
rèn pí cénɡ
  • bast layer
  1. 中柱膜位于内皮层和韧皮层之间的根系的植物组织

    A plant tissue characteristic of the roots , located between the endodermis and phloem . people at the grassroots level

  2. 苎麻经过该机构使用可清除麻骨、青皮而保留韧皮纤维层。

    When the ramie passes the ramie barker , sticks and green layers can be cleared to reserve the bast layer .

  3. 通过5种处理方法分离红麻韧皮部束纤维层,测定各层束纤维的直径d及其所能承受的最大拉力Fmax,计算束纤维的极限抗拉强度σ。

    Kenaf phloem bundle fiber layers were separated by five treatments , and the diameter ( d ) and maximum tensile force ( Fmax ) of bundle fiber of each layer were measured . The ultimate tensile strength (σ) of kenaf phloem bundle fiber of each layer were calculated .

  4. 红麻韧皮部束纤维层的分离及纤维长度分布

    Separation of Kenaf Phloem Bundle Fiber Layers and Fiber Length Distribution

  5. 每个维管束的韧皮部外面有数层厚壁细胞,增加叶柄的机械支持作用。

    There are some sclerenchymatous cells outside the phloem of each vascular bundle to increase the supporting force of the petiole .

  6. 老根由外向内依次为:周皮、次生韧皮部、形成层、次生木质部、初生木质部。在根中五叶木通木质部导管口径比三叶木通的大很多。

    While for older roots , there are periderm , secondary phloem , cambium , secondary xylem and primary xylem . In root , the duct caliber of xylem in Akebia quinata ( Thunb . ) Decne .

  7. 花生果针具有双子叶草本植物地上茎的结构特点。利用扫描电镜观察了果针的解剖结构,从外至内的结构分别为:表皮、皮层、韧皮部、形成层、木质部和髓。

    The structures of peanut peg were similar to the overground stems of dicotyledonous herbaceous plants , which were epidermis , cortex , phloem , cambium , xylem and pith from outside to inside of peg by using scanning electron microscopy .

  8. 在横切面上,成熟根瘤结构由内而外,依次为木质部、韧皮部、内皮层、中皮层、单宁层、周皮层和表皮层。

    Transverse section of the nodular lobes , the structure of mature is constituted by following tissues : phloem , xylem , endodermis layer , middle cortical cell , tannin layer , periderm and epidermis from the inner to the outer side .