
  1. 油气田中CO2腐蚀的预测模型

    Prediction models for co_2 corrosion of oil and gas fields

  2. 地热田中Rn、Hg分布模式及形成机理

    Distribution Model and Formation Mechanism of Rn , Hg Anomaly in the Geothermal Field

  3. 不同施肥处理与间作形式对带田中玉米产量及氮营养状况的影响不同茬口大豆根圈土壤pH值和氮营养分布的变化

    Effects of Fertilization and Intercrop Pattern on Yield and N Nutrition of Maize Effect of different rotation systems on soil pH and N nutrition distribution across soybean rhizosphere

  4. 结果表明,在转Bt基因棉田中,除棉蓟马外,其它主要非靶标害虫(主要是刺吸性害虫)的种群发生数量呈明显的上升趋势。

    The results showed that the population densities of non target pests in transgenic Bt cotton fields were obviously increased .

  5. 目前在很多低产井油田中,往往因使用现有的API规格的抽油泵而造成大马拉小车的资源浪费现象。

    Currently , in many low-yield wells in our country , waste of resources phenomenon taking an oil pump about " big horses pulling a handcart " often exists sometimes because of using the API specification pump .

  6. 在安倍晋三(shinzoabe)上任前几个月,田中教授就预测,中日双方将设法走出外交困局。

    Months before Shinzo Abe took office , Prof Tanaka was predicting that both sides would find a way out of the diplomatic dead end .

  7. 日本前高级外交官、现供职于日本国际交流中心(japancentreforinternationalexchange)的田中均(hitoshitanaka)表示,日本现在仅有50名军事维和人员,主要驻扎在以色列叙利亚边界的戈兰高地。

    Japan has just 50 military personnel in peacekeeping operations , mainly in the Golan Heights on the Israeli-Syrian border , according to Hitoshi Tanaka , a former senior diplomat now at the Japan Centre for international exchange .

  8. 科学家试图弄明白为何这种方式会起作用,在爱荷华州立大学试验田中,MattLiebman复制了其中很多做法。

    Scientists are trying to understand why his practices are working . Matt Liebman has copied many of them at his research fields at Iowa State University .

  9. Schwerin市的警方称,周四一位18岁的司机在无法摆脱追赶的警车后将车开入田中后并弃下被盗的那辆SUV。

    Police in Schwerin say the18-year-old abandoned a stolen SUV he was driving Thursday after failing to shake off a chasing patrol car by driving into a field .

  10. 小麦田中天线高度对2.4GHz无线信道传播特性的影响

    Impact of antenna height on propagation characteristics of 2.4 GHz wireless channel in wheat fields

  11. 研究了141Ce在模拟水稻田中的迁移、积累和分布。

    The transport , accumulation and distribution of 141 Ce in a simulated paddy were studied .

  12. 转基因水稻田与常规水稻田中土壤动物群落的密度、类群丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Simpson优势度指数和密度&类群指数之间均没有显著差异(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant differences in community density , group richness , Shannon-Wiener index of species diversity , Pielou index of evenness , Simpson index of dominance and density-group index between Bt transgenic rice and non-Bt transgenic rice ( P0.05 ) .

  13. 农用地膜使用后,其表面出现龟裂、分层现象。黑龙江地区温室大棚、蔬菜田和作物田中土壤残留地膜的平均水平分别为4122.3、3660.1和2497.3g·hm-2;

    In the sampled areas of Heilongjiang Province , the residue levels were 4 122.3 , 3 660.1 and 2 497.3 g · hm-2 in greenhouse fields , vegetable fields and crop fields , respectively .

  14. 三得利的子公司Florigene培育的蓝色玫瑰开始了首次野外栽培试验,田中博士正在对试验密切观察。

    Dr Tanaka is currently overseeing the first field trials of a blue rose developed by Suntory 's subsidiary , Florigene .

  15. 试验结果表明,10%博邦水分散剂在贵阳花溪的西瓜田中施用后,在土壤中的消解半衰期为17.6d;

    The results indicated that the half-life is 17.6d in soil and 1.9d in whole watermelons in Guiyang , Huaxi China .

  16. Mirai首席工程师田中良和(YoshikazuTanaka)表示,这款汽车提供了“一条通向更美好、更安全、更清洁未来的道路”。Mirai在日语中的意思是“未来”。

    Yoshikazu Tanaka , chief engineer of the Mirai - which means " future " in Japanese - said the vehicle offered " a pathway to a better , safer and cleaner future . "

  17. 农业科学家已经在试验田中取得某些成就。

    In test fields , agricultural scientists have done somewhat better .

  18. 田中老大!你这疯狂的举动是什么意思?

    Boss tanaka ! What 's the meaning of this outburst ?

  19. 氚水在模拟水稻田中的动力学行为

    The kinetic behaviour of tritium water in the simulated paddy

  20. 日本田中沥青拌和站除尘系统的改进

    Improvement of dust removal system in TANAKA asphalt mixing station from Japan

  21. 大洼油田中、新生界火山岩的测井识别方法

    Logging Recognition Method of Mesozoic and Cainozoic Group Volcanites in Dawa Oilfield

  22. 长期施肥对五氯酚在红壤性水稻田中消解的影响研究

    Effect of Long-Term Fertilization on Dissipation of Pentachlorophenol in Red Paddy Field

  23. 田中:什么是美国联邦储蓄系统?

    Tanaka : What is meant by the term Federal Reserve System ?

  24. 在确定田中系数时,采用了试选法。

    The trying selecting method has been used when determining evaluation coefficient .

  25. 水氦测量在漳州地热田中的应用效果

    Application results of helium content measurement in water in Zhangzhou geothermal field

  26. 试论拟除虫菊酯类农药在水稻田中的应用

    Evaluation of the Application of Pyrethroid Pesticides in Rice Field

  27. 农人把种子分散地撒在地上,是希望种子在不同的田中生长;

    A farmer sows the seed where he wants it to grow .

  28. 早上好,田中先生,您好吗?

    Hi , good morning , Mr Tanaka . How are you ?

  29. 并在水稻田中进行雾滴分布均匀性和沉积量的测定。

    Also determine spray deposition uniformity and The deposit amount of fogdrops .

  30. 放射性钴在模拟水稻田中的迁移模型

    A transference model of radioactive cobalt in simulated paddy