
  • 网络Waldorf education;Waldorf School
  1. 我相信这正是对我们的华德福教育工作的清晰表述。

    I believe this is what clearly captures our work with Waldorf Education .

  2. “面向自由的教育”是华德福教育最重要的原则之一。

    " Education Toward Freedom " is one of the most important principles of Waldorf Education .

  3. 除在家上学外,这些孩子经常在私立学校接受教育,比如专门教授中国传统国学的学校、教会学校或其他替代选择,如华德福教育(Waldorf)旗下的学校,该机构依照奥地利哲学家鲁道夫·史代纳(RudolfSteiner)的教育理念办学。

    Apart from homeschooling , such kids are often being educated in private schools , such as schools dedicated to the study of classic Chinese culture , church-run schools or other alternative institutions such as Waldorf schools , which operate according to the educational principles of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner .

  4. 他们欣赏在华德福教育环境中对思考和个人首创精神的培养。

    They appreciate the cultivation of thinking and individual initiative that takes place in a Waldorf environment .

  5. 华德福教育是德国人鲁道夫·史代纳根据自创的人智学理论创建的。

    Waldorf education was created by Rudolf Steiner , a German , according to his own theory & Anthroposophy .

  6. 华德福教育也必须在孩子心中唤起在现代生活中起主导作用的精神。

    What is to be the ruling spirit in this life must be aroused in the children by education and instruction .

  7. 华德福教育是由奥地利的鲁道夫·斯坦纳根据人智学理念而创立的较为完整并独立的教育体系。

    Waldorf Education is a more complete and independent education system which created by Rudolf Steiner from Austria based on the concept of Anthroposophy .

  8. 多年来,北美华德福教育联盟已经从北美地区各个高中收集到关于“离开华德福高中后的生活”的资料。

    For several years , AWSNA has collected information about " life after Waldorf high school " from the various high schools in North America .

  9. 切瑞先生在他最近的访问期间看到,自他去年九月来过广州后,我们的社群在华德福教育方面已经取得了很大的进展。

    I would just like to let you know that Benjamin Cherry in his recent visit saw that our community had made much progress since his visit in September .

  10. 对家长而言,这种自由表现在他们那些受过华德福教育的孩子们身上的一个非常重要的方式是,在他们离开华德福教育的生活中他们会有更多的选择机会,而非是更少。

    For parents , one of the most important ways in which this " freedom " can be manifested is in their Waldorf-educated child having more , rather than fewer options in their post-Waldorf educational life .

  11. 华德福学校教育所能带来的礼物对各人以及社区都是有益的。

    The gifts that a Waldorf high school education can bring are of benefit to the individual and the community .

  12. 主要研究观点如下:一、华德福幼儿园传统节日教育实践以人智学对人与世界关系的深刻理解为指导。

    The main points of this study are as follows : Firstly , The practice of traditional festivals education in Waldorf kindergarten under the guidance of the Anthroposophy theory , which has a profound understanding of the relationship between human and the world .