
  1. 采用热分析及气相色谱方法研究了Pd/C催化松香脱氢反应的最佳温度和反应时间。

    The best reaction temperature and time of the Pd / C catalytic dehydrogenation of rosin was stud-ied by thermal analysis and gas chromatograph .

  2. IR,1HNMR,13cNMR光谱和单晶衍射证实了包结化合物的形成及其晶体结构,并且用气相色谱方法(GC)评价了选择分离效果。

    Inclusion compound crystal structure was confirmed by IR , 1H NMR , 13C NMR spectra and single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis . GC method was used to assess the isolation effect .

  3. 方法:以40%CCl4腹部皮下注射的方法复制CCl4性脂肪肝大鼠模型。用气相色谱方法测定血清游离脂肪酸谱。

    METHODS : Drug-induced fatty liver rat models were built by injection 40 % CCl_4 . Serum free fatty acids were analyzed by gas chromatography .

  4. 本文建立了同时测定谷物中二种单端孢霉烯族毒索&DON和NIV的简便、灵敏的气相色谱方法。

    A simple , rapid and sensitive method has been developed for simultaneous determination of two trichothecene mycotoxins , deoxynivalenol ( DON ) and nivalenol ( NIV ) in cereals .

  5. 此外,还把蔗糖硬脂酸酯制成易挥发衍生物,建立了分析其组成的气相色谱方法。

    In addition , gas chromatogram analysis method of SE was established .

  6. 实验中建立了全面控制冰片质量的气相色谱方法。

    A gaschromatographic method is established for the all-round quality control of borneolum .

  7. 方法:采用高压气相色谱方法。

    Methods : Hight pressure gas chromatogram was adopted .

  8. 研究了测定鱼藤酮制剂中的鱼藤酮含量的气相色谱方法。

    A gas chromatography method for determination of rotenone in formulated rotenone products was investigated .

  9. 丙烯酮醇和丙烯酮乙酸酯对映体分析的气相色谱方法研究

    Development of Gas Chromatographic Method for Chiral Analysis of Acrylic Ketone Alcohol and Acrylic Ketone Acetate

  10. 采用气相色谱方法分析了聚合物锂离子蓄电池各个化成阶段的气体组成;

    Gas compositions of polymer lithium ion battery ( PLIB ) were analyzed at different forming stages .

  11. 研究了测定植物性食品中锐劲特残留的气相色谱方法。

    A method for the determination of fipronil in phytogenic food by using GC / ECD was developed .

  12. 建立了测定头孢呋辛钠中有机溶剂乙醇、丙酮及正己烷残留量的顶空气相色谱方法。

    A headspace GC method for determination of residual ethanol , acetone and hexane in cefuroxime sodium was established .

  13. 建立烟草提取物中二十八烷醇含量检测的气相色谱方法。

    A method was established for determination of Octacosanol in remainder of solanesol extractant by remainder of solanesol extractant .

  14. 为检测猪可食用组织中氯霉素和甲砜霉素残留,建立了同时检测这两种残留药物的气相色谱方法。

    A Gas Chromatography method was developed to simultaneously determine chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol residues in edible tissues of swine .

  15. 本文用毛细管气相色谱方法测定了燕麦畏在土壤、麦秆和麦粒中的残留量。

    A GC method for the detemination of triallate residues in soil 、 barley straw and barley grain is described .

  16. 目的:建立了测定马来酸氟伏沙明中有机溶剂乙腈与甲苯残留量的顶空进样气相色谱方法。

    Objective : A GC headspace injection method for the determination of residual acetonitrile and toluene as organic solvents in fluvoxamine was established .

  17. 建立了检测小麦、玉米和稻谷中溴氰菊酯残留量的固相萃取-毛细管柱气相色谱方法。

    The capillary column gas chromatography and solid phase extraction was established for detection of deltamethrine residue in wheat , corn and rice .

  18. 方法:通过气相色谱方法对采集样品中DON含量进行检测,并结合膳食暴露评估方法进行分析。

    Methods : Detecting the DON contents in cereal samples by GC-ECD and analyzing the DON reveals amounts with the estimate methods of meals .

  19. 目的建立以内标工作曲线法为定量方式的测定血液中乙醇含量的顶空气相色谱方法。

    [ Objective ] To develop a headspace gas chromatography ( GC ) method for detecting blood alcohol concentration ( BAC ) with internal standard working curve method ( ISTD ) .

  20. 建立了不经馏分切割、直接测定宽馏分混合油样中柴油馏分的饱和烃和芳烃含量的固相萃取/气相色谱方法。

    A solid extraction / gas chromatography method was established for the determination of the contents of saturates and aromatics in diesel fraction prior to cutting the fraction from wide-boiling cuts .

  21. 最后,使用气相色谱方法测定了油样中的脂肪酸含量,从边界润滑的角度对生物柴油润滑性能的原因进行了初步的分析。

    At last , the free fatty acid in the fuels are analyzed by gas chromatograph and the results provides the reasons for the lubricity of biodiesel in the perspective of boundary lubrication .

  22. 本文通过含有不同浓度的铜、铅、砷、镉4种重金属的大豆、小麦盆栽试验,采用气相色谱方法测定土壤微生物酶活性。

    Planting soybean and wheat with different concentrations of heavy metals ( Cu , Pb , As , and Cd ) in soil affected some soil microbial enzyme activity , determined by gas chromatography .

  23. 裂解C5气相色谱分析方法研究

    Analysis Method Study on Cracking C _5 by Gas Chromatography

  24. 干洗场所空气中TCE、PCE气相色谱测定方法研究

    A Method for Study TCE , PCE in the Air of Workplace

  25. 建立了精制环己酮中C6~C7直链酮的气相色谱分析方法。

    GC method of C 6 ~ C 7 linear chain ketone in purified cyclohexanone was established .

  26. 工作场所空气中氯乙烯用FID与ECD气相色谱测定方法的比较研究

    Research and comparison of determining chloroethylene in air of workplace by gas chromatography , ECD and FID

  27. 本文研究了水中微量三氟乙酸(TFA)的衍生化-气相色谱检测方法。

    This study was focused on the determination of trace trifluoroacetic acid ( TFA ) with derivation-gas chromatography .

  28. 含EBT、胺菊脂及氯菊酯的杀虫混剂同柱气相色谱分析方法研究

    Determination on the Same Column for Mixed Formulation Contained EBT , Tetramethrin , Permethrin By Gas Chromatography

  29. 建立了环境大气中MTBE活性炭吸附、二硫化碳溶剂解吸的气相色谱测定方法。

    A method based on gas chromatography following CS2-solvent desorption was established to determine ambient air MTBE sampled by active carbon ( AC ) .

  30. 采用静态密闭箱/气相色谱分析方法对长白山阔叶红松林两个样地的N2O排放通量进行了测定。

    The soil N 2O emission fluxes in the two plots of broad-leaved Korean pine forest were measured by static closed chamber-gas chromatograph in Changbai Mountain .