
kǎi tè
  • Kate;Kate Middleton;Kate Winslet;Kite
  1. 凯特绝对是个一流选手。

    Kite is undoubtedly a class player .

  2. 谁会唱歌?艾达还是凯特。

    Who can sing songs , Ada or Kite .

  3. 凯特的话在布朗家就是金科玉律。

    Kate 's word was law in the Brown household .

  4. 我对凯特一点也不同情。

    I did not feel at all sympathetic towards Kate .

  5. 伊丽莎白这一角色由凯特∙布兰切特扮演。

    The part of Elizabeth was played by Cate Blanchett .

  6. 凯特结婚后仍用她娘家的姓。

    Kate kept her maiden name when she got married .

  7. 到35岁时,凯特的生物钟开始滴答作响。

    At 35 , Kate 's biological clock was ticking .

  8. 凯特决心成为时装界最高薪的超级模特儿。

    Kate is poised to become the highest-paid supermodel in the fashion world .

  9. “这儿?”凯特表示怀疑地说。

    ‘ Here ? ’ said Kate , incredulous .

  10. 凯特穿着新连衣裙转了一圈。

    Kate did a twirl in her new dress .

  11. 凯特拼命去夺抢劫者的枪。

    Kate grabbed for the robber 's gun .

  12. 凯特如实地谈了面临的任务。

    Kate spoke realistically about the task ahead .

  13. 我向凯特提起这个想法,她不反对。

    I mentioned it to Kate and she wasn 't averse to the idea .

  14. 凯特正忙着做家庭作业。

    Kate 's busy with her homework .

  15. 凯特感激地对他笑了笑。

    Kate gave him a grateful smile .

  16. 乔,这位是凯特。

    Jo , this is Kate .

  17. 凯特张口结舌。

    Kate was stumped for words .

  18. 她听凯特对这件丑事作何解释。

    She listened to Kate 's explanation of the sordid affair .

  19. 凯特已经邀请了艾伦和她一起过逾越节。

    Kate had invited Alan to spend the Passover with her .

  20. 莱恩5年前和凯特结婚了。

    Len tied the knot with Kate five years ago .

  21. 凯特笑了,又坐回到她的座位上。

    Kate laughed , and sank down again to her seat

  22. 凯特急于长大,渴望获取知识和经验。

    Kate was in a hurry to grow up , eager for knowledge and experience

  23. 说真的,凯特,我不知道你在说些什么。

    Honest , Kate , I don 't know what you 're on about .

  24. 凯特的薪水很高,她很喜欢她的工作。

    Kate was well paid and enjoyed her job

  25. 我敢保证你弄错了,凯特不是那个样子的。

    I 'm sure you 've got it wrong . Kate isn 't like that

  26. 凯特看上去仍旧面色苍白、营养不良。

    Kate still looks pale and underfed .

  27. 凯特的考试成绩非常优秀。

    Kate 's exam results were excellent .

  28. “你找到葆拉了吗?”——“很遗憾,没有,凯特。”

    ' Have you found Paula ? ' — 'I 'm afraid not , Kate . '

  29. 凯特意识到玛吉原先的那副冷酷表情其实是装出来的。

    Kate realized that the previous hard look on Maggie 's face had been a mask .

  30. “但是他没有任何理由。在所有人当中*”凯特的声音越来越轻。

    ' But he had no reason . He of all men * ' Kate 's voice trailed off .