
  • 网络Submission;Censorship
送检 [sòng jiǎn]
  • [submit for censorship] 送交有关方面检查

  1. 拟公映的电影预告、教育影片和文化影片也须送检,但无须分级。

    Film trailers , instructional films and cultural films intended for public exhibition also require censorship but do not need to be classified into any categories .

  2. 所有血液标本采血后立即送检,应用自动化分析仪进行检测。

    All blood samples blood immediately after submission , the application of automated analyzers for testing .

  3. 性别因素在医院就诊、用药、粪便送检等行为的差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Gender factor was statistically significant difference in treatment behavior ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 对广西送检的疑似狂犬病的20份犬的脑组织进行RT-PCR检测,比较了套式RT-PCR和普通RT-PCR两种方法的阳性检出率。

    In Guangxi , 20 samples doubted infected rabies virus were detected with Nested RT-PCR and general RT-PCR assay respectively .

  5. 不同性别的人群(男、女)送检的痰液阳性检出率分别为12.82%、10.81%,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);

    The positive rate of the sputum from male and female was 12.82 % and 10.81 % , there was no difference ( P0.01 ) .

  6. 529例送检麻疹特异性IgM抗体,502例为阳性,占94.9%。

    In 529 children detected for measles specific IgM antibody , 502 cases ( 94.9 % ) were positive .

  7. 方法采用单管多重PCR体系对21例血红蛋白H病和442例临床送检病例血样本进行α地中海贫血基因诊断,另2例取羊水进行产前诊断。

    Methods : 21 cases of HbH disease and 442 clinical uncertain cases were detected by the single-tube multiplex-PCR assay , and 2 cases were detected with amniotic fluid .

  8. 应用本实验室建立的肿瘤病快速鉴别诊断技术,对临床送检的苍白消瘦、有肿瘤病变或肝脾肿大的患鸡病料或本实验室保存的DNA样品250份进行ALV的检测。

    Applying the rapid diagnosis technique developed in the laboratory to the suspected tumor samples or DNA kept in the laboratory .

  9. 结果在送检的21份HIV确认阳性的样本中,共获得18份gag基因序列。

    Results HIV-1 gag genes were successfully amplified from 18 out of 21 HIV-1 positive samples and analyses were thereafter conducted .

  10. 应用spf鸡胚从送检发病鸽的脑、脾脏组织分离到6株病毒。

    6 virus strains were isolated from the brain and spleen of sick pigeons using SPF chicken embryos .

  11. 在工作中体会到,HamF(10)培养基是较好的。送检的羊水量多培养容易成功。

    It is considered that Ham F_10 is more ideal for amniotic fluid cell culture and a larger amount of amniotic fluid is easier to success .

  12. 本文主要介绍利用Word和Excel的文字处理及链接数据功能进行船舶送检规范计算书的技术文件编制思路。

    The paper introduced how to use the word processing and data linking functions of WORD and EXCEL to create ship ′ s technical document such as calculation book for classification .

  13. 对佛山市南海区内三家出口速冻方便食品生产企业生产的速冻面制品抽样送检,用ICP法检测铝含量。

    The products are sampled from three exit quick-frozen food manufactories in nanhai district foshan city , and detected contents of aluminium by ICP .

  14. 方法应用API微生物分析鉴定系统对临床送检的163份培养阳性葡萄球菌标本进行鉴定,采用K-B法对鉴定出的MRS菌株进行药敏试验,测定其对青霉素等17种常用抗生素的耐药性。

    Methods 163 Isolates were cultured and identified by the total automatic API system . The resistance of MRS to 17 antibiotics was detected by K-B method .

  15. 方法用FOX与OX纸片扩散法与MIC法检测本院临床送检标本中分离的葡萄球菌共120株。

    Methods 120 staphylococcus strains isolated from clinical samples were detected by using FOX disk diffusion method , OX disk diffusion method and MIC method to detect .

  16. 采用ELISA对湖南省规模猪场送检的953份血清进行了猪瘟抗体的检测,对305个病例(场次)进行了猪瘟抗原的检测。

    It was carried on the swine fever antibody examination of 953 serums and the swine fever antigen examination of 305 cases ( farms ) by ELISA on the Hunan Province scale pig farms .

  17. 应用血凝试验检测中日合资爱丽丝(西安)畜牧有限公司送检的四种5%的消毒剂(原液)对鸡新城疫病毒(NDV)的杀灭效果。

    S The killing effects of the four disinfectants against Newcastle Disease Virus ( NDV ) were examined by micro hemagglutination inhibition test .

  18. 本月,美国有线电视新闻网CNN报道称,在由美国环保机构“环境工作小组”发布的一项报告中,美国国内800种送检的防晒产品中,有75%含有潜在危害成分。

    In May , CNN reported that , according to the EnvironmentalWorking Group , 75 percent of 800 sunscreens tested in the UScontained potentially harmful ingredients .

  19. 方法:对2001年1月~2004年12月从内科ICU送检标本检测出的致病菌及其耐药性资料进行回顾性研究分析。

    Methods : The identified pathogenic bacteria and their drug resistance , collected from patients in medical intensive care unit from January 2001 to December 2004 , were analyzed retrospectively .

  20. 方法对82例VAP患者建立人工气道的机械通气采用无菌吸痰管送检痰培养分离的108株进行药敏试验。

    Methods In 82 VAP patients . 108 strains of pathogens in ventilator associated pneumonia were classified by sputum culture and drug resistance was analyzed .

  21. bla(CTXM)基因阳性菌株主要来源于临床送检尿和痰标本,并广泛分布于20多个临床科室。

    Most CTX-M strains were isolated from urine or sputum , and they were widely distributed to more than 20 clinical departments .

  22. 结论:对原因不明的腋下肿块,应考虑到OBC的可能,同时应予切除并送检病理确诊。

    CONCLUSIONS : For axillary mass which causes are uncertain , the possibility of OBC should be considered .

  23. 通过霉菌培养鉴定、RF510TCSZ薄层扫描、鸭雏饲养毒性观察等试验,对送检料进行了黄曲霉毒素B1的定性、定量检测。

    Both quantitative and quantitative examination of the aflatoxin B1 of samples brought us were made through the experiments of mould culture and determination , scanning of TLC ( RF-510-TCS-Z ) and observation of feed toxicity on fledgling duck .

  24. 另外,还对江苏省送检的从患儿血培养基培养的细菌毒株进行了鉴定,对其16SRRNA基因进行了基因扩增及序列分析,序列测定和分析提示为A组M3型化脓性链球菌。

    In addition , one bacteria strain cultured from the blood of a patient was identified belonging to A group type M3 pyogenic streptococcus using 16S rRNA gene amplification and sequencing analysis .

  25. 不同职业的人群(农民、工人、机关事业单位人员、学生)送检的痰液阳性检出率分别为11.97%、17.39%、13.33%、12.63%,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The positive rate of the sputum from peasants , workers , persons working in government departments or institutions and students was 11.97 % , 17.39 % , 13.33 % and 12.63 % respectively . There was no difference ( P0.05 ) .

  26. 结果1412例中诊断AIH、PBC和PSC者分别为送检标本的1.27%,1.49%和0.21%。

    Results Among 1 412 cases , those diagnosed as AIH , PBC and PSC accounted for 1.27 % , 1.49 % and 0.21 % of the specimens tested .

  27. 有近一半送检鸡群对REV呈现抗体阳性,抗体阳性率普遍较低,即使在达到开产年龄后,仍还有很高比例鸡为抗体阴性,即对REV仍为易感鸡。

    There were only half flocks were positive with antibodies to REV , and high percentages of birds were still negative to REV antibody in the positive flocks even after sexually maturity .

  28. 方法:全部病儿分为A、B、C3组,分别检测血锌浓度,其中A组有高热惊厥组两次采血送检。

    Methods : All patients were divided into A , B and C groups , the zinc concentration of every group was tested respectively . In addition , the zinc concentration of A group ( the patients with fever convulsion ) was tested twice .

  29. 结果136份筛查试验为阳性反应、WB确认为HIV抗体阴性的标本,占所有送检标本的6.70%,占筛查试验阳性标本的13.39%。

    Results One hundred and thirty six samples were positive by HIV antibody screening test but turned out negative by WB , accounting for 6.70 % of all the tested samples and 13.39 % of all the positive ones .

  30. 15岁以下儿童急性迟缓性麻痹(AFP)监测报告年均发病率在1/10万以上,报告、调查、采便送检、随访及时率达80%以上;

    The incidence rate for inspect-reporting has attained upwards of 1 / 100 000 among children under 15 years old , the rate of report , investigate , examining excrement and interview in time has attained upwards of 80 % .