
  1. 这孩子撕下一页书。

    The boy tore a page out of the book .

  2. 把一页书好好消化,胜过匆匆阅读一本书。

    Digesting a page of book carefully is better than reading a book hurriedly .

  3. 对每一页书重复这一过程,直到你完成当天的阅读。

    Repeat this process for every page until you are done reading for the day .

  4. 每晚睡前读一页书

    Read One Page Before Bed Every Night

  5. 这真像翻了一页书似的。

    It seemed to him just as if one turned over a leaf in a book .

  6. 她又翻过一页书。

    She turned another page over .

  7. 朱太太:刻一页书要花费的时间太长。

    MRS ZHU : It took a very long time to carve a page for a book .

  8. 当你翻开每一页书时,你在进行动量传递。你的动能有一部分引起书页加速,从静止到翻转。

    Some of your kinetic energy has caused the page to accelerate from rest and to flip over .

  9. 有一页书角是折着的,上面一首诗的旁边有个铅笔星号。

    The corner of one page was turned down , and there was a penciled star by one of the poems .

  10. 那些蜷曲在这毒气熏人的洞里的黑手指从不翻一页书,也从不打开一张报纸。

    Never have the fingers of night which contract beneath this stifling ceiling , turned the leaves of a book nor unfolded a newspaper .

  11. 读一页书需要十次、二十次地翻词典查参考书,就会让读者生厌。

    The need to turn to a dictionary or a reference book , perhaps ten or even twenty times a page , tires the reader out .

  12. 如果你每夜睡前读一页书,那么到了年底,你就读了一本365页的书。

    If you read one page every night before going to bed , you would be done with a 365-page book by the end of the year .

  13. 文学“审美意识形态”与“审美意识形式”之论争的核心内容之一,是对于马克思“一页书”迥异的阐释;

    The core of the controversy between " Aesthetic Ideology " and " Aesthetic Consciousness Form " is the different interpretation of Marx 's one page of book .

  14. 他很少读下来一页书,睡意就迅速而平静地袭来了,好像是知觉的神秘的增强,而不像是任何变幻而转入另一世界。

    Rarely did he read more than a page of it before sleep came swiftly and peacefully , more like a mystic intensifying of perception than any changeful entrance into another world .

  15. 前边一页是这本书的序言。

    The preface to this book is on the preceding page .

  16. 实际上,那是一本900页的书。

    Actually , it 's more like a900-page book .

  17. 我是完全应付不来,我觉得一周读完一千页书是不可想象的,

    I was completely overwhelmed and thought that reading 1000 pages a week was unimaginable ,

  18. 京晶:等等,让我弄明白你的意思:我晒的是我花了20年读了一本817页的书?

    So , let me get this straight : I 'd be showing off that it took me twenty years to get through a 817-page book ?

  19. 当然,董贝先生说道,然后在那里坐了一个钟头,眼看着那一页书,但却一个字也没有读进去。

    ' Of course , ' said Mr Dombey ; and sat looking at one page for an hour afterwards , without reading one word .

  20. 而萨内蒂对MBA的抨击与他们有所不同。差别在于,她拥有一家欧洲名牌商学院的学位,却又决定写一本232页的书,设法利用这本书说服他人放弃过去60-70年来教育业经营最成功的学位——MBA。

    But what makes her MBA bashing somewhat different is that she has a degree from a prominent European business school and has decided to write a 232-page book trying to convince others to pass on the MBA , the most successful degree in the education industry in the last 60 to 70 years .