
chén mò
  • silent;reticent;taciturn;wordless;uncommunicative
沉默 [chén mò]
  • (1) [silent;wordless] 一言不发的

  • 沉默啊,沉默啊!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。——鲁迅《纪念刘和珍君》

  • (2) [reticent;taciturn]∶不爱交谈的

  • 沉默寡言

沉默[chén mò]
  1. 通常都很沉默的史密斯夫人决定自己给总统写信。

    Mrs. Smith , normally a reticent woman , took it upon herself to write to the President .

  2. 从此,他变得更沉默了。

    He has become even more reticent since then .

  3. 你保持沉默,我们是否可以据此而推断出你不赞成?

    Can we deduce from your silence that you do not approve ?

  4. 沉默了很长时间她才开口。

    There was a long silence before she spoke .

  5. 她的话讲完后,接下来便是难堪的沉默。

    Her remark was followed by an embarrassed silence .

  6. 她出庭时行使了自己保持沉默的权利。

    When she appeared in court she exercised her right to remain silent .

  7. 在整个审讯过程中,他始终沉默以保持尊严。

    Throughout his trial he maintained a dignified silence .

  8. 我不知该把她的沉默看作是接受还是拒绝。

    I didn 't know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal .

  9. 她的沉默使他更加愤怒了。

    Her silence infuriated him even more .

  10. 她的沉默里充满了批评之意。

    Her silences were pregnant with criticism .

  11. 沉默似乎是上策。

    It seemed politic to say nothing .

  12. 在外界看来,公司在这个问题上保持沉默便是承认有罪。

    The company 's silence on the subject has been taken as an admission of guilt .

  13. 有一阵令人焦虑的沉默。

    There was a fraught silence .

  14. 一阵令人尴尬的沉默。

    There was an awkward silence .

  15. 接着沉默了一会儿。

    There followed a short silence .

  16. 她拿起电话,但对方只有不祥的沉默。

    She picked up the phone but there was an ominous silence at the other end .

  17. 他的沉默令我们心里发慌。

    His silence unnerved us .

  18. 被告人的沉默权对警方的权力是一种至关重要的抗衡。

    The accused 's right to silence was a vital counterbalance to the powers of the police .

  19. 沉默持续了很长时间,而我父亲看上去面带愧色。

    There was a long silence , and my father looked shamefaced .

  20. 电话那头出现了不祥的沉默。

    There was an ominous silence at the other end of the phone

  21. 索恩整理着一些本无须整理的文件,沉默还在延续。

    The silence lengthened as Thorne unnecessarily shuffled some papers .

  22. 亚历克斯的沉默伤害了她,让她不知所措。

    The silence from Alex had hurt and bewildered her .

  23. 当我们向大家寻求建议时,得到的只是一片死寂的沉默。

    When we ask people for suggestions we get a deafening silence .

  24. 政府收买工人让其保持沉默。

    The government bribed the workers to be quiet .

  25. 他们似乎认为应该对她的罪行保持沉默。

    They seem to think her crimes should be passed over in silence .

  26. 他要么陷入长时间的沉默,要么变得简慢无礼。

    He lapsed into long silences or became offensively off-hand

  27. 不知什么缘故,他最近十分沉默,有点异样。

    He 's been very quiet and withdrawn , sort of different , somehow

  28. 他们讥讽着,喊叫着,打破了惯常的那一分钟沉默。

    They interrupted the customary one minute 's silence with jeers and shouts .

  29. 沉默背后的骇人真相慢慢显露出来。

    The chilling facts behind this veil of silence were slow to emerge .

  30. 由于不确定这句话究竟是什么意思,赖尔选择了保持沉默。

    Unsure of the meaning of this remark , Ryle chose to remain silent