
qīnɡ hùn nínɡ tǔ
  • lightweight concrete
  1. 集料组成对次轻混凝土宏观性能影响的研究

    Study on the Influence of Aggregate Composition on the Macro-performance of Semi Lightweight Concrete

  2. 高强次轻混凝土的研究

    Research on High Strength Semi - Lightweight Concrete

  3. EPS轻混凝土配合比对其流动性与力学性能的影响

    ESP light concrete matching ratio affecting on the fluidity and its strong mechanism

  4. 研究了集料组成对次轻混凝土宏观性能的影响规律,通过调整集料组成配制出了密度在2200kg/m3左右,强度大于60MPa的次轻混凝土。

    In this paper , the influence of aggregate composition on the macro-performance of semi lightweight concrete was investigated .

  5. 采用掺加自配引气剂和掺合料技术,研究引气剂掺量、粉煤灰掺量、胶砂比、水灰比对EPS轻混凝土的流动性以及强度的影响。

    By mixing the self-matching air-entrancing agent and admixture technique , it researched on the effects of air entrancing quanlity , fly ash quanlity , mortar paste ratio , W / C on the fluidity and strength of EPS light concrete .

  6. 掺膨胀剂的次轻混凝土在湿养护阶段产生膨胀,其膨胀率随着湿养护时间的延长而增大,养护到21d以后其膨胀趋势变小。

    The semi-lightweight concrete with expanding agent will expand during humid curing condition . The expanding rate will increase with the time of curing , while the expanding trend will decrease after 21d .

  7. 稻壳不经预处理可制轻混凝土;

    Rice hull can be made of light concrete without pretreatment .

  8. 高温后全轻混凝土性能及其微观分析

    The Light-Wide Concrete Performance and Its Microscopic Analysis after High Temperature

  9. 混合型粗集料轻混凝土的微观结构(Ⅰ)

    Microstructure of Mixed Type Aggregate Lightweight Concrete (ⅰ)

  10. 次轻混凝土匀质性影响因素研究

    Influencing factors on homogeneous of specified density concrete

  11. 膨胀剂对次轻混凝土收缩的影响

    Shrinkage of semi-lightweight concrete with expanding agent

  12. 高性能轻混凝土的性质及其配合比设计的探讨

    A Study of the Performance and the Mixture Ratio Design of the High Performance Lightweight Concrete

  13. MA型轻混凝土的力学性能

    Mechanical performance of Ma light concrete

  14. 如将孔结构特性参数控制在一定范围内则可制成不易被碳化的轻混凝土。

    Controlling the pore structure characteristics parameter within a certain limitation it is possible to produce practically non-carbonated lightweight concrete .

  15. 在随后的干燥养护中,掺膨胀剂的次轻混凝土的收缩随着养护时间的延长而增大。

    In the subsequent dry curing condition , the shrinkage of semi-lightweight concrete with expanding agent will increase with the time .

  16. 论述了混合型细集料轻混凝土的微观结构及其转化特点。

    In this paper , the microstructures and its transformation characteristics of lightweight concrete with mixed type fine aggregates were discussed systematically .

  17. 提出了集料分离因子概念,根据分离因子取值可确定影响高强次轻混凝土匀质性的主要因素和解决匀质性应采取的关键技术措施;

    Raised the separation divisor of the coarse aggregate to determine the main factors and the key technical measures of the uniformity of HSSLC .

  18. 结果表明,高强次轻混凝土梁比轻集料混凝土梁的抗剪承载力有较大的提高,且比普通混凝土梁的抗剪强度大;

    The tests indicated that the ultimate shear strength of it was a little larger than normal-weight concrete beam 's , and larger than lightweight concrete beam .

  19. 次轻混凝土存在的主要问题是在凝结硬化前易出现分层离析现象,影响其力学性能和耐久性。

    The main defect of semi lightweight concrete is that it easily occurs lamination and segregation phenomena before concrete curdle , which will affect the mechanical property and durability of the concrete .

  20. 在混合型粗集料轻混凝土的微观结构(Ⅰ)对早期水化产物和结构特点进行全面分析和论证的基础上,进一步对后期的水化产物和结构特点进行了系统的研究和论述。

    Based on comprehensive analysis and demonstration to its early hydration product and structural characteristic in microstructure of mixed type coarse aggregate lightweight concrete , the paper researched and expounded on its correspondent final hydration product and structural characteristic .

  21. EPS轻骨料混凝土剪力墙体系墙体保温技术分析

    Analysis on insulation technology of EPS light aggregate concrete shearing wall system

  22. 提高EPS轻骨料混凝土强度的研究

    Research on improvement of strength of EPS light aggregate concrete

  23. 最后利用ANSYS分析栓钉抗剪刚度对不同强度等级的轻骨料混凝土组合梁的性能影响。

    Finally analysis of the use of ANSYS nail bolt shear stiffness of different intensity levels of lightweight aggregate concrete properties of composite beams .

  24. 运用ANSYS有限元软件进行仿真分析,验证栓钉抗剪刚度修正公式在钢-轻骨料混凝土组合梁应用中的可行性。

    The use of ANSYS finite element analysis simulation software to verify bolt shear stiffness correction formula nail at steel-lightweight aggregate concrete beams of the feasibility of the application .

  25. 结果表明,轻骨料混凝土的水分蒸发量随水灰比增大而增大,且蒸发速率在2h左右出现最大值。

    The results suggested that the water evaporation quantity in the concrete became larger with the increase of w / c , and water evaporation velocity reached maximum value around two hours .

  26. M-N相关曲线用于轻骨料混凝土圆形截面偏压构件截面的计算

    Application of M-N correlation curves to the calculation of a section of lightweight aggregate concrete circular section members under eccentric loads

  27. 高强轻骨料混凝土(HSLWC)的收缩性能是预应力HSLWC结构设计的重要参数。

    Shrinkage of high strength lightweight aggregate concrete ( HSLWC ) is an important parameter for the design of prestressed HSLWC structures .

  28. 试验表明,对于非预应力混凝土配筋梁,LC45轻骨料混凝土构件的开裂荷载及破坏荷载分别高于C45普通混凝土构件;

    From the test we known : for nonprestressed distributed steel beam , lightweight aggregate concrete beam 's cracking load and failing load all larger than normal concrete beam .

  29. 针对自密实轻骨料混凝土(SCLC)的力学性能与普通混凝土力学性能的差异,采用常规混凝土力学性能的试验方法,对SCLC的力学性能进行研究,得出了SCLC的一般力学性能结论。

    Directed against the differences in mechanical properties of self-compacting lightweight aggregate concrete ( SCLC ) and ordinary concrete , adopting ordinary testing ways in mechanical properties of concrete , the authors study mechanical properties of SCLC and draw the conclusions on mechanical conclusions of SCLC .

  30. 钢板与轻骨料混凝土组合梁试验研究

    Experimental Research of Steel Plate and Light Aggregate Concrete Composite Beams