 我厂主营宁波韵升音乐铃机芯,可提供几千种音乐铃音琴,如圣诞曲,儿童曲,流行歌曲。

    All the musical movements are provided by our partner , Ningbo Yunsheng Company , who provides up to thousands rhymes , including Christmas song series , children 's folk rhymes etc.

  29. 2003年,中国移动在国内电信运营商中率先推出了一项个性化回铃音业务,即彩铃。

    In 2003 , China Mobile was the first among the domestic telecommunication operators to launch the service of customized ring back tone , namely Coloring Ring Back Tone ( CRBT ) .

  30. 彩铃,也就是个性化的电话铃音,当有电话响时用一首歌代替了传统的电话铃声。

    Ringback music , also called personalized ringback tone , is a piece of music heard by the caller instead of the traditional telephone ring signal when a telephone call is placed .