
  • 网络Russian Cup
  1. B:你可以通过阅读报纸和杂志来收集信息。你也可以谈谈最近正在举行的俄罗斯世界杯。

    B : You can collect the information by reading newspapers and magazines . And you can also talk about the World Cup in Russia these days .

  2. 本届俄罗斯世界杯期间,C罗、莱昂内尔.梅西和哈里.凯恩有望高居射手榜榜首。

    Cristiano Ronaldo , Lionel Messi and Harry Kane are among the players hoping to be top scorer at the 2018 World Cup in Russia .

  3. 在主客场双循环比赛过后,该小组的前两名将会直接进军2018年俄罗斯世界杯,而第三名则会与B小组的第三名进行附加赛。

    The top two of the group will advance to Russia 2018 directly after a home-and-away round-robin , and the third finisher will have a playoff against its counterpart in Group B.

  4. 国际足联道德委员会裁决小组主席汉斯-约阿希姆•埃克特(Hans-JoachimEckert)得出结论,没有理由重启2018年俄罗斯世界杯以及2022年世界杯的申办过程。

    Hans-Joachim Eckert , chairman of the adjudicatory chamber of Fifa 's ethics committee , concluded that there was no reason to reopen the bidding process for the 2018 tournament , awarded to Russia , and the 2022 World Cup .

  5. 国际足联公布的数据显示,中国球迷已购买约3.7万张俄罗斯世界杯门票。

    Figures released by FIFA show football fans in China have bought almost 37000 tickets to the Russian World Cup .

  6. 英格兰足球队队长韦恩·鲁尼上周二表示,自己将在2018年俄罗斯世界杯后退出英格兰队。

    England captain Wayne Rooney said last Tuesday he will end his England career after the 2018 World Cup in Russia .

  7. 世界杯还没开赛,尼日利亚队就已经赢了——成为俄罗斯世界杯最时尚球队。

    The World Cup has not started yet and Nigeria has already won -- for being the most stylish team in Russia .

  8. 在一则赞助商的广告中,内马尔承认自己在俄罗斯世界杯期间被侵犯后的表现有些夸张。

    Neymar is using a sponsor 's ad to admit he exaggerated some of his reactions after being fouled during the World Cup in Russia .

  9. 在俄罗斯世界杯上,莫德里奇带领克罗地亚队史上首次打入决赛,并夺得“世界杯金球奖”。

    Modric spearheaded Croatia into the World Cup final for the first time in history in Russia , winning the tournament 's Golden Ball himself .

  10. 但一些球迷认为,他们的注意力应该放在努力晋级2018年俄罗斯世界杯上,而不是放在推动政治议程上。

    But some fans believe their focus should be on trying to qualify for the 2018 World Cup in Russia rather than pushing political agendas .

  11. 来自中国的赞助为国际足联提供了亟需的支持,该组织正艰难地在明年俄罗斯世界杯之前争取商业合作伙伴。

    Endorsements from China have provided welcome support for Fifa , which has struggled to secure commercial partners before next year 's World Cup in Russia .

  12. 在近日俄罗斯世界杯墨西哥队首场出战对阵德国队的比赛中,墨西哥球员伊尔文?洛萨诺攻入唯一进球,墨西哥球迷们无法抑制他们内心的喜悦。

    Mexican football fans could hardly contain their joy when Hirving Lozano scored a goal against Germany in Mexico 's opening game of the World Cup .

  13. 美国今年夏天将不会参加俄罗斯世界杯比赛,因为他们的男足国家队并没有进军决赛圈的足够的实力。

    The U.S. won 't be playing in the World Cup competition in Russia this summer because its men 's team wasn 't strong enough to advance .

  14. 在长达一年的主客场双循环赛过后,小组的前两名将会直接入围俄罗斯世界杯,而第三名则将会和A小组的第三名进行附加赛。

    After the one-year-long round-robin home-and-away competitions , the top two finishers will advance to Russia directly and the third finisher will have playoff with its counterpart in Group A.

  15. 这位现年30岁的曼彻斯特联队前锋向记者表示:“我觉得俄罗斯世界杯举办之际将是我告别国际足坛之时,我已下定决心。”

    The 30-year-old Manchester United striker told reporters : " Come Russia I feel that will be the time to say goodbye to international football . My mind is made up . "

  16. 俄罗斯世界杯16强淘汰赛中,巴西队以2比0击败墨西哥队挺进8强,而巴西队前锋内马尔则因在拼抢中摔倒得过于夸张而遭到非议。他为自己辩解说:“我真的感到很痛。”

    Brazil forward Neymar has defended himself against accusations he over-acted after a challenge during the 2-0 World Cup last-16 win over Mexico , saying : " I just feel the pain . "

  17. 该机构负责监控地震活动,推特中说:“墨西哥城发生的这场人造地震源自俄罗斯世界杯墨西哥队对阵德国队的比赛中墨西哥队进球时的狂欢庆祝。”

    The tweet by the institute , which monitors seismic activity , reads : " Artificial quake in Mexico City due to celebration of goal by the Mexican team in the game against Germany during the 2018 World Cup in Russia . "

  18. 他又进一步推测,导致他被捕的这次刑事调查的第二个目的是逼迫俄罗斯放弃世界杯。俄罗斯将主办2018年的世界杯。

    He then speculated further that a second goal of the criminal investigation that has ensnared him was to force Russia to give up the World Cup , which it is hosting in 2018 .

  19. 他又进一步推测,导致他被捕的这次刑事调查的第二个目的是逼迫“俄罗斯放弃世界杯”。俄罗斯将主办2018年的世界杯。

    He then speculated further that a second goal of the criminal investigation that has ensnared him was to force " Russia to give up the World Cup , " which it is hosting in 2018 .

  20. 另外,瑞士检方也在调查俄罗斯和卡塔尔世界杯贿赂案。

    Separately , Swiss prosecutors are also investigating the awarding of the Russia and Qatar World Cups .

  21. 俄罗斯的2018世界杯申办工作开始放任自流了,因为工作的负责人们担心自己成为运动的受害者。

    Russia's2018 World Cup bid appeared to be in free fall today as campaign leaders hinted they feared becoming the victim of a pincer movement .

  22. 作为这项调查的一部分,瑞士警方和司法部将对10名在2010年参与俄罗斯和卡塔尔世界杯主办权表决投票的国际足联执委会委员展开问讯。

    As part of that investigation , the Swiss police and the attorney-general will question 10 members of the Fifa executive committee who took part in the vote for Russia and Qatar in 2010 .