
  1. 看到男朋友平安回来,泪水顺着她的脸颊往下流。

    When she saw her boyfriend coming back safely , tears streamed down her cheeks .

  2. 他平安回来后,你就无忧无虑了。

    All your troubles will vanish away when he returns safely .

  3. 你平安回来了,我心里的石头才能落地。

    I won 't feel at ease until you come back safely .

  4. 我希望所有人能平安回来。

    I want all of our people back here safely .

  5. 你就放心吧,他会平安回来的。

    You 'd better believe , and he 'll come back safe .

  6. 这事你别想,我要我的船平安回来。

    Don 't even think about it . I want my boat back .

  7. 是我叔叔的事吗?他冲口而问,他平安回来了吗?

    Is it my uncle ? he blurted . Is he returned safe ?

  8. 看到你平安回来我们很高兴。

    We are feeling very happy to see you 've come back safely .

  9. 她向上帝祷告保佑她丈夫平安回来。

    She offered ( up ) a pray to God for her husband 's safe return .

  10. 很高兴你平安回来,情况怎样

    I 'm just glad you 're back . How did it go ? It went .

  11. 一路上多亏了同路人的帮助,我才能平安回来。

    It was due to my fellow travelers ' help all through the journey that I could come back safely .

  12. 但这次例外,他说:上帝保佑你平安回来。

    we think it is because they have to be tough . Not this time . He said , thank God you 're safe .

  13. 每当我们遇到胆小的孩子,我们都会对他说,两个月来,这枚戒指每天早晨都跟我飞一次,但它从没丢过,而且每次都带着我平安回来。

    Whenever we get a kid who 's afraid to ride , here ya go , this ring has ridden every morning with me for two months and I never lost it and it has always brought me back safe .

  14. 我们希望看到你每周一都平安的回来工作。

    We 'd like to see you back at work on Monday .

  15. 他从战场上平安地回来了。

    He came back safe from the war .

  16. 怎样都好,我平安地回来了,而且带着满满的记忆。

    Anyway , I came back this time for a big journey alone , safe and sound and with full memories .

  17. 他所有的儿子都从战争中平安无恙地回来了。

    All his sons returned safe and sound form the war .

  18. 韩佳:复卦说的就是高高兴兴地出门,平平安安地回来。

    The " Fu Gua " refers to happy journey and a safe and peaceful return .

  19. 米该雅说,你若能平平安安地回来,那就是耶和华没有借我说这话了。

    Micaiah declared , 'If you ever return safely , the Lord has not spoken through me . '

  20. 王如此说,把这个人下在监里,使他受苦,吃不饱喝不足,等候我平平安安地回来。

    And say , by the king 's order this man is to be put in prison , and given prison food till I come back in peace .

  21. 救援人员把登山的人都平安地救了回来。

    The rescuers brought the climbers back safe and sound .

  22. 侍应生旅途平安,早日再回来玩啊!

    Porter Have a safe trip and come back soon !

  23. 把我哥平平安安的带回来。

    And bring my brother back safely .

  24. 以色列说:“你去看看你哥哥们平安不平安,群羊平安不平安,就回来报信给我。”

    So he said to him , " go and see if all is well with your brothers and with the flocks , and bring word back to me . "

  25. 他父亲对他说:“去看看你哥哥们平安不平安,群羊平安不平安,就回来报信给我。”于是约瑟出了希伯仑谷,就往示剑去了。

    And he said to him , " Go , please , see whether it be well with your brothers , and with the flocks and bring me word again . " So he sent Joseph out of Hebron , and Joseph started toward Shechem .