
  • 网络platform structure
  1. 基于SOA架构的高速公路路政信息化平台结构设计

    Design of expressway management information platform structure based on SOA frame

  2. 利用Stewart平台结构特点,开发一种新型的六维力测量装置。

    It introduces a new instrument for measuring six-dimension force based on the stewart platform structure .

  3. net的平台结构,阐述了WINDOWSCE驱动的系统结构,对驱动中断处理过程进行了详细分析。

    Net platform , elaborates the driver architecture and interrupt handle of Windows CE .

  4. 制造业信息化中ASP应用服务平台结构探讨

    Approach to the structure of ASP applicational service platform in the informatization of manufacturing industry

  5. 基于自适应遗传算法的Stewart平台结构双目标优化设计

    Bi-objective optimization of structural parameters of the Stewart platform based on adaptive genetic algorithm

  6. 提出并设计了系统的总体功能结构框架、集成平台结构以及基于B/S模式的三层逻辑结构。

    The system architecture is designed and constructed , the system overall function model , integrated platform architecture and 3 tier logic structure based on B / S mode are carried out .

  7. 通过介绍3G彩铃的业务平台结构,描述业务平台的核心部分&业务服务器的功能。

    This paper first introduces the structure of 3G color ring back tone service platform , then describes the functions of MSC Server .

  8. 基于VFP的故障诊断测试软件平台结构及访问控制硬件接口模块设计

    Scheme of Testing Software Platform for Fault Diagnosis Base on VFP and Design of Hardware Platform Interface Module

  9. 为将来在中国建筑世界上最大的射电望远镜(FAST),提出了一种馈源刚性悬挂平台结构方案。

    A structural scheme of the stiff suspension platform for supporting the feed cabin of the FAST , which will be built in China and will become the largest radio telescope in the world , is presented in this paper .

  10. 针对基于Web技术的分布式平台结构,叙述了工作流特有的邮件系统表单链接和表单生成器(RG)的原理。

    To counter the Web-based distributed structure of the platform , the implementation of the specific mail system which supports document links and the working principle of the report generator ( RG ) are described .

  11. 为了实现对机载合成孔径雷达(SAR)数据的实时成像处理,提出了一种基于数据划分的机载合成孔径雷达实时成像处理系统的硬件平台结构,分析了它的优点和约束规则。

    In order to realize the real-time imaging for airborne synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ), the architecture of a data dividing based airborne SAR real-time imaging system is discussed , and its merits and constraints are analyzed .

  12. 由于Stewart平台结构稳定、紧凑,且精度高,因此特别适应于那些空间受限制或工作空间范围不大而负载却很大的工作场合。

    Stewart platform particularly suits the circumstances whose space is restricted or workspace is not big but load is big because of its stable structure , high precision , and compact structure .

  13. 本文对烟囱电动升模施工平台结构进行分析,建立有限元计算模型,利用ADINA计算软件,对施工平台的结构受力及位移进行计算,为施工平台的结构设计提供了参考依据。

    The calculation module has been established in this paper for finite element calculate structure in electrocution construct flate of chimney . With ADINA calculating software , the structural force and displacement have been putto analysis and the availability reference for structural designing of construction platform have been provided .

  14. 有限元分析在移车平台结构设计上的应用

    Application of finite element analysis in structure design of traverse table

  15. 海洋平台结构疲劳损伤与寿命预测方法

    Prediction approaches to structural fatigue damage and life of offshore engineering

  16. 基于因特网的海洋平台结构远程实时安全监测系统

    Remote Safety Monitoring System for Offshore Platform Structures Based on Internet

  17. 海洋平台结构损伤监测的传感器总线系统设计

    Sensor Bus System Design for Structure Damage Monitoring of Offshore Platform

  18. 卫星/INS组合导航仿真平台结构与仿真模型研究

    Study and Implementation of Satellite / INS Integrated Navigation Simulation Platform

  19. 惯性平台结构系统振动特性的实验分析与控制

    Experiment Analysis and Control of Vibration Properties for Inertial Platform Structure System

  20. 近海石油平台结构疲劳分析计算机程序系统

    Computer Program System for Offshore Petroleum Platform Structural Fatigue Analysis

  21. 多筒型基础平台结构基础单体刚度分析方法

    Stiffness analysis method of single bucket for multi-bucket foundation platform

  22. 自升式钻爆平台结构设计

    The Structure Design of a Self-elevating Drilling and Blasting Platform

  23. 春晓气田群井口平台结构形式研究

    Structure Type Study of Wellhead Platform in Chunxiao Gas Field

  24. 近海平台结构系统疲劳寿命计算方法

    Calculation Method of Fatigue Life for Offshore Platform Structual System

  25. 海洋平台结构防腐蚀检测技术

    The Survey Technology of Correction Protection for Offshore Platform Structure

  26. 海洋平台结构优化设计方法与软件

    Structural Design Optimization of Offshore Platforms : Methods and Software

  27. 单点系泊海洋导管架平台结构体系可靠性分析

    System reliability analysis for single point mooring jacket platform structures

  28. 海洋石油平台结构系统的疲劳寿命预测

    Fatigue life prediction of structure system of offshore oil platform

  29. 基于振动测试的海洋平台结构无损检测

    Nondestructive Damage Detection in Offshore Platform Structure Using Vibration Monitoring

  30. 环境激励下海洋平台结构模态参数识别与损伤诊断研究

    Structural Modal Parameter Identification and Damage Diagnosis of Offshore Platforms under Ambient Excitation