
  • 网络cahiers du cinema;Les Cahiers du Cinema
  1. 我在《电影手册》里读到。

    I read it in Cahiers Du cinema .

  2. 没人会将我的祖母米尔德丽德•西尔弗曼(MildredSilverman)误当作《电影手册》(CahiersduCinéma)的撰稿人,但在她所居住的纽约市布鲁克林区,她对各家电影院了如指掌,而且她能作出辛辣的影评。

    No one would confuse Mildred Silverman with a contributor to Cahiers du Cin é ma , but she knew her way around the movie theatres of her native Brooklyn - and she was capable of pungent film criticism .

  3. 安德烈·巴赞(AndreBazin)在他的《电影手册》里曾经这样说过&场面调度的力量对于影视制作是如此重要以至于它在电影理论上引发了一条重要的美学的和哲学的道路。

    Andre Bazin ( Andre Bazin ) used said in his " Film Guide " - " mise en scene " is a extraordinary important strength to movies and TV programs , it has shown us a significant path to the aesthetic philosophy .

  4. 因此,在安德烈·巴赞去世后,他继任《电影手册》的主编一职。

    Thus , after the death of Andre Bazin , he served as " Film Guide " editor in chief .

  5. 金扫帚奖是由影评人程青松和他的《青年电影手册》主办发起的,是唯一一个为年度最差影片颁发的奖项。

    Founded by film critic Cheng Qingsong and his Youth Film Handbook magazine , the Golden Broom is the only film award aimed at bad Chinese films .

  6. 虽然“金扫帚奖”自成立起并未得到来自政府或行业组织的任何干预,但《青年电影手册》主编兼该奖项的组织者程青松在接受《环球时报》采访时表示,“金扫帚奖”的最大困难便是缺乏赞助商支持。

    Though the Golden Broom event has not seen any interference from government or industry organizations since it was first established , Cheng Qingsong , chief editor of Youth Film Handbook and the awards ' organizer , told the Global Times that a lack of sponsors has been a problem .

  7. 针头这个词在《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》电影宣传手册中到处都是。

    The needle is all over the press book for The Hound of the Baskervilles .

  8. 一个由电影制作手册铅球彻底的基本知识,往往是上市铅球许多电影类的课程。

    A thorough manual on the basics of film production , Shot by Shot is often listed on many a film class 's syllabus .