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  • 网络mortar rubble
  1. 在城市拆除爆破中,用小孔爆破法拆除重心很低、支承面大的浆砌片石构筑物难度很大。

    It is difficult to demolish structure which has lower height of gravity center , larger supporting surface and mortar rubble with demolition blasting in city .

  2. 低重心大支承面浆砌片石构筑物拆除爆破技术

    Demolition blasting technology for lower height of gravity center , larger supporting surface and mortar rubble structure

  3. 该材料具有造价低(如果将该材料作为护坡材料代替浆砌片石或混凝土,可节约造价1/2~1/3)、强度高(无侧限抗压强度为2~10MPa)、施工快速简易等优点。

    The cost may be reduced by one half to one-third . It has higher compressive strength ( unconfined com-pressive strength is 2 ~ 10MPa ), simple and quick in construction .

  4. 浆砌片石挡土墙开裂分析及处治措施

    Analysis of the Crack of Mortar Rubble Earth-retaining Wall and Treatment Measures

  5. 浅论浆砌片石防护工程的施工管理

    Construction quality of mortar flagstone in protection works

  6. 高浓度悬沙层和浮泥层?利用钢轨桩加固浆砌片石后背的施工设计

    Construction Design of using Rail Pile to Reinforcement posterior of Chip Stone by mud fluid

  7. 现场试验表明,采用本文所提出的加固方案在边坡稳定、经济和美观绿化方面均优于原防护方案(浆砌片石窗口式护坡)。

    Field test shows that the method of reinforcement is better than the method of the previous prevention .

  8. 弹性反射波频谱分析对比法检测浆砌片石挡墙质量

    Examining Quality of Retaining Wall Made of Mortar and Stones by Means of Comparing Spectrum of Elastic Reflection Wave Frequncy

  9. 通过参与大新高速公路边沟全过程的施工实践,就如何作好高速公路浆砌片石沟防护内在质量与外观质量谈些看法。

    Combined with the construction practice , the paper discussed the quality of stone drain protection , and proposed some advice for reference .

  10. 加筋土干垒块挡土墙是西方比较流行的一种挡土墙结构形式,与传统的钢筋混凝土或浆砌片石挡土墙相比,其外形美观、施工便捷且可降低整体造价。

    Reinforced segmental retaining wall , a wall structure popular in western countries , is of good appearance , easy construction and low cost in comparison with the traditional RC or stone retaining wall .

  11. 根据安徽省南部山区公路建设中高陡边坡失稳和地质的具体情况,采用了浆砌片石拱型护坡,以加固和稳定边坡;

    Considering Anhui Province southern mountain area road construction high and steep slope lose steady with concrete conditions of geology , in this paper , we adopt thick liquid build blocks of stone bank protection of joining etc.

  12. 主要介绍皖南山区采用浆砌片石护坡、支撑渗沟、喷射混凝土锚杆、浆砌片石护面墙等方法联合加固公路深路堑边坡的成功经验。

    This paper mainly introduces the experience of success in reinforcing deep road graben slope by joint methods such as building protecting slope with pulp and stone pieces , supporting seeping grooves , jetting concrete to anchor , forming protection wall , etc.

  13. 针对浆砌片石防护工程施工中存在的实际问题,结合有关技术规范和施工经验,阐述了浆砌片石砌体的砌筑方法及质量评定方法,并提出一些砌体缺陷的处理方法。

    In view of the problems encountered in the construction process of mortar flagstone in protection works , according to the related technical specification and experiences practical masonry skill and quality evaluation method are elaborated ; in addition several measures are proposed for defect treatment .

  14. 我国公路建设因开挖留下大量的岩质边坡,以往大多采用浆砌片石、拱型骨架等方法防护,在生态环境保护意识不强的年代是行之有效的。

    China leave lots of rock slope due to the excavation for highway construction , in the past most of it were protected with mortar-rubble skeleton , arch skeleton , etc. , which is effective measures in the era of lacking awareness of ecological and environmental .