
jiǔ qǔ qiáo
  • a zigzag bridge;Bridge of Nine Turnings;Nine-Zigzag Bridge
  1. 紧接着,我们穿过城隍庙,来到荷花池,沿着九曲桥漫步,一路上有很多卖精美手绢的店铺。

    We wended through the City God Temple , with its many shops of marvelous handicrafts connected by a zigzag bridge around a lotus pond .

  2. 你看到了那边的红色九曲桥了吗?

    Don 't you see that red zig-zag bridge over there ?

  3. 昨天去了一次西湖九曲桥,风景真美。

    Yesterday went to a Xihu zigzag bridge , the scenery has been reallybeautiful .

  4. 曲桥设有低栏杆,西湖上的九曲桥就属此桥。

    The winding bridge has low balustrades . The Jiuqu Zigzag Bridge on west lake is one of them .

  5. 用九曲桥(实际上弯成一系列直角)连接岛屿的典型中国风格来实施景观美化。

    It is landscaped in typical Chinese style with the Nine-Bend Bridge ( actually bent in a series of right angles ) linking the islets .

  6. 不是外滩的大全景或者豫园的九曲桥,而是一条伴随着葱郁的法国梧桐的老街。

    It was not the grand Bund views or the winding bridges at Yu Garden , but some old street views with lushy French Platanus .

  7. 你知道,这个小岛上有很多亭堂,还有一些小品,一般表现为花园,全部由九曲桥连接。

    You know , on the islet there are many pavilions and halls and other small features that usually characterize gardens , all joined together by a nine-bend bridge .

  8. 菽庄花园的游览主线是九曲四十四桥,蜿蜒曲折,横跨海上。

    Sightseers at the park usually follow the winding route made up of nine turns and forty-four bridges that span an inlet of the sea .

  9. 上午是颇具挑战性的拓展训练内容,包括霹雳滚桶、魔鬼车轮、木桩功夫桥、铁锁吊桥、一线铁锁桥、九曲独木桥、踏水无痕、向风起舞、铁甲四强等项目。

    In the morning , They did some physical skill training on the water , including magic wheels , tumbling barrels , swinging bridges , steel nets , floaters and many other interesting and challenging items .