
shēnɡ zhǎnɡ sù
  • auxin;growth hormone
  1. 生长素释放肽(Growthhormonereleasingpeptide,GHRP)是一种人工合成的促分泌肽类物质。

    Growth hormone releasing peptide ( GHRP ) is a synthetic secretagogue that promotes the release of growth hormone from the pituitary .

  2. 即使是低水平的生长素(0.05毫克/升NAA)也不利于芽的分化。

    Even if low level growth hormone ( 0.05 mg / 1 NAA ) was harmful to shoot differentiation .

  3. 当一植物对不平衡地施用生长素起反应时,总是产生乙烯。

    Whenever a plant responds to applied , i.e. , unbalanced , applications of auxin , ethylene is produced .

  4. HPLC分离测定大鼠血中促肝细胞生长素

    Separation and determination of prompting hepatic growth factor in rat serum by HPLC

  5. 促肝细胞生长素联合前列腺素E1治疗重度胆汁淤积55例

    Clinical Observation Therapeutic Effects of Recombinant Hepatocyte Growth-promoting Factors ( HGPF ) Plus PGE_1 on Severe Cholestasis

  6. 芒果生长素反应因子类蛋白的cDNA克隆和表达

    Identification of an Auxin Response Factor-like Protein cDNA from Mango Cotyledon Section

  7. 本文报道了植物生长素Q,C.对海带苗的影响试验。

    This article describes the effect of plant auxin Q. C. on Laminaria seedling .

  8. 以MS为基本培养基,添加一定量的植物细胞分裂素和生长素,进行12个桑品种的叶片培养。

    The leaves from 12 mulberry varieties were cultured on medium MS adding with cytokinin and somatotropin .

  9. PIN蛋白在生长素极性运输中的作用

    Role of PIN Proteins in Polar Auxin Transport

  10. 促肝细胞生长素与前列腺素E1联合治疗慢性乙型肝炎重度胆汁淤积62例疗效观察

    Therapeutic effects of hepatocyte growth-promoting factors and prostaglandin E_1 on the 62 cases of chronic hepatitis B accompanied by severe cholestasis

  11. 结论:MTT法适用于促肝细胞生长素的活性测定。

    CONCLUSION The MTT method is suitable for determining the biological activity of HGF .

  12. NAA对燕科1号愈伤组织分化起主要作用,细胞分裂素与生长素比例为3:1。

    And the ratio of cytokinin to auxin was 3:1 .

  13. 植物多效生长素和叠氮钠对切花中SOD活性的影响

    Effects of Plant Multi - Effect Growth Substance and Sodium Azide ( NaN 3 ) on SOD Activities in Cutting Flowers

  14. 生长素(IAA)和赤霉素(GA1+3)含量先下降,后保持低水平。

    IAA and GA1 + 3 contents first went down then kept low level .

  15. 植物激素在愈伤组织诱导和分化中起主导作用,且细胞分裂素(6-BA)与生长素(2,4-D,NAA)的适当配合有增效作用;

    The phytohormones play a significant role in callus induction and differentiation .

  16. 海带生长素IAA分离纯化及高效液相色谱分析

    Isolation and purification of auxin IAA from kelp and analysis by high performance liquid chromatography

  17. 生长素(IAA)生物鉴定方法的改良

    Improvement of a Method of IAA Bioassay

  18. AUX1/LAX蛋白是生长素运入载体,而PIN蛋白是生长素运出载体。

    AUX1 / LAX proteins are auxin influx carriers and the family of PIN-FORMED ( PIN ) proteins are efflux carriers .

  19. 生长素IBA和NAA共同作用促进根的生长。

    Auxin NAA combined with IBA can promote the growth of root .

  20. 4种浓度的植物生长素处理苗期的结球白菜反义BcpLH基因转化株后发现,IAA处理的转化株叶色变淡,叶片外卷。

    The leaves of transgenic seedlings treated with four concentrations of IAA exhibit yellow-green and revolute .

  21. 外源生长素对烟草髓愈伤组织分化和内源IAA含量的影响

    The Effects of Exogenous Auxins on Differentiation of Tobacco Pith Callus and Content of Endogenous IAA

  22. 试验做了生长素对比试验,其中NAA效果要好于IBA。

    Auxin contrast test test done , which NAA is better than IBA .

  23. 慢性肝炎患者促肝细胞生长素治疗后血清IL-6和IL-8结果分析

    Analysis of Serum Interleukin 6 and Interleukin 8 in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis by Hepatocyte Growth Promoting Factor Therapy

  24. 生长素基因Ghrelin对高邮鸭产蛋性能的遗传效应

    The Genetic Effect of Ghrelin Gene on Egg Performance in Gaoyou Duck

  25. 巢湖鸭生长素基因和垂体特异性转录因子1基因的PCR-SSCP检测

    PCR-SSCP Detection of Ghrelin and Pit-1 Gene in Chaohu Duck

  26. 激素种类生长素类以IAA为好,细胞分裂素类以Zeatin效果较好;

    The optimum kind of auxin and cytokinin was IAA and Zeatin ;

  27. 生长素释放肽对CLP小鼠介导ALI的保护作用与相关信号转导机制

    Effect of Ghrelin on CLP-induced ALI in Mice and the Signal Pathways Involved in the Modulation

  28. 当6-BA和生长素NAA配合使用时,壮苗效果较好;

    When 6-BA and NAA to match with the usage , strong seedling result is better ;

  29. 生长素极性运输(PAT)在植物生长发育尤其是极性发育和模式建成中起重要作用。

    Polar auxin transport ( PAT ) is critical in plant growth and development , especially polardifferentiation and pattern formation .

  30. 本文介绍使用毛细管气相色谱测定植物生长素&吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)含量的两个新方法。

    This paper describes two new methods about capillary gas chromatography to determine a plant hormone-indole-3-acetic acid ( IAA ) .