
  • 网络transmitting station;sending station;forwarding station
  1. 在数据传输中,接收站采取行动使发送站终止传输工作。同interruption。

    In data transmission , to take an action at a receiving station which causes the transmitting station to terminate a transmission .

  2. 发送站发送一个ENQ字符,接收站在接收到该字符后发送出一个ACK0控制字符表示认可。

    The transmitting station transmits an ENQ character , and the receiving station acknowledges the receipt of the ENQ character by sending an ACK0 control character .

  3. CAN总线上的智能节点是网络上报文的接收和发送站,一般由单片机和可编程的CAN通信控制器组成。

    The smart node on CAN field-bus is the transmit or receive station of messages . It is mainly combined with micro-controller and programmable CAN controller .

  4. 极值段的长度和极值段的中值受位误码率、发送站点数、信道发送速率这3个因素的影响。

    The length of the optimum range and its median is infected by the channel parameters such as bit error rate , contenting station number and the transmit rate of the channel .

  5. 只有SIPservlet能发送出站Web服务消息

    Only the SIP servlet can send outbound Web service messages

  6. 根据低级模型中的事件定义发送出站事件。

    Send an outbound event based on that event definition from the low-level model .

  7. 发送出站请求

    Sending the outbound request

  8. 科学家们确信,我们获得太阳能的最好办法是发送太空站到外层空间去收集。

    Scientists believe that the best way for us to get solar energy is to collect it in outer space by sending a space station there .

  9. 在此场景中,需要提前执行一些自动处理工作(初始检查),然后才能发送出站消息,向客户请求更多的信息。

    In this scenario some automatic processing ( Initial Checks ) is performed before an outbound message needs to be sent to request additional information from the customer .

  10. 如果适用的话,中介还可以包括接收相关的入站响应消息,处理相关的响应消息,以及向请求者发送出站响应消息。

    If applicable , a mediation can also include receiving a correlated inbound response message , processing a correlated response message , and sending the outbound response message to the requester .

  11. 如果发送端站确定目的地址不在本地,该包就被送到第一跳路由器,一般来说,该路由器是在附近的,并已被预先分配给发送者。

    If the sending endstation determines that the destination address is not local , the packet goes to a first-hop router , typically one that is close and has been preassigned to the sender .

  12. 根据GPS测距和差分GPS定位原理,利用载波相位差分设备把采集的载波相位发送给用户站进行求差解算坐标,得到机动作战导弹火力单元的位置坐标。

    It is gained that the position of missile fire power cell , by user station calculating the carrier wave gathered by carrier wave equipment .

  13. RTK进行定位时,安装在参考站上的GPS接收机对所有可见的GPS卫星进行连续的观测,并将其观测到的数据,通过无线数据链路实时地发送给移动站。

    While the RTK system is working , the GPS receiver fixed on the base station is taking a continuous observation for all visible GPS satellites , and sending the real time observation data to the moving station over the wireless data link .

  14. 发送到出站复制伙伴的对象属性值数目。

    Number of object property values sent to outbound replication partners .

  15. 电力通过低压网络发送的附属站。

    A subsidiary station where electricity is transformed for distribution by a low-voltage network .

  16. 在同步数据链路控制规程中,从主站发送给次站的控制信息。

    In sdlc , the control information sent from the primary station to the secondary station .

  17. 确实要将这%1项发送到回收站吗?

    Are you sure you want to send these % 1 items to the Recycle Bin ?

  18. 机载观测资料自动发送系统自动站与人工站观测记录的差异分析

    Automatic Aircraft Reporting System Analysis and Correction of Observation Difference between Two Kinds of AWS and Man-observed Station in Shijiazhuang

  19. 与这个复制集成员相关的加入请求的入站伙伴的数目或准备加入通知发送的出站伙伴数目。

    The number of inbound partner join requests or outbound partner ready-to-join notifications sent to all partners associated with this replica set member .

  20. 该模型引入邮箱机制,作为消息发送的中转站,并防止消息追逐现象的出现;

    In this model , mailbox is used to be the transfer of message sending , which can also prevent the phenomenal of message chasing ;

  21. 双向工频通信系统的入站信号是指从用户端发送给子站的信号,入站信号由调制在电网负载电流波形上的电流脉冲表示,入站信号来自用户端(千家万户)。

    The check-in signal for two-way automatic communication system refers to the signal the user sent to the sub-station . Check-in signal , coming from the users , is displayed as current impulse modulated on the current waveform of the power network load .

  22. SOAPHttp侦听器接受消息并发送其到入站服务组件

    The SOAP Http Listener accepts the message and routes it to the Inbound Service component

  23. Customer角色显示了消息的响应接收者,后跟一些内部处理操作,然后作为响应发送一条出站消息。

    The Customer role shows the corresponding receipt of the message followed by some internal processing and then sending an outbound message as the response .

  24. 发送一个出站TCAPWeb服务请求

    Sending an outbound TCAP Web service request

  25. 通过一个便携式的监护仪器,对患者的心电信号采集、分析,并由GPRS无线模块发送至医院监测站监护软件,从而实现对心血管疾病患者心电信号长时间实时检测。

    Patients can wear a portable instrument to collect and analyze ECG data , and then send to monitoring soft by GPRS wireless module , to achieve real-time detection of ECG for a long time .

  26. 获取发送端口的出站转换的集合。

    Gets the collection of outbound transforms of a send port .

  27. 获取双向发送端口的入站转换的集合。

    Gets the collection of inbound transforms of a two-way send port .

  28. 在数据通信技术中,同时将数据发送给许多接收站的传输方式。

    In communications , the simultaneous transmission of data to a number of stations .

  29. 在这个示例中,发送服务器在出站登录模块中准备远程调用的令牌。

    In this case , the sending server prepares the token for the remote call in an outbound login module .

  30. 若要查看用户已发送到其回收站中的项目,请单击“最终用户回收站项目”。

    To view items that the user has sent to the recycle bin , click end user recycle bin items .